Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1057: : The grass dragonfly repaired in Shangguan

at the same time.

The road leading to the meeting place where the cabinet meeting was held.

A black Audi A8L with a bulletproof coefficient reaching the limit of the VR7 safety standard is advancing at a constant speed.

In daylight, the streamlined body appears dark.

Inside the car.

Shangguan Shixiu sat on the leather seat in the back seat, closing his eyes and resting.

Holding a grass dragonfly just made up in his hand.

The fingertips are lightly rubbed from time to time.

"Master, the second princess calls."

Uncle Liang sitting in the co-pilot looked back at Shangguan Shixiu, still holding the satellite phone in his hand.

Shangguan Shixiu did not respond.

Unhealthy and pale skin is more sick in the sun.

The black jade hair covered his eyes, making it hard to guess what the man was thinking.

When Shangguan Shixiu did not speak, Uncle Liang let the satellite phone ring there.

Due to various complicated reasons, this time, Shangguan Shixiu will represent the entire Shangguan family behind him to selectively support the crown prince!

As for who to support...

Uncle Liang kept looking at the back seat through the rearview mirror.

The wound in the abdomen of the young master is really worrying!

"Master, which one do you prefer?"

Uncle Liang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, hesitated and asked the question in his heart.

During the period when he came to Malaysia, the people of the first princess and the second princess frequently contacted the young master, but he all chose to refuse.

Shangguan Shixiu slowly opened his eyes.

There was no wave of icy, handsome face, and his eyes met Uncle Liang from the rearview mirror.

"Who do you think?"

Simple four-character, without too much emotion.

Uncle Liang thought for a while.

"Last night, the second princess's people put the princess under house arrest in the palace."

This is the latest news they received.


This can be regarded as a loser!

Although Uncle Liang didn't say the following words, the meaning was already obvious.

Xiu didn't speak when he was in office.

Just caress the grass dragonfly in his hand.

Not inferior to the woman's long black eyelashes slightly constricted.

With him, nothing is guaranteed to win or lose.

Even if the princess is under house arrest, it does not mean she is defeated.

As for who to support...

Shangguan Shixiu looked down at the grass dragonfly, his sickly and noble face was indescribably cold and shocking.

The car, under the attention of reporters at the door...

Drive into the iron gate guarded by guards with live ammunition.

"Huh? That's not Young Master Lei and..."

Uncle Liang glanced inadvertently, spoke subconsciously, and then shut up when he noticed something was wrong!

But it's too late!

Shangguan Shixiu's movements suddenly stopped, then looked up.

is her……

The violent ecstasy is like a hurricane wanton to set off a violent wind and waves among the limbs.

What illuminates the pale and gloomy feminine handsome face is particularly vivid!


Lin Hanxing, who had just got out of the car, slowly turned around, his long eyelashes seemed to be dyed with shreds of luster in the sun.

The fringe on the hair edge moved slightly.

Standing with Lei Xiao, the people who came to greet him under the order of the second princess were dumbfounded.

What a good pair of handsome men and beauties!


Lin Hanxing looked at the little sheep dumpling that Jiu Lianhuan was running towards him in his hand. The teary mole on the porcelain snow skin was moved by the smile, melting the chill that had enveloped him since he got out of the car.

"Can you untie it?"

The milky voice of ingot milky milk raised the nine-linked ring in his hand, and stretched out two fat fingers by the way.

"In two minutes!"

Seeing that the little guy was still unwilling to give up, Lin Hanxing stretched out his hand to take it over.

The clear sun is pouring freely.

Luster haunts her.

I saw the thin green fingers walking up and down the nine-link buckle in a way that ordinary people can't see through with naked eyes, and the metal collided back and forth with a crisp sound.

Lin Hanxing's movements seemed to give it new life, which made people totally reluctant to look away from him.

With just a click, the buckle is completely out of control like this!

"One minute and fifty-seven seconds."

Lin Hanxing glanced sideways at his watch, learning the movement of the ingot just now, and raised the broken nine-links in his hand.

Yuan Bao is crying!

"Snacks are ready for you. Obediently wait here for us to come back."

When the voice fell, Lin Hanxing regrouped the ring buckle and handed it back to Yuan Bao's hand.

Turning around and looking at each other with Lei Xiao, he smirked at him.

It's sweet.

It tastes like maltose.

The corners of Lei Xiao's thin and cold lips melted and aroused.

When the person walked up to him, he raised his hand and rubbed it on Lin Hanxing's head.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

According to the rumors, Mr. Lei, who was decisive and cunning, had a handsome face like "my wife is the best" to indulge and spoil his wife!

