Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1105: : Like like like you

After lunch, Lin Hanxing and Lei Xiao left.

Lei Xiao's car also stopped at the gate of the compound, and the two had to walk a long distance to get there.

Lin Hanxing tricked his fingers from time to time, but then slipped away when Lei Xiao's palm reached out to hold her.

"Can't walk anymore."

Suddenly, Lin Hanxing squatted down and spoke softly.

Lei Xiao looked back and saw the little girl squatting on the ground with her knees up, looking up at him at this time.

The ground that had just fallen snow was white.

On the contrary, the porcelain white face showed a faint healthy powder, and the eyes were moisturized as if there was light gathering.

Lei Xiao turned around and squatted down with her.

Looking at that small face, Lei Xiao's heart softened, wishing to find all the good things in this world for her.

He stretched out his finger and poked Lin Hanxing's face.

Lin Hanxing opened his mouth to bite him.

"Come up, I'll carry you."

Lei Xiao smiled, loving all these childish little movements that she only showed in front of her.

Lin Hanxing raised his head just to crash into his smile.

The heart skipped a beat.

Others only know that the Lei family is cold and cold, but few people know how confusing this man is when he laughs.


Lin Hanxing obediently stretched out his hand and leaned on Lei Xiao's back. The two legs wrapped under the black lady's suit trousers were dangling back and forth on both sides of his body, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

It's like a cat that only ate fish.

He put his arm around Lei Xiao's neck and leaned his face against his cheek.

"Dad has two birthdays, and we will officially announce the engagement of the two of us on that day."

Lei Xiao's charming voice sounded.


Lin Hanxing lightly sniffed the good smell of wood on his body.

Very easily, it can cause people to sink.

"A Xiao."

Lin Hanxing spoke suddenly, his breath sprayed by Lei Xiao's ears, hot and sultry.


Carrying her is like carrying a feather, light and fluttering.

Obviously, my mother recently fed Han Xing a lot of food, and even the supper fruits that I don't usually eat at night started to eat. How did it feel that there was still not much meat?

"Can you tell mom not to buy me anymore?"

She had only left with A Xiao for one day, and the room was almost full of things that Lei Ma had brought.

Let alone the cosmetics and skin care products, there are even more rows of clothes in the cloakroom. Seeing that the space for Lei Xiao’s clothes is getting smaller and smaller...

In that posture, I can't wait to move the entire mall to her.

"Cosmetics have a shelf life. Even if you give them to Xibao Baixi and the others, you can't use up so much."

not to mention……

There are also items sent by various manufacturers from all over the world at Yujingyuan.

She only has one face and one body, so much, which is too wasteful.

"Mom told me today that she wants to expand the cloakroom for you."

Lei Xiao walked towards the gate of the compound unhurriedly, and did not hesitate because of the sight of others.

What he carried was his wife.

What's so embarrassing?


Lin Hanxing buried his face in his neck, like a little hamster.

"Actually I want to buy it for you too."

Lei Xiao's low voice sounded, but his mother was too aggressive, completely making him useless.


Lin Hanxing was speechless, unable to speak for a while.

"Wait until after the engagement..."

Lei Xiao continued to walk forward, his black leather shoes stepped on the concrete floor, making a muffled movement.

"Sign an agreement."

Lin Hanxing pauses, agreement?

What agreement is signed?

"You don't want Xue Da to transfer everything under my name to me, do you?"

Lin Hanxing was jokingly speaking.

But by accident, she heard Lei Xiao's earnest hmm, and her fingers trembled with fright.

"This is also our house rule?"

Lin Hanxing was like a frightened little squirrel, his eyes widened.


Lei Xiao tilted his head, and Lin Hanxing just lowered his head, and the two people's lips were rubbed together like this.

Fragrant and soft.

The little mouth of the daughter-in-law.

"Not a house rule."

Just want to give you, give you everything I have.

Including myself.

"I do not want."

Lin Hanxing lay on his back and spoke softly.

"I don't want your money!"

He buried his face in his neck, but his little white ears appeared red.

Seeing how cute it is in Lei Xiao's eyes.

"Cold Star."

Lei Xiao called her suddenly.

"Before Dr. Zhong..."

His psychological problems...

Before he finished speaking, Lin Hanxing's ears were lightly bitten.

The strength is small.

But with indescribable warmth.

"I like you."

Before Lei Xiao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Hanxing.

"Cold Star..."

"Like like like you!"

A soft sound came from her ear again, causing the haze that Lei Xiao had just gathered in her heart to dissipate a little bit.

"Do you want me to finish talking?"


Lin Hanxing tilted his head and admitted directly.

When he mentioned Dr. Zhong, she already knew what he wanted to say.

Don't want to listen.

I don't want to remind him of unhappy things.

Those secrets that belong to him...


It doesn't matter at all.

"Do you know something?"

Lei Xiao was sensitive to Lin Hanxing's strangeness, and the moment he spoke, the phone's ringtone suddenly rang.

Lin Hanxing took out his mobile phone, and when he saw the caller ID, his expression was slightly condensed.


I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, Lin Hanxing first hummed, then hung up.

"I'm going to the hospital."

The call just now was from Yuan Shaojing.

"I'll take you there."

"Your car is late and I will let Anthony drive home."


The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangcheng Medical University.

When the two got out of the car, the sound of an ambulance suddenly came from outside the emergency corridor.

There was a noisy voice.

"Is it drug use?"

"It looks like I have needles in my hands. It looks too scary."

"You said will there be AIDS?"

The intermittent voice came over, making Lei Xiao's face suddenly hard to look.

Even if Lin Hanxing didn't turn his head, he could feel the chill suddenly rising from him.

He did not move.

His eyes fixed on the side of the ambulance.

"A Xiao..."

Suddenly, a Nuonuo sound came from her ears, penetrating everything to her heart.

It's Hanxing.

He lost his mind.

Lei Xiao just turned his head to open his mouth, but felt that someone was violently grabbing at the shirt. Before he could react, the little girl who was more than a head shorter than him stood on tiptoe and slammed on his lips. !

I kissed myself fiercely!

Lei Xiao was caught off guard, and stepped back two steps before barely stabilizing the two of them.

Hold her hand on her soft and thin waist...

The body gradually warmed up.


If it was just a vague concept in my mind just now, then Lei Xiao is 100% sure now...

She got it.

"Let's go."

Feeling the body of the man he was holding softened gradually, Lin Hanxing finally removed his lips, with a bright smile that could not be described in words, and reached out to Lei Xiao.

That smile...

It melted the coldness of Lei Xiao's whole body, like a bright spring, reaching people's hearts.

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