When Wang Xinyi took a bath, put on his bathrobe and went out of the bathroom, he casually cut his wet hair with his hands.

She was about to check whether there was a hair dryer in the TV cabinet in the living room in the suite. She saw Gu Yunting sitting leisurely on the sofa of the other side of the tea table

When Wang Xin Eaton was stunned, he looked at Gu Yunting strangely, "when did you come in?"

She looked at the front door of the suite. It was closed intact and locked. How did Gu Yunting get in?

"I've been waiting for you for a while!" Gu Yunting said leisurely.

Wang Xinyi quickly waved his hand, "wait! Gu Yunting, can you tell me that you came in?"

Gu Yunting pointed to the tea table with his eyes, "I have a key."

"You opened the hotel? And the key!"

"I didn't drive it, but I booked it."

Wang Xinyi looked at him speechless. You have money and you can do it!

"Then what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's late. I'm going to have a rest!"

"No hurry." Gu Yunting said faintly, then got up and walked towards Wang Xinyi.

He is also wearing a bathrobe, white, which is the same as that of Wang Xinyi. It is obviously the standard of the hotel.

Looking at Gu Yunting approaching himself, Wang Xinyi looked a little unnatural, "that... What's the matter with you?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Yunting came over and surprisingly didn't do anything, even his favorite hand.

His lips just moved slightly, and he heard a magnetic and beautiful male voice, "go to the roof, and I'll take you to see the night scene."

"Night view?!" Wang Xinyi looked at Gu Yunting somewhat inexplicably. "Is there anything special?"

Gu Yunting smiled and said nothing. He directly took Wang Xinyi's hand, then quickly opened the door and walked towards the elevator on the other side of the corridor.

"Gu Yunting, I haven't blown my hair or changed my clothes. I'm afraid it's not good to wear a bathrobe to see the night scene on the roof!"

"It's all right. There's a place to blow your hair. You don't have to change your clothes. You can sleep directly when you're tired."

Gu Yunting said that Wang Xinyi's face was a capital question mark. He said to himself, is there a place to blow his hair on the roof? And a place to sleep?

Most of the rooftops in my impression are gray cement floors. When was it so comprehensive?

After entering the elevator, Gu Yunting directly pressed the number of the top floor. Because it was very late, it was estimated that it was a little after zero. Therefore, no one came in the elevator all the way to the top. It was always Wang Xinyi and Gu Yunting.

However, they did not speak. In the middle of the night, they were alone, but there was no ambiguity.

After getting out of the elevator, I had to climb the stairs on the first floor, and then I completely went to the roof.

As soon as he arrived at his destination, Wang Xinyi hurried around. It was really a gray cement floor. What was the place to blow his hair and sleep.

"Gu Yunting, you lied..."

Before the voice fell, she heard a "buzzing" sound in the air not far away. She looked up in the dark sky.

It's a plane

Because Wang Xinyi hasn't been far away, his activities after leaving home are in Anzhou and Tongcheng. He usually takes high-speed rail and planes. He really hasn't taken it.

However, as the plane got closer and closer, she also found some differences. It was a private helicopte

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