Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1065: : I can win and I can afford to lose

Behind her, there were several men who were muscular and dressed like bodyguards.

Before anyone approached, fierceness appeared in his eyes.

It seems to be to protect the princess, but at this time everyone in the cabinet is very clear...

These are the people of the Second Queen!

In order to prevent the second prince from replacing the eldest prince as the prince today, the second princess has lost his blood!

Look at this situation...

Unless there is a miracle, I am afraid that the princess who has no trump card in his hand will be difficult to turn over!

Even Hua Ji...

This is what all cabinet members thought.


A bodyguard behind him rudely pushed the princess.

Just listen to a crisp sound!

Princess Amia's backhand was a slap in the face, and she slapped her face accurately!

No one dares to speak!

The eldest princess reveals an inviolable majesty from her bones.

Looking at the bodyguard who had been stunned for a while, a pair of apricot eyes were dangerously narrowed, and he looked at the opponent so quietly!

"At least for now, my son is still the crown prince!"

After a while, the princess Amia made a loud voice, her eyes sharp as a knife!

Those who watched can't help but be terrified!

"My sister is right!"

Suddenly, a soft and melodious female voice came from not far away, and it seemed to be sticking to the human bones.

Everyone followed the voice and looked.

However, she saw the second princess Shamajia, who was wearing a golden yellow robe and skirt, walked leisurely with her son Falike in her arms, and the guards were diligently accompanying her, her attitude was obviously different from when the princess came just now!

And beside her, there was another person who bowed his head and bowed his waist!

When he saw it clearly, Uncle Hai's face suddenly became gloomy!

That person was not someone else, it was Laosan Yuan who had just troubled Lin Hanxing in the morning!

Uncle Hai never expected that he could even throw away the integrity of the Yuan family for the sake of prosperity and honor!

Their Yuan family, have they ever bowed to the royal family?

"Second princess, that girl!"

Yuan Lao San showed a flattering smile, his eyes quickly searched for the figure of Lin Hanxing, and whispered to the second princess Shamajia.

The eyes of the second princess swept across Lin Hanxing.

When she saw it clearly, Rao was a woman, and her breathing was choked down.

That girl, too dazzling!

Not only looks, but also aura!

Even if there are a bunch of powerful men behind him, they still can't conceal his beauty!

It's so...jealous!

Lin Hanxing naturally felt the second princess's eyes fall on him.

Look up and meet her.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air, and no one flinched, quite as if the king did not see the king.

Seeing this, Yuan Laosan clenched his fists!

The memory of the scene in the morning is still fresh, does the girl think this can stop herself?



Suddenly, the second princess spoke softly, and the second prince Falike had a fierce look. The bodyguard who had been slapped by the princess just now was knocked to the ground by the guards!

The stern begging for mercy is endless!

Although he was talking about the bodyguard, the second princess never looked away from Lin Hanxing's face.

Killing chickens and monkeys means obvious.

Just listening to the muffled sound, in front of all the cabinet members, the bodyguard who was silenced and begged for mercy was tortured with a rod in the hall, and the dead hand was under the stick after stick!

The smell of blood permeated the entire conference hall.

Soon, the other party was out of breath.

"Drag it down and feed the dog."

The second princess didn't even look at it, she stretched out her green jade fingers and waved.

Yuan San was about to vomit.

She didn't dare to show her even a little bit, she could only hold on to her smiling face.

It's not just him, maybe no one here can imagine that the second princess will suddenly get into trouble.

This is the cabinet!

Just as everyone had different thoughts, they saw the second princess twisting the water snake's waist and slowly walking in the direction of Lin Hanxing, and when she was about to walk to her, she stretched out her hand.

"I hope we can cooperate happily."

The second princess showed a glamorous smile on his face, and the royal family's arrogance appeared in the conversation.

When Laosan Yuan called, the second princess only felt that Yuan Shaojing was getting more and more regressive. It was crazy to find a little girl who had never heard of the film to temporarily replace the head of the family.

But the words of the son caused the second princess to change this contemptuous attitude.

Who is Yuan Shaojing?

Being able to be recognized by him as a female stream at a young age, and even almost ridiculously ordered by the Patriarch, this woman can never be underestimated!

However, on such an important occasion today, the second princess Shamajia absolutely does not allow any accidents, so a drama of killing the chicken and the monkey is not only a shock to the faction of the princess, but also a warning to this girl!

Lin Hanxing casually lowered his head and glanced.

The fine eyelashes trembled lightly and suddenly laughed.

