Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1137: : Continue to slap her face (1)


The Qi Shi Group's new apparel release conference is also being prepared in an orderly manner.

When the Guava Entertainment reporter followed the person in charge into the background, the whole person almost suffocated to death!

Dozens of international supermodels, including Big GG, gather here.

He has only seen such a strong lineup at an international show, and now it is just for the new product launch conference of the Qi Group to create such a strong lineup...

Simply unheard of.

The reporter of Guava Fashion couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

His group of colleagues was finally blinded by the geese licking wild geese all day long and still unknowingly complacent, it was really...

Once the invitation letter signed by Lin Hanxing's business signature was taken out from the gate of Y·R, not only did it go unimpeded all the way, but also enjoyed the VIP-like treatment!

This was something he couldn't even think of in the past!

I was thinking about it, when I saw Lin Hanxing and Lei Xiao standing not far away, I couldn't help but want to step forward to say hello.

But before approaching, the phone rang quickly.

Lin Hanxing was talking to Lei Xiao when he heard the phone ringing and looked sideways.

However, the reporter of Guava Fashion had a bitter face and seemed to be being reprimanded by the editor-in-chief on the other end of the phone!

"Who told you to go to Y·R! Understand the rules!!! Now you immediately send me to the DQ press conference!!! Have you heard it? You don’t want to grab the headlines with such big names as Anna Tur and Jennifer, What are you going to do in Y·R!"

The voice was so loud that even Lin Hanxing could hear it clearly.

The editor-in-chief on the other end of the phone just chose to hang up!

The Guava Fashion reporter looked up with a bitter face, and couldn't help sighing when he saw the smile on the corner of Lin Hanxing's mouth.

Unexpectedly, DQ even invited Anna Tur.

The fashion demon of Vogue magazine.

The movie "The Devil Wearing Prada" is alluding to her story.

Such a character, who doesn't want to interview.

Thinking of this, he became a little dejected, and he didn't know if he came right or wrong this time!

"Not going?"

Lin Hanxing raised her eyebrows with a smile, and the diamond earrings around her ears reflected the bright cold light.

The Guava Fashion reporter shook his head.

Even if it is definitely too late to go now, it is estimated that tomorrow the editor-in-chief will let himself be overwhelmed and leave!

"Are you not afraid of being fired?"

In Lin Hanxing's plan, the worst result was that no reporter appeared, but he did not expect the reporter of Guava Fashion to actually come.

Lin Hanxing's personality is actually very simple and clear.

If you give me a bit of face, I will pay you back ten times.

"I'm afraid it's useful, I'll start over again!"

Guava Fashion reporter Zhou's voice fell, Lin Hanxing smiled, and put a hand on his shoulder and patted!

"I said, I will reserve the qualification for you to interview the guests exclusively tonight as a thank you gift."

With these meaningful words, Lin Hanxing and Lei Xiao turned around and left.

The reporter left Zhou and the photographers looking at each other.

She seems confident?

Could it be that on the Qi family's side, there can be more powerful guests than Jennifer and Anna Tour?


The security guard Xiao Zhang reported the collected information to Yan Lao.

On the other hand, Yan Lao, there was no expression on his majestic face, he was just teasing the parrot.

——If I don’t want to, no one can find anything from these clues.

After the report, Xiao Zhang couldn't wait for Yan Lao's instructions for a long time, so he couldn't help but look up at him.

"Who do you think has the better chance of winning tonight?"

Old Yan asked suddenly.

This time, Xiao Zhang can be stumped.

He doesn't know anything about the fashion industry, but it seems that the people invited by the Han family are obviously better than this Miss Lin.

But I happened to have contact with this Miss Lin several times...

She can easily reverse the situation that is not conducive to her.

Definitely a character that cannot be underestimated!


"Let you just say it! Hesitate!"

Yan Lao Rulei's voice resounded unpleasantly!

"According to the current situation, it seems that Miss Han has a better chance of winning!"

The guard Xiao Zhang spoke conservatively.

Hearing this, Old Yan suddenly smiled.

Not the kind of fake smile that floats on the surface, but the kind that really comes from the heart!


As he said, he walked upstairs with his hands behind his back.

The guard Xiao Zhang, who was left confused, showed puzzled eyes...


"Unexpectedly, this Han Mingmei is really capable!"

"Yes, Jennifer and Anna Tour, this combination is enough to shake the entire fashion circle!"

"Compared to them, those little fresh meats are a fart!"

The reporters whispered, and by the way, ridiculed the reporter surnamed Zhou of Guava Entertainment.

Han Mingmei naturally heard the discussion of those behind her, and her face suddenly became proud.

Lin Xiaojiu, aren't you great!

Now it's not about obediently losing in your own hands!

Thinking of this in her heart, Han Mingmei walked like a wind.

Soon, I came to the car.

"Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Anna Tour, the two are coming here. It is the glory of Han Mingmei and the entire DQ Group. Please also get off the bus. I have arranged a VIP seat."

Han Mingmei said that there was a decent smile on her face.

The guests who had been sitting behind them also came over.

Want to witness the dignity of the next two fashion industry leaders.

For a while, before the press conference started, the entire atmosphere in the venue was heated up.

This obviously made Han Mingmei very face.

After all, people came from her face.

Han Mingmei put her posture very low and put her hands on the door handles. Today, she will do all the things that these car boys do only on weekdays.

The answer to her was endless silence.

In the open window of the back seat, Anna Tur’s blue eyes just swept Han Mingmei coldly.

That almost flattering expression, she has seen on the faces of many people in the fashion circle for so many years.

And this is the most disdainful to Anna Tour.

Whatever you say in person is good, and I still don't know how to stabb you in the back.

Swept by those cold eyes, Han Mingmei inexplicably felt a chill rising from under her feet.

Anna Tur took her gaze back and glanced at her friend Jennifer, seeming to ask her if she was this person with her eyes.

After getting the affirmative look from Jennifer, Anna Tul knows in her heart.

Suddenly snorted in my heart.

Han Mingmei is about to open the car door, but...

Don't move!

The smile on his face condensed on his face, it seemed that he didn't quite understand what was going on.

The door is obviously locked.

Only in this way, the reporters who were originally waiting to welcome the two guests to get off the car noticed something that seemed to be wrong.

Didn't Han Mingmei invite it?

"Ms. Jennifer, my teacher is..."

This sentence, Han Mingmei said in a very low voice, except for the person involved, no one else could hear it.

This time, Jennifer was finally willing to give her a sideways glance.

Han Mingmei couldn't help being overjoyed seeing this situation.

Knowing that this would arouse her reaction, she would definitely announce her teacher's name at the very beginning.

Just about to speak again, Jennifer spoke.

But this sentence changed everyone's expressions!

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