Gu Yunting spoke in a hurry, vaguely angry. Wang Xinyi looked at him timidly, feeling guilty and at a loss. He slowly lowered his head and dared not look directly at him again.

"What's the matter? I have nothing to say, but I still can't make it up?"

Wang Xinyi lowered his head and couldn't answer Gu Yunting's words. He was afraid of his mood.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Gu Yunting continued to ask, "did you come back after eating all the medicine you bought?"

"I didn't! I said to go out for a stroll is to go out for a stroll!" Wang Xinyi said without admitting, and then quickly trotted to the villa.

Gu Yunting was also very angry when he saw her attitude. He had thought of what Wang Xinyi had done out. This was, that was definitely not the result he wanted.

Seeing that Wang Xinyi has gone far, Gu Yunting strides forward with a black face, but he has no taste in his heart. Thinking of Wang Xinyi's fear of having his own child, he is inexplicably upset. Taking that medicine is bad for Wang Xinyi's health. However, he doesn't want to avoid pregnancy because he doesn't need it.

With the crystallization of love, it is obviously a good thing.

When Gu Yunting came in, Wang Xinyi was already sitting in the dining room. He didn't look at him. He just sat very upright.

Gu Yunting approached and still sat in his unchanged position for thousands of years.

He didn't start to get the dishes and chopsticks. Wang Xinyi saw it with Yu Guang and didn't move like him.

"Let's get married!"

"Ah?!" Wang Xinyi looked at Gu Yunting in amazement. Is it too sudden?! She's not ready yet? To be exact, she can't prepare.

Seeing that Wang Xinyi didn't answer, Gu Yunting stared at her solemnly, "why? Don't you want to?"

"It's like you to propose..." Wang Xinyi whispered. Gu Yunting proposed to him suddenly and strangely. The key is that she can't agree

In six months, she will leave Gu Yunting forever. How could she agree to his proposal at this time.

"It may be a little sudden, but you can promise first and I'll fill in the program later."

"That... No need..." Wang Xinyi quickly refused: "we haven't known each other long..."

"We've known each other for a long time, and we know our roots."

"Is half a year long? Are you still married? Is that flash marriage?"

"If you marry me, you won't suffer even if it's a flash marriage. Moreover, we're not a flash marriage, but after careful consideration!"

"Gu Yunting, my career is on the rise and I'm not suitable for marriage."

"After getting married, I'll open a company for you to start your career slowly, okay?"

"No, I want to work hard by myself and don't rely on you!"

"Then I must help you?"

"I don't want it!"

"Let's get married first!"

"Slow down..."

"The result is always the same."


"Can you still marry other men?"

"That's not impossible."

"Who dares! I'm Gu Yunting's woman, who dares to move her mind!"

"OK, OK, OK, you're Gu Yunting. You're the biggest. OK, let's eat first and talk after eating!"

Gu Yunting looked at the food that had been prepared for a long time, and Wang Xinyi didn't have breakfast. He must be hungry, "um..."

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