Wang Xinyi is afraid of people thinking too much. She is just worried about Ni en. She is afraid that Su Che will ask Ni en before she sees the picture. In this case, what should Ni en do under the pretext of concealing?

She felt that Ni en was hiding from her and everything in Tongcheng. She didn't know much about Ni en, but after thinking about it from beginning to end, she felt that Ni en was becoming more and more strange to herself.

For example, the last time five people went swimming together, Ni en was the one with the most exposed clothes. She is usually a very reserved person, and it is rare to have such a side. If only they were three women together, it would be nice to say, but there were two men present at that time, and what Ni en wore at that time was really interesting. She also intended to make the ferocious cushion so big. Obviously, they are the same size, but Ni en's cushion was a circle bigger than her that day

There was also the case of being arrested for going out to dinner. Being arrested had nothing to do with Ni en, but she was hurt afterwards, and she was very sad. But it's strange that Ni en always said how she was in the previous two people sitting and chatting. Because of Wang Xinyi's ability, she retreated from the road of design.

If it's really about her, why didn't you flinch earlier? Wait so long?

Wang Xinyi thought about Ni en's strange things. It seems that after coming to Tongcheng

"Ding Dong!"

Wang Xinyi heard the voice from her mobile phone. Someone sent her a message.

She quickly opened it and saw the screenshot of Su MOFA

Wang Xinyi opened it and looked at the contents carefully. Sure enough, it was Ni en.

It can be seen from Su Che's words that Ni en settled abroad. The two met at the fashion week. Later, because Su Che could see Ni en every time he went to the fashion week, he kept in touch with each other. Now, he is still chatting happily.

Seeing Su Che's reply, Wang Xinyi finally affirmed that Ni en is the one who has a little ambiguous relationship with Su Che.

Ni en has been away from Tongcheng for nearly two months. Now, you Xuan has children and married. Ni en hasn't come back yet.

In the two months since he left, Ni en never called to greet him. Wang Xinyi did, but it was turned off.

Now, she saw Ni en's whereabouts through the news of others. Didn't you say you worked out of town? How to go to fashion week abroad? It looks like a famous lady from a rich family

Wang Xinyi thought of the fashion week in a few days, so he opened QQ and prepared to ask Su Che. Now he knows it, and he can say it clearly.

"Brother Su Che, the fashion week company will arrange for me to go in a few days. Can we go together then?"

"Of course, I know quite a lot of designers. I'll introduce them to you at that time."

'OK, thank you, brother suche. By the way, Xiaomo told me that the person you know, brother suche, is my former friend or college roommate. "

"I see. The world is really small. You can meet it in this way."

"Su Mo told me that you met at the fashion week, so you can see it again at the fashion week next time. Can you keep it a secret for me? I haven't seen Ni en for a long time. I want to surprise her. "

'OK, no problem.'

"Thank you so much for your cooperation."

"It's all right. A small problem is no big deal."

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