Nuojin stopped with milk tea and looked like a ghost. "Gu Shao told you this? It's a trade secret..."

Wang Xinyi pursed his lips, "I won't tell others."

She looked at Nuojin's low-key dress and drank milk tea naturally. She couldn't help wondering, "your work makes so much money. You must have been a billionaire for a long time. You still drink milk tea with me plainly..."

Nuojin's face darkened, and a touch of sadness came to his mind. "It's so easy for a billionaire."

Just then, her text message came. When I untied the screen, it was Gu Shao again. I'm afraid I'll turn his woman away?

Gu Yunting: show her around, buy what you like, and ask me for reimbursement in the evening.

WOW! Gu Shao, this is really a big deal. I won't buy you!

Nuojin looked at Wang Xinyi's eyes, full of golden light, "beauty Wang, let's go shopping together!"

"Shopping?" Wang Xinyi looked at the hot sunshine outside the cabinet window. "It's so hot, isn't it suitable for shopping?!"

"How could it not be suitable?" Nuojin took her hand and walked out. "I tell you, there is a large shopping mall in front. The air conditioner is open all day. Things are OK. Where can I take you?"

Wang Xinyi couldn't laugh or cry about Nuojin's turbulent character, and let her pull her forward.

After walking for about ten minutes, we came to the shopping mall described by Nuojin. There was a large flow of people in it, but it was a prosperous place.

Nuojin directly led Wang Xinyi into a clothing store and said excitedly, "this brand of clothes is very temperament. It's my favorite type. You can have a try if you like."

Wang Xinyi thought of the wardrobe arranged by Gu Yunting for her, so she quickly put her head, "I have a lot of clothes, so I don't need to buy any more."

"A woman's wardrobe is always short of a dress."

"Then choose. I can help you with your reference."

Nuojin picked up a dress, looked carefully, took it out and put it in front of him. "How about this one?"

Wang Xinyi observed carefully. The blue and blue printed Jumpsuit dress and suspenders were relatively fresh. The clerk also matched a hat, which had the style of beach vacation.

"Well, it's suitable for traveling. It's casual."

"I think it's good, too. I'll try it. You can have a look by yourself."


Nuojin listened to Wang Xinyi's promise, so he happily took his skirt to the dressing room.

As she said, Wang Xinyi looked at all kinds of clothes at will.

Until she passed a window, she was suddenly attracted by a dress on a dummy model in the shop next door.

The snow-white long dress with a layer of soft mesh below the waist is very simple, but also very immortal.

She stared at the dress, and an incredible idea came to her mind.

She looked up at the sign of the shop and sure enough... It was Shengye.

Don't think too much, she quickly went to the opposite shop, and her fingers unconsciously touched the skirt

The young beauty salesman came over, thought she was interested in this dress, and introduced it to her enthusiastically.

"Miss, you have a good eye. This skirt is the new style of our company this season."

"The new style of this season?" Wang Xinyi mumbled this sentence and asked the salesperson, "do you know who designed it?"

"Of course I know. He is the chief designer of our company."

Chief designer?! That must be Zhang Na, but she designed this skirt! She designed it herself!!

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