Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1063: : It’s not who is more crying, who is more painful

Not only her, but the others onlookers were shocked to hear it!

This is clearly Song Zhiyun's voice!

For a while, everyone's eyes wandered back and forth on Lin Hanxing, who was lazily fiddling with his mobile phone, and Song Zhiyun, who was shaking Yu Da Bashao.

What is the direction of this plot?

Gong Chen was stunned.

"How can I enjoy such a wonderful dialogue between sisters alone?"

Lin Hanxing spoke lightly.

The indifference and mockery in the voice are clear and defensible.

Standing at the intersection of light and shadow, but a glance seems to be able to see through people's hearts!

"Don't want to explain? Miss Song Er?"

In the blink of a long eyelashes that looked like black feathers, the whole situation in favor of Song Zhiyun was completely overturned!

Lin Hanxing glanced at Song Zhiyun in Gong Chen's arms.

The little white flower biting her lower lip seemed to have been beaten by wind and rain, shaking like sifting chaff, but her pitiful appearance failed to arouse the sympathy and standing by others who used to scrambled to give it to the side. Instead, she looked back and forth at Song Zhiyun with weird eyes.

Song Zhiyun never thought of it.

The disguise of Bailing in the past was completely ineffective this time!

How to do!

What should I do!

Blame that woman!

Who made her nosy? Who told her to record the sound?

Subconsciously staring in the direction of Lin Hanxing, Song Zhiyun wanted to tear her face!

But when the eyes really met, Song Zhiyun was the first to lose!

it's too cold!

Those eyes are so cold that the weather outside is so hot, but as long as you see it, you can get goose bumps.

Song Zhiyun grew up so smoothly, and he has never lost so badly like today!

"Zhi Yun..."

Gong Chen's low voice rang from the top of her head, causing Song Zhiyun's heart to tighten suddenly.


"It's's not like"

At this time, Song Zhiyun's self-confident and clever head was blank, and he couldn't even find a suitable reason. Under the anxious fire, he rolled his eyes and fell softly in Gong Chen's arms and fainted!

"Really dizzy or fake?"

Since Lin Xiaojiu and Lin Xiaojiu are now grasshoppers tied to a rope, Yuan Kang naturally spared no effort to help her build momentum.

Deliberately bleed into the mouth.

Attract the attention of others.

Seeing Song Zhiyun fall into Gong Chen's arms, Lin Hanxing slipped his mobile phone into Lei Xiao's suit pocket.

For Lin Hanxing, whether Song Zhiyun is really dizzy or fake, once the seeds of doubt are planted in others' hearts and then take root, then her goal will be achieved.

In the story of the wolf coming, no one else killed the child...

It's him!

"Mr. Gong..."

Lin Hanxing looked at Gong Chen, who was about to leave Song Zhiyun in his arms, and spoke lightly.

"If you want to take her back in person, you may not be able to keep up with the cabinet meeting later."

She reminded her ‘kindly’.

Gong Chen Jianshuo's back froze.

And Yuan Kang, who was standing at the door, laughed after hearing this chuckle.

Everyone looked at him inexplicably.

Yuan Kang would not say if he was killed, he just saw the white flower **** in Gong Chen's arms grabbed his hand.

If it's not the occasion...

Yuan Kang really wants to give Lin Xiaojiu four characters...

Governance expert!

After all, Lin Hanxing did not look at Gong Chen anymore, and stretched out his hand to Lei Xiao beside him.

The soft white palms face up.

With a posture of complete trust, even that nice little face faded away from indifference and mockery, beautiful and confusing!

"Let's go back."

Hearing Lin Hanxing's obviously happy voice, the people beside Lei Xiao's cold and gloomy eyes were visibly stained with temperature, and without waiting for others to regain his senses, the powerful palm had already clasped her little hand with a strong desire for exclusiveness.


He likes the look of his wife's happy face after being abused.

Holding his wife's hand, Lei Xiao walked out of the bathroom.

The bodyguard followed in silence.

When passing by Gong Chen, Lin Hanxing stopped suddenly.

Meimu didn't even look at Gong Chen.

Look ahead.

"It's not who is more crying, who is more painful."

As if there was no directivity, Lin Hanxing dropped this sentence and left by himself...


In the corridor, Lin Hanxing's hand was led by Lei Xiao, and the two of them walked to the main cabinet hall.

Uncle Yuan Kanghai and the other bodyguards followed closely.

Black suit, mighty, just like the shots that only appear in movies!

Yuan Kang swears that he has never been so dignified in his life.

No wonder Yuan Laosan is so greedy for power, the happiness that power brings...

It's really unimaginable!

Thinking in his heart, Yuan Kang was rather curious about Lin Xiaojiu who was walking in the forefront.

According to his investigation, she is just an orphan girl from the Lin family who has been missing for 18 years. Although the Lin family is considered a wealthy family in Jiangcheng, even their daughter's aura is JustSoSo (but so), this Lin Xiaojiu... …

It's exactly like a character who exists as a BUG!

Looks should be the kind of being spoiled at home by people, and it can't pose the slightest threat to people, but in fact...

If you dare to move her against scales, the means will be harsher than anyone else.

People say that Song Chenxi is arrogant and domineering, but in Yuan Kang's view, Song Chenxi's fierceness towards enemies in the market is definitely not as good as one-tenth of Lin Xiaojiu's.

She really has that ability!

And instinctively told Yuan Kang that she definitely did not rely on men to be so confident.

and so……

She is...

Lin Hanxing, who was walking in front of him, stopped suddenly as if he noticed his gaze behind him, turned around and looked at Yuan Kang with precise intuition, but his cold eyes gave him a different kind of tremor.

Yuan Kang shivered abruptly and retracted his neck.

It's not good enough!

"You go first."

Obviously, Lin Hanxing did not pursue Yuan Kang's meaning, but gave orders in a cold tone.

Yuan Kang was about to ask her where she was going without a wink, but was stared at by Uncle Hai...

The whole person became honest in an instant.

Soon, everyone was gone.

Lin Hanxing's eyes swept around, and after confirming that there was no one else, he tugged Lei Xiao's wrist.


The deep and mellow voice dedicated to men is so horrible to hear.

The sunlight refracted into his pupils, and the original deep pitch black was replaced by a heavy amber color, and Lin Hanxing as he watched breathed.

Her man is so beautiful!

Lin Hanxing pulled Lei Xiao into the blind spot in the corner of the corridor.

Afterwards, the thin white fingers put his hands together against his chin, and he looked up at Lei Xiao like this, with stars flickering in his eyes.

"I am sorry!"

She suddenly apologized to him.

Lei Xiao was stunned for a few seconds, then raised his hand and flicked the long hair near her ear.

"what happened?"

The gradual cloud brocade from deep navy blue to ink-washed white contrasts Lin Hanxing's small face more clearly.

The silver thread of Su embroidery piping bloomed in the sun.


At this time, Lin Hanxing was like a child who had done something wrong, with her long eyelashes trembling slightly, biting her lower lip.

It looks a little disturbed.

Lei Xiao smiled.

The cold face in the eyes of the outsider was so cold that there was no emotion, and it was extremely tender in an instant.

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