Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1012: : Do you still have to choose a day to slap you?

A stack of photos.

"what is this?"

Lin Youlin spoke gloomily.

No one cares about her.

Lin Hanxing’s scallion and white fingers put the photos on the white European-style coffee table.

The action is not hurried or slow.

Spread out one by one in order.

Lin Jiaojiao had blood on her forehead, and her eyes showed tension with her movements.

"Mom...what are those...?"

Although weak, his eyes floated with eagerness.

"Oh my God!"

Originally Zhong Wan'er didn't want to respond, but when Mother He's exclamation sounded, Lin Jiaojiao squeezed her wrist abruptly.

Not to mention He's mother, even Lin Youlin's expression became gloomy.

A pair of eyes fixed on the photo.

It's something else in my head!

"Lin Xiaojiu!"

He Zhehan's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, gritted his teeth!

"Uncle and aunt, won't you come to appreciate it?"

When Lin Hanxing had the last photo left, she spoke softly and held the only photo in her hand.

There is no meaning to talk to He Zhehan.

Lin Yanshu finally eased off from Shen Shuer's "Several Sons and Grandchildren's Feet".

Hearing this, he suddenly raised his head!

It just happened to be in the eyes of the photos on the desktop.

The end of the Roman column.

Zhong Wan'er and Lin Jiaojiao obviously heard the sound of him taking a deep breath, and then, those eyes looked straight at his wife and daughter, the redness in their eyes had not faded, and they looked terrifying!

Rong Shiyu also followed the curious probe.

As soon as he glanced at it, his deer-like eyes began to flicker in panic.

It would be better for He Chengyu to reach out and drag her back to her.

Lin Jiaojiao panicked even more.

What is the cousin holding in her hand, so emboldened?

And everyone sees this expression?

"Help me... Mom... help me to... over there..."

Lin Jiaojiao supported her dizzy body, her heart beating.

what exactly is it?

What picture is on the table?

She wants to see!

She wants to know!

When Zhong Wan'er finally helped Lin Jiaojiao walk back to the coffee table, she just swept her eyes on the table...

The whole person is struck by lightning!

Zhong Wan'er turned her head to look at her daughter blankly.


The coffee table is full of photos of her and Luo Wenbo and He Zhehan!

In the photo, Lin Jiaojiao was dressed in light pajamas, and He Zhehan hugged her from behind at a distance beyond the normal range.

The action is ambiguous.

Whether it was a coincidence or an accident, Lin Jiaojiao's expression happened to be blurred.

Can't tell whether it is disgusting or happy.

In some other photos, He Zhehan stretched his hand along the neckline of her little dress too much.

Lin Jiaojiao's ears were still licking!

The following photos showed a continuous scene, as if watching a series, Lin Jiaojiao's parents were shaking all over.

In each photo...

Lin Jiaojiao's skirt was lifted up by an inch, and He Zhehan's hand was even more towards that deep shadow...

"Just now, some people kept saying, ‘I’ve never done it’, ‘I’m innocent’, and even vowed to death. It turns out that they are so worthless now? You can just open your mouth for two paragraphs?"

Shen Shuer sprinkled salt on the wounds of Lin Yanshu's family weirdly.

The more painful they are, the happier she is!

Since Lin Jiaojiao drugged Luo Ruyin and accidentally injured her one-child, the two of them have been an endless game!

"These photos must be synthesized!"

Even if the hard evidence is placed in front of them, Lin Yanshu and Zhong Wan'er, as parents, are still unwilling to believe that the picture presented in this photo is true!

"He Er Shao, you say, this is not true!"

Zhong Wan'er suddenly raised her head to look at He Zhehan, as if she had grasped the last straw!

"These photos must be synthesized, right!"

He Zhehan didn't speak.

Instead, his eyes gloomily looked towards Lin Hanxing's direction.

How did she take those photos?

Part of it is in the study, and part of it is in the room of the Wenbo, in the end she...

How did you get it?

He opened his mouth tentatively, but couldn't say a word for a while.

Admit that those are true?

Then Lin Xiaojiu threatened to marry Lin Jiaojiao?

He is not reconciled!

It was Lin Xiaojiu who obviously wanted to play with!

That arrogant and powerful woman!

Lin Hanxing didn't even look at He Zhehan, just seemingly casually holding the last photo left in his hand and fanning.

It's like holding a trump card.

"My uncle and my aunt are really not willing to give up until the Yellow River."

Lin Hanxing suddenly chuckled.

The eyes illuminated by the crystal lamp, like eyes embedded with bright stars, settled directly on Zhong Wan'er's face.


Lin Hanxing threw the last photo on the table.

Everyone who was originally curious about the things in her hand suddenly focused on it.

"If you want to know who the two of us are lying, just look at the palm of her hand and you will understand."

In the photo.

Luo Wenbo pressed the cigarette **** into Lin Jiaojiao's palm without expression.

The latter's painful expression speaks for itself!

Almost instantly, Lin Jiaojiao clenched the palm of her hand!

how come……

How could this be?

She never thought that Lin Hanxing would take advantage of this!

"Uncle and auntie believes in my cousin so much, then go and look at her palms. If there are burn marks, then it can prove that all the photos in my hand are true! And what I said before..."

Lin Hanxing sneered.

"It's all true too!"

"Jiaojiao! Jiaojiao, show mom your hand!"

Zhong Wan'er stood in front of Lin Jiaojiao as if grabbing the last straw.

"Mom believes that what you said is true. Lin Xiaojiu is lying, right?"

Zhong Wan'er was still talking.

It seemed that she hadn't seen her daughter's pale paper face and gray eyes.

Seeing Lin Jiaojiao didn't speak, Zhong Wan'er suddenly stretched out her hand to break the palm of her hand.

Lin Hanxing's eyes flashed satirically.

She didn't feel how pitiful this family was at all.

If it weren't for being prepared, the person who has to endure such an embarrassing situation now would be himself.

Those people tried their best to calculate her...

But just take the blame!


Zhong Wan'er yelled, regardless of whether it would hurt her daughter, she stretched out her hand and forced Lin Jiaojiao's clenched palms apart.

But at a glance...

However, her whole person was stunned.

A round wound that had been scalded was unprepared and appeared before everyone's eyes.

A discerning person knows that it was burned with a cigarette butt!


Lin Jiaojiao's whole body seemed to be cramped, and her eyes showed deep resentment when she looked at Lin Hanxing!

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Open her scars uncovered in front of everyone, happy?

Why is Lin Xiaojiu able to be arrogant, she will be humiliated?


Lin Hanxing sneered when he heard the words, and suddenly got up and walked to Lin Jiaojiao to slap fiercely.

"What? Do you have to choose a day to slap you?"

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