That smile dazzled everyone's eyes, and even the second princess in front of him was bewildered.

"hope so."

The simple but meaningful four words clearly sounded in everyone's ears.

Lin Hanxing never stretched out his hand.

Let the second princess's watery fingers hang in the air, embarrassing, and no one responded.


The second prince Falik's grim expression was about to take such a step forward.

But before there was any action, Lei Xiao Shangguan Shixiu's bodyguards all stepped forward after receiving the order.

Naturally, the guards were not to be outdone.

A situation of confrontation between several parties was formed for a time, and there was an inexplicable thrilling feeling in people's hearts!

No one noticed.

At the moment when Lin Hanxing spoke, the eyes of Princess Amia, who had been expressionless, shrank suddenly, as if looking at her in disbelief, this voice...

Obviously it was the last satellite phone...

At this time, Yuan Laosan wanted the second princess's people to ruthlessly kill the little girl who didn't know the height of the sky, and looked greedily at the dragon ring on her jade white finger!

Suddenly, Yuan Laosan shuddered.

When he returned to his senses, he stared at the pair of cold eyes.

Lin Hanxing even raised his eyebrows and made a silent toast to him.

In an instant, Yuan Lao San recalled the live snake gall that he was forced to drink in the morning.

Suddenly, his stomach couldn't help but toss up.

"Don't scare the little girl."

The second princess softly spoke and reached out to stop her son.

It's easy to deal with a little girl, but Lei Xiao and Shangguan Shixiu are always afraid of her.

Especially Lei Xiao.

If the son becomes the crown prince, he must be firmly in that position, and there must be arms support behind him!

Understatement of three words, Lin Hanxing has already labeled Lin Hanxing as a little girl.

"The second princess, don't worry, our Yuan family will definitely support you!"

Yuan Lao San expressed his loyalty in time, bent his spine, and had a flattering expression on his face. He only hoped that the second princess would leave him a suitable position in the royal family after the incident today!

not to mention……

Yuan Laosan's eyes swept across the second prince Farrick.

If Yun Rong or Hua Nong is one of them, then...

"The royal family will naturally not forget the contributions of your Yuan family."

The second princess said lightly, revealing the words skillfully, but her eyes turned to the princess who was wearing a water-red dress with gold inlaid silk thread, as if she wanted to find the depression that was doomed to failure from her.


Slowly walked to the grand princess Amiya, carrying the victor's posture.

"Although your son is still the crown prince..."

In the last sentence, the second princess leaned over to the ear of the princess and said softly.

"But soon, not anymore!"

After finishing speaking, the coquettish chuckled with her hand over her mouth. The slender waist of the water snake seemed to be able to hold it. As the most favored woman in the Sultan of Selangor, the second princess was indeed the one in a million beauty.

Unfortunately, the ambition is too great.

Lin Hanxing walked back to take a seat next to Lei Xiao, his eyes scanned every face of the cabinet members.

In the brain, each person is compared with the content of the information that Uncle Hai gave to him last night, and the seats are matched, so that they can be divided into categories in the shortest time and make the most systematic differentiation.

"Shamajia, I can win and can't afford to lose, but what about you?"

The moment when the second princess arrogantly passed her, the princess Amia spoke loudly!

"Can you afford to lose?"

The second princess stopped and looked back at the princess with sarcasm, as if looking at a lunatic!


The second princess Shamajia yawned lazily. At this moment, even though she is in the cabinet, she is too lazy to pretend to behave like a imaginary snake.

"Amia, your son is brain dead, unless there is a miracle..."

She deliberately poked the sore spot of the princess!

This Lei Xiao Shangguan Shixiu, Yuan Clan’s Song Clan’s Gong Clan are all on his side now, and she has bought the only Hua Ji that she can handle, so what is left?

"Green bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail needle, neither of them is poisonous, the most poisonous to the heart of a woman."

Yuan Kang whispered at the right time.

Lin Hanxing glanced at him with a smile.

"Who are you talking about?"

How do you listen to what he said, the implications of this are quite wide?

Lei Xiao's gaze crossed Lin Hanxing's shoulder and fell on Yuan Kang's face, scaring the latter to shrink his neck quickly.

This grandma...

He can't afford to hide!

Lin Hanxing held up the tea cup in front of him in a leisurely manner.

While the words were being spoken here, Laosan Yuan walked towards Yuan Kang on his own.

"You get up."

Due to the temporary insertion, the infield did not set Yuan Laosan's position.

