Gu Yunting looked at her funny. Wang Xinyi was at a loss and pulled him. He was a very cute little woman.

"He said you look good, smile sweet and have a very friendly affinity."

"Really?" Wang Xinyi asked Gu Yunting uncertainly. The good words came out of his mouth and always felt strange. "He wouldn't say it ugly. Did you comfort me?"

Gu Yunting smiled arrogantly, "I also think he thinks like that in his heart, but he just doesn't dare to say it, so he can say it."

Hearing the speech, Wang Xinyi immediately raised his hand and gently hit Gu Yunting's arm, "you hurt me again!"

Gu Yunting smiled happily, and then took her to the front, "hurry up, the good play is about to begin."

When Gu Yunting pulled Wang Xinyi to a large T-stage, Wang Xinyi suddenly thought that Gu Yunting must know he wanted to go to fashion week and specially arranged it for himself.

Because it's not the time for fashion week at all. It happened to come after his birthday. Gu Yunting must have arranged it.

Mo Ming's heart was touched

Although Gu Yunting doesn't like to say it, everything he says really makes people tremble.

"Gu Yunting, how did you do it? Fashion week, it's amazing..."

"It's not a big deal. I have money and can't do it?"

"It means you invested? Who was the main designer invited?"

"Well... I don't know the main designer. I hired a famous one, but I don't like that industry. I'm not familiar with those people."

Wang Xinyi secretly rejoiced in his heart, "great, I want to take a group photo with every great God who came here today."

"OK, no problem!"

Gu Yunting arranged for Wang Xinyi and himself to sit in a better position. Before long, most of the lights in the field were turned off, and then the spotlight came on and shone straight on the T-stage.

Wang Xinyi looked at the stage with a serious face, but he didn't notice at all. At this time, a woman not far away was looking at herself with exploratory eyes

Although Gu Yunting arranged all this, he really didn't like these. Most of the time he was watching Wang Xinyi, but Muran felt that he had an unfriendly look, and he looked around conditionally.

There's nothing suspicious. Wang Xinyi has no enemies except those who offend him, let alone abroad.

When Gu Yunting looked at her, Xu Lin quickly leaned towards the crowd. Fortunately, she was not seen.

She knew Gu Yunting. Of course, she was afraid, but her mind was more on the intimate strange woman around Gu Yunting.

It's strange, but she looks like someone again, but Xu Lin knows that Su Nuo has been away for more than 20 years. She must have married and had children as early as now. Maybe she has died early and will come back.

However, that girl is really like suno. She has to make up carefully every time to look like suno before, but that girl can have that appearance with plain face.

How would such a woman react if her husband he Che saw her

However, depending on the age, it can't be suno at about 20. However, being her daughter is very suitable at this age.

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