Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1047: : Test each other

No one spoke on the way to the airport.

Yuan Kang sat in the co-pilot, not daring to move. He frequently looked at Lin Hanxing, who was sitting in the back seat with closed eyes, through the rearview mirror.

My head is full of questions.

What's the matter between Lin Xiaojiu and uncle?

Who is the Auntie Mian in her mouth?

"That one……"

Yuan Kang tried to relieve the awkward atmosphere of deathly silence.

But as soon as he spoke two words, a cold voice came from the back seat.

"Don't disturb Miss Lin to rest."


Yuan Kang aggrieved and looked at Uncle Hai who was sitting next to Lin Hanxing through the rearview mirror.

Obviously Uncle is not there, why does he have the sense of majesty that he is there?

Is it an illusion?

"What do you want to say?"

Lin Hanxing, who had been closing his eyes and rested, suddenly spoke, with indifferent eyes looking at Yuan Kang in the rearview mirror.


Looking at those eyes, Yuan Kang only felt a cold wind blowing from his back.

Couldn't hold back, shuddered.

Let him die.

Yuan Kang never felt like he was in a big trouble now.

To be honest, when I heard that Lei Xiao was in Malaysia with someone he had never heard of before, he just thought it was as incredible as it was.

Due to the relationship between the Lei family and the Yuan family, Yuan Kang and Lei Xiao have met many times.

His attitude of life that he didn't know for whom was like a jade is totally unbelievable to them.

During the New Year, he even bet whether Lei Xiao is a virgin or not.

Of course, this kind of behavior is similar to death, they dare not take it to the face of it.

A man like Lei Xiao who is harsh in the eyes of outsiders, everyone in the market avoids it, but God knows whether Jiangcheng or Malay is, how crazy he makes women crazy!

A woman who can conquer such a man...

At the red light, the black business car stopped at the intersection. Yuan Kang, who was looking at Lin Han Xingyou Shen in the rearview mirror, suddenly felt a sharp gaze sweeping from the side, and he took a casual look...

Almost frightened and jumped out of the car and fled.

Lei Xiao put one hand on the steering wheel, and those eagle-like eyes looked at him coldly and quietly.

Contains a warning atmosphere.

It's deadly! ! ! !

"I want to say that Miss Lin won't let the Hua Ji gang send Eric back to Malaysia?"

Yuan Kang hurriedly answered sternly.

Upon hearing this, Lin Hanxing raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Kang.

"What if it is not and what?"

Lin Hanxing's voice was as indifferent as he was in the presidential suite, but his indifference was mixed with a different kind of playfulness.

Yuan Kang crawled the back of his head with his hands.

"If it is, then I advise you better not to do this."

Lin Hanxing didn't speak, but just fiddled with the diamond bracelet that Lei Xiao gave her on his wrist.

"Give me a reason."

Soon, Lin Hanxing spoke again.

"I suspect there is a ghost among them!"

After speaking, Yuan Kang quickly added another sentence.

"I just said I doubt it! Not sure!"

The moment Yuan Kang said this, he regretted it, especially when he met Lin Hanxing's eyes in the rearview mirror, the feeling of regret was even worse!

Inexplicably, he felt the unfathomable danger in Lin Xiaojiu's body.

Even if he tried to look away from him, Yuan Kang could still feel the sharp gaze behind him.

If Lin Hanxing did not pay much attention to Yuan Kang at first...

Based on what he said just now, Lin Hanxing changed his mind.

She did not urge Yuan Kang to continue, but the air pressure on Uncle Hai's side was getting lower and lower, which seemed to be threatening.

"Okay, I said I said it's not enough!"

Yuan Kang couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hua Ji has always supported the princess, and they have a closer relationship with the cabinet. Tomorrow's meeting, the princess did not even hear about it. Don’t you think this is really strange. Matter?"

After removing the cynicism on his face, Yuan Kang said something sternly.

"Either something went wrong inside their Huaji, or it was..."

Yuan Kang glanced at Lin Hanxing through the rearview mirror, but still did not say the second half.

Lin Hanxing closed his eyes again.

Either everyone believes that the princess has no chance of turning over again this time!

"I underestimated you."

Lin Hanxing spoke lightly, making Yuan Kang feel a little bit confused for a while. Is this complimenting himself or hurting himself?

Yuan Kang decided to shut up.

Say less, make less mistakes, don’t say it’s good.

"Since you explained that the meeting that decided on the succession of the crown prince in Japan, only a few people at the top of the cabinet knew about it. Where did you know?" Lin Hanxing threw this question to Yuan Kang.

Um, this is a proposition to send!

Yuan Kang grimaced, regretting why he had to say so much just now.

Unconsciously glanced at Uncle Hai.

With him, I dare not talk nonsense.

"Actually, I didn't know it at first."

Yuan Kang's shoulders slumped weakly, and he simply spit out the truth.

"My uncle is not in Malaysia, but both the eldest princess and the second princess want to win the support of Yuan's family. Both of them sent someone to Yuan's house privately, and then... I found something was wrong."

Hearing this, Lin Hanxing's long eyelashes moved slightly.

"I believe in my sixth sense, how many disasters it has helped me avoid since I was young!"

As if afraid that Lin Hanxing would not believe it, Yuan Kang hurriedly said again.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Hanxing asked.

"The Yuan family has different attitudes towards the people of the first princess and the second princess."

Yuan Kang looked out the window and continued.

"Although it is still the same on the bright side, only I know the feeling that they are perfunctory to the princess."

"I realized that the Malay sky is about to change!"

Yuan Kang's voice became low and deep, which made people listen inexplicably heavy.

"Over the years, my uncle has always prioritized the interests of Malay Chinese, and never mingled with the struggle between the Malay royal family, but in fact, there have been people who were dissatisfied with this matter for a long time."

While speaking, Yuan Kang glanced at Uncle Hai.

Seeing that he didn't have any reaction, he obviously knew the state of the matter a long time ago, and sighed in his heart.

"This time, taking advantage of his uncle's absence, the members of the Yuan clan wanted to do something first and then play, but they didn't dare to make it too obvious, plus..."

Yuan Kang glanced at Lei Xiao again.

"The second princess also wants to get the support of Young Master Lei..."

"So they decided to send someone to Jiangcheng to lobby Yuan Shaojing with A Xiao?"

Lin Hanxing took the following sentence lightly.

"To be honest, although I volunteered to come to Jiangcheng, I was forced to do so."

At this point, the expression on Yuan Kang's face is full of gloom.

"Miss Lin has been asking me questions just now, now it's my turn to ask Miss Lin a question!"

Yuan Kang's eyes met Lin Hanxing's in the rearview mirror.

"Miss Lin might as well come and guess, why did I have to volunteer to come here?"


Uncle Hai glared in anger.

Lin Hanxing laughed suddenly, and reached out to intercept the words under Uncle Hai.

This is their mutual temptation!

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