At this time, he had only two choices, either someone would change positions with him, or just stand.

After a pair of sneaky eyes looked around for a week, Yuan Laosan suddenly picked Yuan Kang.

In his eyes, this is the best target.

"Second Uncle, you have to talk about first-come first-come, right?"

Yuan Kang said with a smile, and Jun couldn't see any happiness or anger on his face. He was slick, and he clearly didn't mean to give in.

"Your head is broken? Tell me first come first?"

Laosan Yuan was holding back the fire to Lin Hanxing. As Lei Xiao was here, he naturally didn't dare to send it at her, so he could only vent all the sullen fire on Yuan Kang's body!

What's more, don't think he didn't see it, he wanted to help this dead girl in the morning!

When the voice fell, Yuan Kang's face would be slapped with a slap.

Yuan Kang is a good individual. He had long guessed that his words would anger Yuan Lao San. Almost at the same time, he had to jump away from the posture, and the accuracy was just right.

However, there is obviously someone who is faster than him!


I saw Yuan Lao San's wrist clasped with a small jade white hand.

A weird match!

Lin Hanxing still had a cold smile on his face, his expression was faint, and it seemed to be useless in the eyes of others!


Only Yuan Lao San knew, the hand that clasped his wrist!

How strong is the fuck! ! ! !

Yuan Kang was stunned, as if he didn't expect Lin Hanxing to make a move for himself!

The expression on his face seemed somewhat funny.

"sit down."

Lin Hanxing didn't even look at Yuan Kang, and the cold voice sounded, but Yuan Kang knew that he was speaking to himself.

This feeling of being covered by the boss...

Yuan Kang sat down again slowly, continuing to think.

It doesn't seem to be bad!

In the eyes of others, this picture really looks a little weird.

His strength, Yuan Lao San, is not as strong as that of a woman?

Isn't it pretending?

If Laosan Yuan knew what others were thinking, he would definitely cry out for injustice!

Yuan Laosan wanted to take her big palm out of her hand several times, but she seemed to be so weak that the wind seemed to be able to slap a woman, so why was she so strong? ? ? ? ?

At this moment, the second princess who was already seated couldn't help frowning at this scene.

The Yuan family, headed by Yuan Shaojing, is a hard-to-eat bone, no one knows better than her.

In the past few years, she has exhausted all the methods of coercion and temptation, and she has not been able to make Yuan Shaojing let her go!


Even if he Yuan Shaojing is a hard bone, his brothers and sisters may not be.

Wait till I sit down...

The second princess Shamajia sneered from her heart, obviously malicious.

Those Chinese who want to fight for status, she must be crushed to death one by one like ants!

Curl up long eyelashes.

By the way, the disgust of the fundus will be reduced together.

Lin Hanxing didn't bother to care too much about Yuan Laosan, only to see that the man with two or two strokes pushed him away.

One staggered.

Yuan Laosan sat in the center of the meeting hall in embarrassment!

No one dared to say anything.


Yuan Lao San felt that his tail vertebra was about to be broken, and just about to yell at him, he heard a rustle in his ear, and a cup of hot tea was splashed on his face like this!

"You have to dare to say one more word..."

Lin Hanxing lazily put the empty teacup back on the table, not looking at Yuan Lao San, and said coldly.

For a time, the powerful aura spread out overwhelmingly.

"You are at your own risk."

The four words that couldn't be more simple, matched with Lin Hanxing's cold eyes at this time, full of shock!

The princess Amia looked at Lin Hanxing in a complicated mood.

Now she can be sure by her voice that she is definitely that person!


Is it an enemy or a friend?

The princess straightened her back, and the place where the crown prince was supposed to be sitting next to her was empty at this time.

Her son has been declared brain dead by the doctor!

Now he is hanging himself completely by the machine.

Thinking of this, Grand Princess Amia's eyes looked coldly at the second prince Falike!

It's him!

She knew that he did it!

The second princess Shamajia glanced at the time, and the corners of her mouth slowly conjured up a smile like a mandala, as if she still carried an indescribable vicious and deadly charm, making people only dare to look far away and not to play with it.

She still has a big gift to give to her!

The second princess was thinking in her heart, the door of the cabinet chamber was pushed abruptly from the outside, and the veteran figure of the Grand Princess faction walked in with pain, with an expression of gloomy sadness that had never been seen before.

The princess puffed up when she saw this.

Stood up suddenly.

Lin Hanxing's eyes darkened, and he obviously knew the answer in his heart.

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