Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1067: : Flag is set too early, it is easy to be beaten in the face

These words are almost arrogant in everyone's ears!

Following Lin Hanxing's movements, the brocade spread across her body like water.

The silver-threaded Su-embroidered magnolia gradually blooms from all angles, as if the 3D effect is reproduced.

For a time, lifelike!


At this time, the second princess Shamajia was still covering her face with her hands, and staring at the two in front of her fiercely.

If the time goes forward even ten minutes, she can't believe that she is already the princess who is slaughtered by the fish on her chopping board, and she can still move such hands and feet in front of her! !

And it was Lin Hanxing that irritated the second princess the most!

That woman...

The sarcasm and disdain in your eyes when you look at yourself is damned! ! ! !

"act recklessly!"

With a ferocious look in the second prince Falike, the guards surrounded Lin Hanxing, the princess and the others.

"Protect the princess!"

The only remaining power of the Grand Princess faction roared at this time, and they all protected by her side!

Yuan Laosan was stunned!

Didn't the eldest brother send that girl to support the second princess?

Why did you put on a pair of pants with the princess in a blink of an eye?

Didn't the person surnamed Lin just hear that even the crown prince with the only trump card of the princess was dead?

Now following the princess is a dead end! ! !

Yuan Lao San originally thought that his eldest brother had figured it out, but he never thought he was so confused?

As if for fear of affecting him, others are rushing to escape the storm zone, but Yuan Laosan actively wants to move forward.

"Second Queen, I am definitely on your side! The Yuan family is definitely towards you!"

Yuan Laosan swore to the sky to show his loyalty!

He couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't feel relieved to follow, otherwise he didn't know what a big incident would happen!

"Mr. Yuan San's meaning can only represent yourself!"

Lin Hanxing gave a faint smile and raised his hand on the dragon ring in his direction.

Yuan Laosan felt like it was exploded, his head buzzed!

"Are you crazy? Are you trying to kill our Yuan family?"

At this time, Yuan Lao San could not wait to take Lin Hanxing alive, even his eyes were furious!

Lin Hanxing didn't even look at Yuan San.

Every gesture can reveal her contempt for that person.

"A Yuan family just wants to fight against me?"

The second princess put down her hand covering her cheeks, gloomy eyes and looked around every face of the remaining power of the grand princess faction in front of her, as if preparing for the death of the dust, one by one!

Everyone in the Grand Princess faction who was stared at by her eyes did not flinch!

"Just a Yuan family?"

Lin Hanxing fiddled with the soldier talisman, even though the situation was already so tense, she didn't see the slightest panic on her delicate white face, instead...

Yuan Kang muttered in his heart.

Why do you feel that the woman has a kind of excitement that she is eager to abuse her?

"Uncle Hai."

Lin Hanxing spoke lazily, and the expressionless Uncle Hai quickly stood beside her.

"Order to continue, so that all the local properties of the Yuan Group in Malaysia will be suspended and put into a state of rest."

It was just an understatement, but it caused an uproar like a torrent!

What did she just say?

Do you want to stop all the industries under the Yuan family in Malaysia?

"Are you crazy?"

Yuan Laosan was the first to shout!

Does she know that apart from the two families of the Chogong and Soong families, nearly half of Malaysia's economic lifeline is in the hands of the Yuan family?

Cover the four major aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation!

If it's as she said...

Not to mention how the stock market will be turbulent, just banking, food, housing, travel, public order, etc., will immediately be paralyzed! ! ! ! !

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Yuan Laosan was startled with goose bumps all over his body.

Not only him, but even the Second Princess, including everyone in her faction, was shocked and sweated on her back!

The uniqueness of Malaysia as a country lies in...

It is a place where the economic lifeline is controlled by the Chinese but the status and welfare are worrying.

As the most important thing in Chinese society, the Yuan Group can stir up wind and rain with almost one hand. This is one of the reasons why Yuan Shaojing's status in Malaysia is so special.

Even members of the royal family didn't dare to show him casually.

"No! Absolutely not! I don't agree!"

Yuan Lao San has no face, and if she really does what she said, the outside world will definitely think that something is wrong with Yuan, and then the shares in his hands will definitely be affected!

"You don't agree?"

Lin Hanxing squinted at Yuan Lao San, his expression seemed to be smiling, but there was a deep sarcasm in his smile.

"is that useful?"

With three simple words, Yuan Laosan's face was livid, and he couldn't wait to devour this girl alive!

However, Lin Hanxing's gaze quickly moved away from his face, and returned to the expression on the face of the second princess, who seemed absolutely wonderful at this time, and the mockery in his indifferent eyes was obvious.

"It's just a mere Yuan family, presumably the second princess doesn't care about it."

The voice of this sentence just fell, and even the princess couldn't help clapping her hands and applauding for her in his heart!

