Wang Xinyi was embarrassed and embarrassed to avoid Gu Yunting's eyes, "well... Go take a bath first..."

Hearing this, Gu Yunting was stunned. Happiness came so suddenly that he didn't respond. "Then come here and kiss one first."

Wang Xinyi reluctantly walked over and let Gu Yunting touch him gently on his lips.

"I'll be fine soon. After supper, go to bed!" Gu Yunting smiled angrily, and then went directly to the bathroom without taking anything.

Anyway, I'll take it off later

Seeing Gu Yunting close the door, Wang Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and then went to sit on the sofa and eat supper.

When she had almost eaten, she got up, took her cell phone and left the room.

She is not so clever. How could she wait for Gu Yunting in bed? He wants to be beautiful.

Thinking of Gu Yunting's relaxed entry into his room, Wang Xinyi also guessed that he was the one who had all the room keys at home. It would be so easy to lock people in other people's homes

Wang Xinyi went downstairs and went directly to Aunt Xu. "Aunt Xu, where are the room keys at home? Do you have keys in each room?"

"There are all the room keys. They are all in the young master's place. There is only one. Only the young master knows where the keys are."

"Oh, OK, I see. I'm sorry to bother you so late, aunt Xu. You have to rest early. Good night ~"

Wang Xinyi then came to Gu Yunting's room. The door was closed directly, and she didn't want to lock it. Then she pulled some furniture against the door.

She wants to see how Gu Yunting can come in. It's great to have a key. She still has her way.

After doing all this, Wang Xinyi went to bed and lay down. Tonight, she will occupy Gu Yunting's big bed alone.

Before long, she heard Gu Yunting's footsteps approaching, followed by the sound of the key inserted into the lock cylinder

"Xin Yi, did you put something against the door? Do you want to be so cruel?"

Wang Xinyi smiled with some schadenfreude: "you can only condescend to sleep in my room tonight. Good night ~"

Facing the door, Wang Xinyi turned off the light and was ready to sleep. It's good to sleep in a big bed alone

Not long after lying down, she heard Gu Yunting leave from the door, so she judged that he had given up.

Wang Xinyi turned over and closed her eyes with a smile. It was an afternoon to go shopping today, but she was very sleepy.

But as soon as she fell asleep, she felt that someone was touching her face. The woman who slept a little chaotic had not had time to react, but with the real touch, her mind gradually woke up.

"Ah..." in the dark night, Wang Xinyi saw a man lying next to him, and suddenly he was frightened.

"Shh! I haven't done anything to you yet. What do you have to shout about?" Gu Yunting followed and touched Wang Xinyi's thin waist with one hand.

"Gu Yunting, how did you get in this time?"

"The second floor is not high either. I moved a staircase and climbed up."

After asking, Wang Xinyi knew that her wishful thinking had been broken. In a soft voice, she said to Gu Yunting, "I'm really sleepy. Next time..."

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