Just when people doubted whether the rumors were wrong, they saw Lei Xiao's cold eyes glance at them...

The coercion that belongs to the superior makes people unable to help their legs feel soft and sweat like rain.

Sure enough, Mr. Lei is still the murderous Mr. Lei!

"Mr. Lei, welcome!"

The female cabinet minister of Selangor was delayed by something and hurried to greet her.

A group of cabinet members followed behind him.

It is enough to show their respect and awe of Lei Xiao.

I saw a group of people approaching Lei Xiao mightily, especially the high-spirited female minister who walked in the forefront, who was even more arrogant, their eyes fixed on Lei Xiao's face.

As a guest who is very important to the entire Malaysia, Lei Xiao promised to come and make the entire Selangor royal family boil over. If it weren't for the opportunity of the cabinet meeting today, I am afraid she would not be able to take the lead.

See the other person's true face.

As for the woman in his arms...

The female cabinet minister is just a plaything, she doesn't even care, and even a little contempt is drawn in her eyes.

Because Lin Hanxing turned his back to each other first, he didn't pay attention.

But Lei Xiao saw it.

The whole body's aura quickly grew cold at the speed of light.

"Mr. Lei..."

The female minister reached out to Lei Xiao and expressed welcome.

Unexpectedly, Lei Xiao just swept across the opponent's face with those falconry eyes that were shrouded in coldness.

The other party only feels like a prey being targeted by a beast in the wild, and the whole person is not good!

She could feel Lei Xiao's displeasure.

But the problem was that she didn't even know why Lei Xiao was upset.

The bloodthirsty and sharp eyes slowly descended along the opponent's face, and finally landed on the hand stretched out in front of him.

Lin Hanxing was sensitive to the changes in Lei Xiao's aura.

Slowly turned around and looked at the Selangor State Cabinet members headed by.

For a while, there was no sound.

The cabinet members following the female minister all marveled at her beauty in their hearts.

No one speaks.

Uncle Hai and Yuan Kang, who stood by, were able to see the whole process clearly.

Uncle Hai walked towards Lin Hanxing, just about to open her mouth to let people know her identity...

There was a click.

There was the sound of the car door opening not far away.

Surrounded by the same black suit bodyguards, the same aura is full, making the entire square seem to be divided by two different sharpnesses!

It makes people feel indescribable suffocation.

Uncle Liang, the co-pilot, got out of the car first, walked to the back respectfully and opened the door.

Soon, a sickly pale but delicate and handsome face appeared in the eyes of everyone, and people couldn't help but marvel.

Xiu when Shangguan!

The most proud killing tool cultivated by the Shangguan family!

Today, he will fully represent the Shangguan family!

"Mr. Shangguan!"

No one could have imagined that Lei Xiao and Shangguan Shixiu would arrive back and forth. Together with the representative of the Yuan family representing the Chinese society, the three giants would gather together...

Looking at the people around the Second Princess faction, these three major forces are clearly standing here for the Second Princess!

It seems that the princess is really dead this time!

The female cabinet minister gave the people behind him a wink. Now for the second princess, because of what Lei Xiao holds in his hands, it is more important to stabilize his emotions than to stabilize Shangguan Shixiu.

The subordinates behind him hurriedly greeted him in the direction of Shangguan Shixiu!

Today, none of the three major forces, including the Yuan family, can offend them!

After all, this is what the second princess can rely on next to her body!

A group of people walked in the direction of Shangguan Shixiu, with smiles greeted each other, but before they could speak, Shangguan Shixiu had already suddenly stepped forward and walked in the direction of Lei Xiao!

Lei Xiao's cold facial features were like ice.

As the Shangguan Shixiu approached closer, the pressure and icy cold brought by the Qi place around the body became more intense!

Ling was still standing across from him at this time, the Selangor Minister of the Cabinet was shivering all over, racking her brains to figure out how she had offended Lei Xiao, but she couldn't ask.

Can only let the atmosphere freeze there.


What made the female cabinet minister secretly pleased was that at this time Shangguan Shixiu seemed to be walking towards herself!

If you can take this opportunity to break the deadlock...

I was thinking that the female cabinet minister regained her energy, and when she opened her mouth to speak the scene, she turned her pedicure when she saw Shangguan, so she bypassed her and walked to the other side!

As if the embarrassing scene just reappeared, the hand of the female cabinet minister was just hanging in the air!

The smile stiffened on his face.

I can't say a word when I'm angry!

Soon, Shangguan Shixiu stood in front of Lin Hanxing.

The position of two men and one woman is involuntarily imaginative.

