Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1072: : It is calculated from beginning to end

It's him!

In order to get Lei Xiao's support, she once promised in person that if he could arrive in Malay in person, she would open the royal airport!

That is the privilege that he opened up especially for this man!

There is no need to pass the security check!

How could she think that just when she thought she had set up a net and only waited for Eric to throw the net stupidly, he had landed on her base camp steadily long ago, swaggering, just waiting to give her the most painful blow!

The woman looked at her proudly!

Look at her arrogant!

But when she thought she had the best chance to win, she first angered her, and then set up traps layer by layer, making the situation more and more out of control, until their hole cards were drawn one by one!

Even they are so ugly to lose, when Eric comes out, who else will object?

Who dares to object?

Only then did the Second Princess connect everything together!

Do not hurry up, advance step by step!

Good scheming!

Good strategy!

It turned out that she was in other people's bureaus from beginning to end, and was counted among them!

"Second Queen, how does it feel to beat a good hand?"

Zhan Nanheng stood behind people from the beginning to the end, watching everything in his eyes, watching her turn from triumphant to ashamed, that kind of pleasure is absolutely impossible for others to empathize with!

Over the years, if he hadn't become the star of Malaysia's TOP1, he would have died for so many times under the threat of the second princess. The feeling that seems to live in the light, but was trampled into the dust by life. ...

In his life, he never wanted to live like this again!

The second princess trembled violently because of her anger, her eyes fixed on Zhan Nanheng!

It's like trying to swallow him alive!

A good hand is broken!

The current self, isn't it just that he has already beaten a good hand!

"What? I want the second princess to write you a year-end summary?"

Lin Hanxing's tone was lazy, sitting leisurely in front of a group of people waiting, but he couldn't hide his strong aura in the slightest.

At this time, one hand is resting on the chin, with a loose expression.

Uncle Du did not know when he had walked back behind her and stood silently.

"How dare I give the Second Princess!"

The two of them sang and played together, and the expressions of the second princess couldn't be described as ugly!

As for her cronies who were still happy just now, now they are all as dust, with shocked expressions in their shocked eyes, staring at Zhan Nanheng's face in a daze.

And those who originally belonged to the Grand Princess faction had turned against each other in order to protect themselves...

Regret's intestines are green!

If you can go back in time, they must hold the thighs of the princess tightly whatever they say, and they won't let go!

Lei Xiao's bodyguard came.

The two hundred million of the second princess has arrived.

The princess had obviously received the message and nodded towards Lin Hanxing.

"Thank you for the generosity of the second princess, you are really the most generous person I have seen in the past two years..."

Lin Hanxing was obviously in a good mood. Compared with the second princess who was pale as paper, the porcelain skin showed a healthy pale pink, and even the tears on the corners of her eyes were stained with a charming color.

Well, she made a lot of money for her wild man!

I'm so happy, I'll find a reason to hug and hug me again later!

Hearing Lin Hanxing's "praise", the second princess Shamajia, who was about to be angry, was even more heartbroken at this time!

Her money!

Her 400 million!

Just feed the opponent for nothing!

Even if the money was thrown into the water, she could still hear the sound of the sound. After saving for so long, she made a wedding dress for others in vain. Who can stand it?

"Now, you can start voting!"

Lin Hanxing's hand rubbed the exquisite Su embroidery on the cloud brocade, his tone of voice was obviously very casual.

Raising his hand and beckoning to the faction behind the second princess.

That look, in the eyes of Shangguan Shixiu, it is as cute as it is.

Standing next to Shangguan Shixiu, Uncle Liang could clearly feel the young master's emotional fluctuations. For him who had conflicts with Lin Hanxing because of Shangguan Shixiu, he really didn't like that woman!

However, even though he thought so, Uncle Liang had to admit that...

Compared with these people, the girl surnamed Lin was really merciful to Miss Yilu!


It's more than just showing mercy, even if it doesn't hurt or itchy!

At least Miss Yilu just lost a signature pen!

What these people lose is...


Also vote for a fart!

Even the second princess and the second prince were completely obedient, what are they?


The second princess only feels that her qi and blood are rising, and her throat is sweet, she definitely can't make the princess arrogant, she can't make Eric a candidate for the crown prince, she can't...

Hearing a puff, the second princess vomited blood out of anger!

Damn it! ! ! ! ! !

Hematemesis! ! ! ! !

It's not the kind of sister Lin holding a white handkerchief on TV!

He really vomited a big mouthful of blood!

Yuan Kang was the closest to him, of course, the most real thing was seen. At this time, he was dumbfounded, with a shocked look on his face!

See you a long time ago!

After vomiting blood, the second princess rolled his eyelids and fell softly into the arms of the second princess!

Death cannot allow this cabinet meeting to continue!

I can't die! ! ! ! ! !


"The Second Princess..."

The chaotic voice sounded from all directions, everyone who can sit in the cabinet is a human being. Naturally, I understand the meaning behind the second princess's choice of fainting at this time!

"You guessed it again!"

Zhan Nanheng looked at Lin Hanxing with a rather helpless expression, can she not be so smart?

At that time, his little Qingmei told him that the battle for the crown prince would definitely not be fruitful today, even if he appeared, it would not change.

Zhan Nanheng didn't believe it at first.

Especially when I heard that the second princess would be really dizzy or pretend to be dizzy.

In his opinion, how could a person with such a good face as the second princess be forced to that point!

As expected, I still don't understand women!

Lin Hanxing's palms were facing up, and he stretched out his fingers towards him.

Zhan Nanheng resignedly took out his wallet and threw it at Lin Hanxing!

But the look in his eyes was a little bit disheartened.

Today, she helped the eldest princess build such a big momentum, nothing more than to make the road behind him go more smoothly.

He accepts this love!

It's just that she will go back to Jiangcheng later, right?

Before Zhan Nanheng's wallet could reach Lin Hanxing's hands, Lei Xiao had already intercepted it halfway.

Before Zhan Nanheng could react, the wallet had been thrown back into his chest again.


Zhan Nanheng secretly spit out in his heart, don't look at the light on the surface of the surname Lei at this time, I am afraid that the jealous jar in his heart does not know how many altars have been overturned! ! !

Install! ! !

Reinstall! ! ! !

Lin Hanxing raised his head and looked at Lei Xiao. No one could see the smile in the corner of his mouth.


Lin Hanxing poked the man Jin's thin waist with his fingertips and muttered a word.

Lei Xiao did not change his face and grasped her little hand.

"You can only spend my money."

The hoarse voice sounded in Lin Hanxing's ears with unique charm.

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