Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1069: : It’s easy to icing on the cake, but it’s hard to send charcoal in the snow.

Before she finished speaking, the second princess Shamajia was already roaring!

Lin Hanxing's voice stopped abruptly.

Just look at the panic-faced Er Wang concubine so lightly.

Obviously, her opponent was upset.

And this is also the first goal that Lin Hanxing wants to achieve!

The first rule of facing the enemy is to defeat the opponent's self-confidence first and let him chaos himself.

"What did you say, I didn't catch it."

Lin Hanxing smiled gracefully and lazily, but he didn't mean to spare the opponent!

The second princess was short of breath.

The cheek muscles twitched uncontrollably, and he forced a ‘kind’ smile on his lips.

"I am willing to speak for my unwillingness..."

The second princess gritted her teeth, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Lin Hanxing's impatience.


This voice is so powerful that it makes the scalp numb!

The second prince Falik glared at each other and couldn't understand why the card that was clearly won was led to such a situation!

Still a woman! ! !

Lin Hanxing stared at him coldly as if he sensed that the second prince was unwilling to look at him.

Quietly, but with prestige.

The second prince took a step backwards shocked by the aura, and the bad words that had reached his lips just made him swallow back in just one bite, obviously he hadn't gotten away from her powerful shock just now!

Suddenly, the second prince Farrick felt two dangerous sights coming from different directions!

Don't dare to look back!

Like a thorny back!

Really there is a wolf in front, and a tiger in the back!

The second prince Falik, known for his cruelty and cruelty, was like a bereaved dog, so he had to obediently pick up his tail and behave!

The second princess took a deep breath.

The swelling anger made her heart hurt and her face hurt even more!

Obviously she won the situation, so why is it that she is the one who is deflated?

Will it be yourself who is ashamed?

"Why, didn't the second princess have eaten enough in the morning?"

Lin Hanxing said faintly, and refused to give up!

She did it on purpose! ! ! ! !

It's definitely intentional! ! ! !

The second princess is about to explode in anger! ! !

How could there be such a brazen woman in the world?

Biting her lower lip, she knew she was making things difficult for herself like she made things difficult for the princess, but there was nothing to do with that woman!

Doesn't she want to hear it?

The mouth was on her body, and she didn't speak any more when she was killed. How could she stand her?

Thinking like this in my heart.

The second princess raised her head and looked at Lin Hanxing provocatively!

Lin Hanxing couldn't help but chuckled while shaking his head in his heart. The ancients honestly didn't deceive me. The so-called big-chested brainless, but so.

Who is afraid of whom?

That's a waste!

Lin Hanxing continued to play with the soldier amulet in his hand slowly, but his eyes crossed the crowd to look at Lei Xiao.

At this time, Lei Xiao had faded away from his hostility and leaned his weight on the seat behind him.

Looking at the whole situation with cold eyes.

And under his eyes, the bodyguards have dispersed their positions with Lin Hanxing as the center, ensuring that everyone can rush to her for protection in the first time when an accident occurs.

Seeing Lin Hanxing's gaze swept over, he tapped silently on the table three times with his hand.

The heart understands.

Lin Hanxing curled up her long eyelashes, and concealed her smile.

Not far away, Shangguan Shixiu saw this scene. He could not see any emotion on his sickly pale face. He just played with the grass dragonfly with his slender fingers, his movements gentle and dangerous.

Time passed by every minute.

The economic minister’s phone ringing hasn’t stopped since just now, and the more he delays, the more pale his face is, and the cold sweat falls down his cheeks indefinitely, and he can’t even wipe it!

It's over, it's over!

At this time, he only had this idea in his mind!

The Minister of Economy can think of it with his toes, what kind of chaos is out there!

It's killing people, it's not! ! !

The second princess had already spoken, as long as that girl said no!

"I seem to have forgotten to say something."

As if unable to see the desperate expression of the Minister of Economy, Lin Hanxing raised his eyes and spoke lazily.

"If someone asks about the reason for cessation of business, our unified answer is..."

Having said this, Lin Hanxing paused and chuckled softly.

"Look at my memory, Uncle Hai, what is our unified answer?"

Although he said so, his expression is not like he really forgot!