Perhaps it was because his expression was a little bit cold, Shangguan Shixiu tried to put a smile on his face, and looked at Lin Hanxing from a high level. The eyes were always cold, and there was actually a temperature.

"Little nine..."

The word gentle, with a cautious look that seemed to scare Lin Hanxing, and even a little flattering.

For a while, no one spoke.

Everyone watched this scene in silence, only to realize with hindsight that perhaps the identity of the woman who looked like a porcelain doll was not as simple as they thought!

Shangguan Shixiu didn't even look at other people. Since seeing Lin Hanxing here, all his attention has been on her alone, and even the gaze around the silk has not been given to others.

Lei Xiao's body was getting stronger and stronger.

Uncle Hai followed Yuan Shaojing to attend the dinner, naturally he knew how special the Shangguan Shixiu was to Lin Hanxing.

That's only for men to women.

It's no wonder that Lei Xiao is so dangerous at this time. The daughter-in-law he raised on the cusp is coveted by other men. I am afraid that anyone will be angry!

As Yuan Kang, who joined later, naturally did not know the twists and turns inside.

But even so, as a man, what is the meaning of the expression in Xiu's eyes when he was an official...

Does he still understand?

I couldn't help but reached out and touched his chin. I didn't expect that Lin Xiaojiu would really come from both sides!

Gee, why don't you have two more mahjong tables?

He thought gloating.

Lin Hanxing noticed that Lei Xiao was almost on the verge of rage.

"A Xiao..."

The faintly soft sound sounded like a timely fire extinguisher, allowing Lei Xiao to regain some self-control.

It also gave the people of the second princess' faction next to him a little respite.

Just now they were inexplicably engulfed by an extremely oppressive atmosphere, and their hands and feet seemed to be unable to listen to their orders, and they just treated it as a ghost!

"Mr. Shangguan, I don't like others calling me that way."

Seeing that Lei Xiao was in better condition, Lin Hanxing turned his head to look at Shangguan Shixiu, his eyes were light and there was no wave of waves.

The alienation in the discourse is obvious.


The people who knew the status of Shangguan Shixiu suddenly took a breath in their hearts.

There are still people in the world who dare to talk to Shangguan Shixiu like this. Is it really fatal?

Speaking of this Shangguan Shixiu, the most famous deed in Malaysia is that he once left a certain Malaysian official with blood spattering three feet without saying a word. It can be said that everyone who knows the inside story is terrified!

But to talk about it, that person is also looking for death.

At a dinner held by the Malaysian royal family, Malaysian officials who mistakenly thought that Shangguan Shixiu was his own deadly opponent, publicly mocked that Shangguan Shixiu was in charge of selling meat.

He also said that looking at his slender body, a finger can crush him to death!

Some people watched from afar, some laughed.

Shangguan Shixiu heard that he hadn't done anything before, but the other party seemed to feel that it was not enough, and rushed to provoke him.

Do you think that this will make Shangguan Shixiu take action?

not at all!

According to the people who came back from the dinner that day...

The reason why the Xiuhui went to kill him when he was in office was actually because that person arrogantly wanted to **** the grass dragonfly from his hand!

It's just a grass dragonfly...

The man paid the price of ten fingers.

When others mentioned it, they couldn't help but shudder, enough to see how terrifying and shocking the picture really is.

Such a quick skill, such a sharp blade...

Swipe and neatly cut off ten fingers in this way, expressionless, even the clothes on his body were not soiled when he was in office!

Holding his grass dragonfly in his hand, he looked at him coldly.

No one dared to question him, especially after knowing that he was Shangguan Shixiu.

After this incident, everyone knew that this grass dragonfly was the representative of the time when Shangguan Xiu wanted to shoot!

Recovering from their thoughts, the cabinet members who were following the female minister suddenly discovered that the legendary grass dragonfly was being held by Shangguan Shixiu at this time.

That woman was brought by Mr. Lei, if she was repaired by an official...

Who should they favor at that time?

How can this be good ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Naturally, Yuan Kang had also heard the horrible rumors of Shangguan Shixiu. At this time, when he saw Grass Dragonfly, the expression on his face also became nervous. Uncle Hai glanced at him inexplicably, obviously not knowing what he was nervous about. .

Yuan Kang hurriedly winked at Uncle Hai.

The expression was panic.

Hurry up and save the man named Lin, and Xiuke will start at night when he is official!

Obviously, other people were holding such thoughts, and some couldn't bear to look away, and some even stretched out their hands to cover their faces, not wanting to face the **** scene.

Soon, when Shangguan, Xiu had a movement...

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