Hearing Gu Yunting's words, Wang Xinyi was stunned and looked at him with an unbelievable face.

She admitted that Gu Yunting was really excellent, and she liked it very much. However, she felt that everything came too fast

It's only three months since I met Gu Yunting, but now he's actually thinking about marrying himself.

For Gu Yunting's heart, is her escape a little irresponsible? But the identity between them is really far away, and master Gu really can't accept her.

Gu Yunting loves her. She also wants to do something for Gu Yunting. Therefore, she never wants Gu Yunting to fall out with his father and his family for herself

She looked at Gu Yunting, her shining eyes suddenly changed, "Gu Yunting, why are you so firm in your ideas? In fact... There are many better women around you than me. I think they will match your identity better for me."

Gu Yunting looked a little changed. "This is the first time you say the word identity in front of me. However, I can tell you clearly that I really don't care about identity.

For me, there is no absolute identity in this world, only the only love. Compared with my family, I prefer the congeniality in my heart. I only care about what I love, that is you. I, Gu Yunting, really love you. "

Wang Xinyi was stunned when she heard Gu Yunting's series of words. When one of the lovers said 'I love you', the other usually replied 'I love you too'.

However, it seems... She can't afford what Gu Yunting wants. Moreover, her feelings for Gu Yunting are really not as good as he is for himself

She looked at Gu Yunting and thought she should do something without saying anything now?!

So she walked to the sofa where Gu Yunting was sitting, slowly sat next to him, then quickly turned her head and kissed Gu Yunting on the cheek

Gu Yunting felt the warm touch on his cheeks, crisp and numb, with a very magical feeling.

He looked at Wang Xinyi's eyes, suddenly soft and incomparable, then put his hand on his shoulder and slowly leaned her against his shoulder.

"If you really don't want to, I won't force you at that time. Originally, I just wanted you to get married in a year. It's just my personal plan."

Wang Xinyi was slightly moved. Gu Yunting, such a strong man, is not a self-centered person. It's really good. Maybe it's really lucky to meet him.

"Gu Yunting, you are really a three good man who respects women."

"I've always been..."



The next day, Wang Xinyi woke up from Gu Yunting's warm arms. Maybe she was used to it and felt nothing more and more. After all, Gu Yunting still gives her a sense of sureness. Wang Xinyi knows that if she doesn't want to, Gu Yunting won't force herself.

They washed and cleaned up together and went downstairs. Mrs. Gu hasn't got up yet. However, both Wang Xinyi and Gu Yunting have to go to work. They don't plan to wake Mrs. Gu up for breakfast and let her sleep more.

After breakfast, Gu Yunting drove to work with Wang Xinyi. While still on the road, Wang Xinyi received a call from Su mo

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