Wang Xinyi was looking at the passing taxi and was ready to take a taxi back. He didn't look at the luxury car parked on the opposite road at all.

Even if Gu Yunting had opened the window, Wang Xinyi didn't notice it at all

Gu Yunting was a little annoyed. Did his woman put him at ease? I can't even recognize my boyfriend's car!!

When he saw Wang Xinyi stop a taxi, he immediately opened the door and rushed to her with a black face.

Wang Xinyi is checking the hotel booked today with her mobile phone. Because her English is very poor, she can only signal the driver where she wants to go in this way.

But as soon as she handed her cell phone to the taxi driver, she was robbed on the way. She was about to shout, but when she looked up and saw that it was Gu Yunting, she was stupid immediately.

"Why are you..."

Before the two words were finished, Wang Xinyi was pulled away by Gu Yunting and walked directly to the car parked on the opposite road.

Wang Xinyi is confused, my God! She just remembered that this car belongs to Gu Yunting!

It's over. It's over. She's making a mistake. How can she feel that she won't see you in the future?

Gu Yunting directly pushed Wang Xinyi to sit on the co pilot, then closed the door, bypassed the car and sat in the main driver's seat, and then strangely closed the window

Wang Xinyi lowered her head slightly. The atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath. She closed the window. She felt that the car was unusually quiet. The condensing atmosphere was freezing~

She quietly turned her head to her dark eyes, glanced at Gu Yunting, and quickly took back her eyes for fear of being found.

At this moment, she knew what she should say to ease the atmosphere, but she really didn't know what to say?

Can you tell Gu Yunting where to get rid of him? In other words, Gu Yunting is here. Does he already know something?

What should I do? So worried, so nervous, so insecure!

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Gu Yunting's cold voice suddenly came over, which frightened Wang Xinyi a little.

"That... I..."

After stuttering for a long time, she didn't think of anything decent to say.

Gu Yunting squinted at her. Although there was no scary look, it gave people the feeling that it would explode in the next second.

"Then why did you just take a taxi?"

Wang Xinyi was stunned. It's a good answer, "I'll go back to the hotel."

Gu Yunting narrowed his eyes slightly. "Did you see my car parked here and take a taxi to the hotel?"

"Ah?!" Wang Xinyi reacted slowly. "That... Night was too deep, I didn't notice."

Gu Yunting frowned unhappily, "I don't know! I don't think you know I've been watching you in the car! You've been staring at this car for a long time. Now tell me you didn't notice. You're getting bolder and bolder now. You dare to deceive me."

Wang Xinyi hurriedly raised a sweet smile and said, "well, my dear young master Gu, you don't know, I'm a little short-sighted. In a place where the light is not bright at night, it's fuzzy to see a little farther away, so I didn't see that the car on the other side of the road is yours at all. Otherwise, I'd run here and take a taxi."

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