"Second princess, no..."

The people of the Second Princess faction also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, and they all spoke out to dissuade the Second Princess!

"Dare you threaten me?"

At this time, the second princess's face, which was as beautiful as Lotus, was blue and white.


"So what?"

Lin Hanxing's long eyelashes blinked slightly, bringing out the unique cold aura of the upper class, which made people feel dumbfounded.

"I don't believe you dare!"

The second princess didn't believe it. This girl really obeyed her arrangements when she put on the patriarch Longjie Yuan family up and down, let alone this kind of thing that caused a devastating blow to both the Yuan family and Malaysia!

Lin Hanxing languidly stood leaning against the table, with indifferent contempt between his gestures.

"Then start with the banking industry."

A careless voice rang in everyone's ears.

The serious-faced Uncle Hai had already taken out the phone and ordered Lin Hanxing's order in front of everyone.

Shocked the cold sweat of everyone in the Second Princess faction.

"You can't do this! I want to call Big Brother!"

Without saying anything, Yuan Laosan picked up his mobile phone and dialed it to Yuan Shaojing who was still in Jiangcheng at this time.

He pressed the speakerphone.

The beep when the phone is not connected affects the hearts of everyone present.

quite a while.

The phone was finally answered.

Almost at the moment when he heard Yuan Shaojing's voice, Yuan Laosan complained to his elder brother Lin Hanxing's behavior non-stop.

There is a hot report over there, but here Lin Hanxing is still playing with the amber-yellow soldier talisman in his hand leisurely. The thing is produced by the royal family at first glance, and the craftsmanship of the knife is perfect!

In the eyes of others, this scene is somewhat funny.

quite a while.

Yuan Laosan finished the case in one breath, waiting for the eldest brother to get furious, and then he pushed the boat along the water to take back the Patriarch's order. When he showed the second princess with 100% sincerity, he heard...

"Han Xing means what I mean!"

After speaking, with a click, the phone was hung up!




Yuan Shaojing's meaning is already very clear. Lin Hanxing can do whatever he wants!

The audience was silent for two minutes.

The first to break the silence was the ringtone of the Minister of Economy.

He took it blankly, and then suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking in the direction of Lin Hanxing, the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down drop by drop, as if someone splashed him with a bucket.

"Two...The second princess..."

The economic minister's face was pale, and the fear in his eyes was clear and defensible.

"Yuan's banks have all ceased operations, and...they are already in a mess outside!"

The banking industry is a part that is no longer closely related to people's lives. What's more, it is hard to imagine that the Yuan Group controls how many bank shares in Selangor and even Malaysia as a whole. This is simply...

This is simply terrible!

This kind of panic will spread into the hearts of the people, but it will cause a big shock to the entire Selangor state!

At that time, he, Minister of Economy...

It is the responsibility of Dingding to be taken off the stage!

How to do……

This is how to do ah……

The other party's face was pale, obviously he was really scared!

Although the other ministers have escaped for the time being, you must know that none of the other industries under the Yuan Group can escape!


Even if the second princess had a scheming plan, she would not dare to mess around with such a major event!

What's more, if the Sultan knew that she had annoyed the Yuan family in this way and caused such a big disturbance...

The second princess didn't dare to think about it anymore!

Now, she just feels that her scalp is tingling!

"Let the bank reopen! At all costs! Give an order!"

The second princess roared at the minister of economy.

The Minister of Economy wants to cry without tears!

He wants it too!

He also didn't want to be so stalemate to cause panic among the people!

But he really can't!

It was a bank under the Yuan Group, and he had no right to do that!

But faced with the pressing of the second princess, the Minister of Economy could only shake his head desperately, his expression broken!

From the beginning to the end, Lin Hanxing just looked at the people of the Second Princess faction who were in disarray on the opposite side with indifferent and sarcastic eyes. In that way, the second prince Falike was gritted with hatred!

They have imagined thousands of possible situations, but they couldn't imagine that they would face this one!

Just a woman!

"The Second Princess..."

Lin Hanxing raised her head and looked at the second princess, as if she didn't even see the panic on other people's faces.

"This incident teaches us that it is too early to set up the Flag, and it is easy to be slapped in the face."

Lin Hanxing said lightly, every word, as if he wanted the second princess to hear clearly.

However, he was holding the second princess triumphantly with his face full of triumph. First, the furious princess slapped the bow wildly, but now he felt that Lin Hanxing's silent slap was slapped back and forth, and his face was gloomy as if water could drip out.


The second prince Falike suddenly roared, drew out the self-defense pistol he was wearing from his waist, stepped towards Lin Hanxing and pointed the gun at her, obviously he was truly irritated!

The situation suddenly became tense.

The bodies of Lei Xiao and Shangguan Shixiu tightened at the same time...

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