Wang Xinyi was stunned. She didn't know how to answer. She felt that Mrs. he's makeup was her mother's imitation makeup. She was like her mother. In this way, it was natural.

However, Wang Xinyi always felt that Mrs. he's sudden enthusiasm was strange. I saw her once at the last dance, and I didn't think she was so familiar with others. Say that to a stranger.

Wang Xinyi smiled sweetly, "sister, you are so beautiful and have temperament, but I can't compare with you, let alone like you."

Mrs. he suddenly smiled brightly, "you call me sister. I'm your mother's age."

"Sister joked. You look only a few steps older than me."

Mrs. he smiled gracefully, "your little mouth is sweet. What's your last name?"

"Oh, my last name is Wang."

"Wang?!" Xu Lin recited several times in her heart. The poor ghost suno met seems to be surnamed Wang, not really

"Wang is my surname. I have something else to do, so I'll go first. It's fate to see you, sister Wang!" after that, Xu Lin walked towards the door of the bathroom.

She vaguely affirmed some previous guesses, but she couldn't help sneaking in to cover Wang Xinyi's words.

Seeing that Mrs. he had gone, Wang Xinyi stood in place for a while, and then went out and waited for his Gu Yunting.

As soon as she got to Gu Yunting's side, she told him about her encounter with Mrs. he in the women's bathroom.

Gu Yunting heard it in his heart, but he didn't reveal any thoughts in his heart. He directly told Wang Xinyi, "just be careful."

Now he finally knows that the previous show came from the eyes of the crowd. It must be Mrs. he. Moreover, I'm afraid it wasn't an encounter in the women's bathroom

Wang Xinyi looked at Gu Yunting uneasily. "Well... I always think Mrs. he is strange. I don't know whether I have this idea because I remember your words in my heart, or the feeling Mrs. he himself brings to me."

Because, in Wang Xinyi's opinion, people like Mrs. he will never take the initiative to say hello except when they meet acquaintances in the bathroom.

She is a complete stranger to Mrs. he, and says she looks like her

Gu Yunting saw that Wang Xinyi was silent and tapped her head, "don't think so much. I'm here for everything."

Wang Xinyi's bright and deep eyes were taken care of by Gu Yunting too late.

"I'm hungry. Let's have a snack! I haven't had a snack abroad."

"You have breakfast, I'm afraid!"

"It's breakfast for me, but now it's the night snack outside!"

"OK, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Xu Lin quietly looked at the two people in the corridor in a corner. They were a little far away. Xu Lin didn't hear a word they said.

However, she could see that Gu Yunting was very good to Wang Xinyi, which was obviously the relationship between lovers.

But this is a big trouble for her. You know, if the woman I saw today is really suno's daughter, she will find various ways to get rid of her. However, the relationship between Wang Xinyi and Gu Yunting is so good that she will be under pressure.

Gu Yunting can't fight. Even with her husband's strength, she can't. She really feels that she has no confidence in dealing with people who are powerful, rich and capable

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