The second princess really had to crush her silver teeth.

How could there be such an annoying woman in this world?

"Back to Miss Lin, the unified answer we gave is, the second princess and the second prince..."


Uncle Hai didn't finish his words, he was cut off!

The second princess gritted her teeth and swallowed the last bit of unwillingness. She never thought that Lin Hanxing would even hide such a hand!

Is she trying to arouse public resentment?

Even if his son becomes the crown prince, he will definitely lose popular support!

The second princess's chest was violently up and down due to anger.

Originally, she just wanted to apologize casually, but she didn't expect the other party to be so strong!

But just to help the ants...

When her son becomes the crown prince, she will definitely try her best to kill Yuan Shi!

He took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing secretly.

The second princess in a golden yellow gown took a step backwards suddenly, and bent over ninety degrees in the direction of Lin Hanxing in the most solemn state of the country, but the resentment on her face could not be restrained.

"I, Anoxuka Shamajia solemnly apologize to you!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head in a huff.

But at a glance, the second princess's nose was almost crooked!

The woman who was standing in front of her just now became the princess Amia. That is to say, the object of her ‘solemn’ stooping apology was replaced by the old sister who had been fighting for many years?

"Now, are you satisfied?"

What is gnashing your teeth? I believe everyone in the Cabinet Council today has really seen it!

Lin Hanxing didn't even look at her, and nodded towards Uncle Hai.

The only cronies of the Grand Princess faction were happy and sad at this time.

What's great is that I can see the arrogant second princess of the past languish without even the power to parry.

The sad thing is that even so, their defeat is set.

The eldest prince has passed away, that is the only son of the eldest prince, even if they want to find someone to compete with the second prince, the second prince instead of the prince to take over as the crown prince is a certain fact!

The soldier talisman still wandered back and forth between Lin Hanxing's fingers in an extremely magnificent posture, but soon it seemed as if he had been playing enough, and he flicked his thumb up...

Everyone only heard the muffled sound of ding, and the valuable soldier talisman behind it showed a beautiful parabola in mid-air, and returned to the hands of the princess in the frightened eyes of others.

"Remember these people around you."

Lin Hanxing looked at each other with the princess, and spoke lightly.

"Anyone who can stand by your side in the peril of knowing a dead end, the princess should always bear in mind with gratitude, after all..."

There was no expression fluctuation on Lin Hanxing's delicate little face.

If it were not for the unparalleled strong aura, it would be difficult for anyone to associate the fragile porcelain doll-like woman in front of him with the identity of the head of the Yuan family.

"It's easy to icing on the cake, but it is hard to send charcoal in the snow!"

There is an inexplicable and subtle feeling surging in the heart of the princess, just because she thinks of the time when this girl came out...

He had to wait until the second prince called her candidate to stand behind.

Is this girl helping herself to see people's hearts?

The princess turned around and looked at the familiar faces in front of her who had been supporting her since she married into the royal family.

These people, even if they knew that they were going to lose, still resolutely chose her with their lives as a bet. This deep friendship is enough to make her remember her for life!

"thank you."

The princess put her hand to her heart and bowed to those people in the highest courtesy of the Malaysian royal family.

The second princess is very angry!

Why is that woman always so lucky, and there are always people willing to work hard for her?

Even buying it doesn't work!

Ha ha!

She wants to see, even her son is gone, how does the woman want to turn over?

Really think she can be so lucky again and again by God?

"Sister, don't forget why we are here today!"

The second princess suppressed her anger, thinking that her son would become the crown prince later, her complexion finally looked a little better.

"The prince is dead. In order to develop better in the future, should the elder sister of the crown prince ask someone who is more suitable to sit in that position?"

Having said that, the confidence of the second princess seems to be back again.

You know, the only variable that can help the princess come back is Eric, but she had already asked people to carpet the airport and other transportation hubs as long as this Eric appeared, there must be no return!

What's more, in the eyes of the second princess...

If Eric Zhan Nanheng really wants to stand on the side of the princess, he doesn't have to hide for so many years.

In order to push her son to the top, she didn't know how many years she had planned and waited for today's matter. Originally, she wanted to find a chance to eradicate Eric, the biggest variable, but what the **** he couldn't do to become a star!

