This posture... This posture is the rhythm of doing something

However, Wang Xinyi can be sure that Gu Yunting is sober now. After all, it has been a night.

"Well... Can you not scare me with this posture?"

Scared?! Gu Yunting frowned immediately when he heard the word. Did he have a woman who frightened himself?


Gu Yunting felt a headache after only saying one word. He drank too much last night.

He held his forehead with one hand. Wang Xinyi immediately noticed that it was wrong. He got up slightly and looked at him carefully, "Gu Yunting, are you okay?!"

Although Gu Yunting had a terrible headache, when Wang Xinyi asked, he still shook his head slightly, "it's all right."

"Are you sure?!" Wang Xinyi looked at Gu Yunting. He didn't look like a free man. It seemed very painful.

Since it was pain, he should have known. Why did he drink so much wine and ask for hardship!

Wang Xinyi got out of Gu Yunting's body and looked at him, "I'll pour you a cup of hot water downstairs. Wait a minute ~"

With that, Wang Xinyi put on her slippers and trotted downstairs

Gu Yunting hung his head and supported his head. Wang Xinyi came downstairs. You think he wants to drink like this!

Before long, Wang Xinyi came up with a large glass of warm water, came to Gu Yunting's position and squatted down, "come on, drink some water to wake up."

Gu Yunting turned his head, looked at Wang Xinyi first, then stretched out his hand to take the water cup and drank it.

After drinking almost, he conveniently put the water cup on the bedside table.

"Did I do anything to you last night?"

Gu Yunting knew that he was dizzy. His memory of last night was very shallow. He didn't even know why he was in Wang Xinyi's room.

But he must have come by himself. How could he move himself with the strength of Wang Xinyi.

Wang Xinyi was stunned at Gu Yunting's words. She didn't know if Gu Yunting did anything to herself last night. Was kissing counted?

"Well, no, you slept when you were drunk."

"Oh." Gu Yunting answered simply. Fortunately, nothing happened. The most beautiful moment can't be hurt by drunkenness. Otherwise, he won't feel it at all.

"Gu Yunting, why did you drink so much last night? It's enough that a person can get drunk!"

"Oh, did you say I was alone?"

"Isn't it?" Wang Xinyi was slightly surprised. Last night, I didn't hear who had been here, but she was upstairs all the time. I don't know. It doesn't mean No.

"Wu Chen came last night..." when Gu Yunting said Wu Chen, a touch of sadness floated across his eyes.

Wang Xinyi looked in her eyes and worried together, "but what's the matter?"

"He told me that he wanted to look back at home..."

"It's said that the father owes the son. In fact, it's really unfair to him. What do you think?"

"It was when Grandpa was still there that he was driven out. It was also his firm idea. Now that grandpa is gone, I'm going to change it. But in fact, my own idea is also on Wu Chen's side. Besides, he wants to review his home. He came back alone for Su mo..."

"For Su Mo?!" at last, Wang Xinyi was surprised and speechless. Wu Chen wanted to review his home, just for Su Mo?!

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