He became famous as a national treasure idol of Malaysia!

He was even personally received by the head of state and was awarded the title of high-ranking Dato!

On the bright side, she can't move him at all!

"Grand Princess, the position of the crown prince is very important. I hope you can give up the position of the crown prince from the perspective of the royal family!"

People from the Second Princess faction all spoke up after receiving hints.

The prince has just passed away...

The eldest concubine's people were in grief and indignation, each of them stared at each other angrily, but helplessly.

When Laosan Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but straighten up again.

It seems to have completely forgotten the fear of shrinking and trying to reduce his sense of existence.

"Yes, yes, yes! The second prince is the most suitable person to be a crown prince. If it weren't for the big prince to block..."

Before Yuan San finished speaking, Lin Hanxing glanced indifferently, and his success made him swallow the second half of the words back like a hot tongue, like a conditioned reflex!

Secretly cursed in my heart.

Even Laosan Yuan didn't realize it himself, but in a short period of time, Lin Hanxing had already established his prestige in front of everyone!

And this is something he hasn't done for decades!

They are all forcing her!

With a sneer, the princess showed an inviolable majesty from her bones, and looked around to talk to a few people.

"The crown prince, I will never give it to the second prince!"

A sonorous and powerful voice sounded, successfully condensing the triumphant smile on the corners of the Er Wang Concubine's mouth!

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

The second princess said in a gloomy voice, who on earth gave her the courage to say such words?

While thinking, his eyes fell on Lin Hanxing's face.

Lin Hanxing didn't retreat in the slightest, just smiled lazily, and even the mole with tears in the corner of his eye showed a mockery.

"Shamaja, don't you understand your son? He is more ambitious, but not capable. If he is the crown prince, he will surely bring devastation to Selangor in the future!"

Two women who have been fighting for decades, when you come and go, there seems to be a burst of fire in your eyes!

The second prince looked at the princess sternly.

"Amia, I'm afraid this time you can't help but whether you want it or not!"

The second princess spoke in a low voice. As long as she puts forward this proposal, more than half of the cabinet will support her, this matter is already a certainty, and she can't help but wrestle with her!

No matter how powerful the Yuan family is, it is only a businessman. Could it be possible to control the cabinet?

"The second princess is so confident?"

Lin Hanxing, who was silent for a while, spoke lightly, in exchange for the hateful eyes of the second princess.

Obviously today, she could have been out of the limelight and crushed that woman severely under her feet. If it weren't for this girl, had she ever been so embarrassed?

The more so the second princess, the more calm Lin Hanxing was.

"Yuan Kang..."

Yuan Kang, who was caught off guard by his name, was stunned first, and then responded very quickly.

"Send those documents to them one by one."

Lin Hanxing's voice was full of majesty, making people involuntarily follow her instructions!

The princess subconsciously turned her head to look at Lin Hanxing, obviously this scene was definitely beyond her expectation.


What information?

Not just the princess, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Hanxing, as if they wanted to see some clues from her face.

it is a pity……

It all failed!

Lin Hanxing's expression is so good that no one can snoop on it.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that these people are more curious about the information Lin Hanxing said!

in the end……

What is it?

Yuan Kang had the same question in his heart, so after getting the first-hand copy, he scanned it from top to bottom. Almost at the same time, he stopped and took a sip in front of everyone. Cool!

The expression is like I can't believe my eyes!

Whether it's a mystery or a real surprise, others who are curious about the content now stretch their necks and look forward to it!

Lin Hanxing's mouth slowly conjured up a sneer.

Speaking of which, it is a coincidence to find this thing.

Last night, I was checking the information that Uncle Hai gave me. When I saw the contents of the second prince, Lin Hanxing suddenly remembered something. After contacting Uncle Jin overnight, he got the information in the fastest time. Some of these things.

That is what Yuan Kang was shocked at this time!

The second prince seemed to have a premonition, and the expression on his gloomy face suddenly became weird.

Could it be that?

His heart was beating suddenly, and he didn't even tell his own mother about that. How did the woman know about it?

No, absolutely not!

Even though he comforted himself so much in his heart, the face of the second prince still couldn't help but look hard!

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