Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1152: : He's will file for bankruptcy protection

Heshi Group meeting room.

The shareholders gathered together with ugly faces.

What happened last night was simply incredible to them!

Now there is no leader in the group, and the staff is even more popular. How can it go on like this?

What's more, there are still so many reporters downstairs, waiting for someone in charge to be interviewed.

at the same time.

Exit R, which is closed all year round in the underground parking lot, was temporarily opened, and two cars entered one after the other.

The windows of the car were as dark as night and it was chilling.

Soon, a group of people getting on and off the car walked towards the elevator.

With the rumble, the elevator doors slowly closed.

In the secretary room on the top floor of the He Group, the secretaries who looked more beautiful than flowers were frowning.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor outside.

It sounds like there is more than one person.

The people in the secretary's room looked at each other, trotting down the corridor.

"God, it's Young Master He!"

A short exclamation sound rang, causing a ripple of uproar.

Although He Dashao's "resurrection from the dead" has been spread throughout Jiangcheng, it is the first time that he has directly appeared in the group in these days, not to mention...

Everyone's eyes swept over the woman standing in front of Young Master He, and she was even more shocked!

With a bang, the door of the conference room was pushed open unsuspectingly.

The directors of He's inside were full of astonishment.

"He... Young Master He?"

After a while, someone finally spoke in astonishment and couldn't help but get up.

And more eyes focused on the beautiful woman standing in front of him!

After this period of bombing by the Jiangcheng media, who else doesn't know this woman?

Lin Jia Xiaojiu!

Lin Hanxing!

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the nightmare of many people in Jiangcheng!

"Cheng Yu, why did you come to the company?"

The person speaking was one of the members in the black frame on the list that Lin Hanxing had handed to He Chengyu before. At this time, he was full of panic, even his eyes were still timid.

He Chengyu gave him a cold look.

"Why? As one of the shareholders of Heshi Group, I don't have the right to participate?"

Hearing this, the other party's words got stuck.

The room is full of silence.

You look at me, I look at you, I don't know what expression to make to respond.

Lin Hanxing curled her lips softly and took the lead to take the seat.

This dissatisfied all the directors of the Heshi Group present. In what capacity does she and the Lin family come to participate in their Heshi Group meeting? What's more, what happened to the He family can't be separated from her. Who made her nosy?

"White Creek."

When He Chengyu sat down in the main seat, Lin Hanxing spoke lightly.

Baixi threw the information that he had already prepared in order to the present Heshi shareholders.

The action is not at all polite.

"I would advise you, instead of entangled in the question of my suitability to sit here, it is better to look at the information in your hands and recognize the dilemma He's will face now."

Lin Hanxing tapped the table top with his hand, making a knock.

After she came in, she had already seen grievances in the eyes of these people.

By all accounts, this meeting has been held for nearly an hour, but even so these people have not come up with a feasible solution, and even the hearts of the people below have not been appeased, which is enough to show the current Heshi management. What kind of garbage.

Looking at Lin Hanxing's posture, everyone opened the information in their hands in doubt, but when they saw the contents, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and were taken aback.

"As you can see, He's is absolutely incapable of repaying this series of debt problems."

He Chengyu said in a deep voice.

Calm and powerful.

——One thing, I hope you are clear.

——Even if He Shi returned to your hands, it would not be the same as before.

--what do you mean?

-Do not break or stand.

The conversations I had with Lin Hanxing in my mind kept replaying in my mind.

He Shi is the painstaking effort of his father, so how can He Chengyu not feel sad? But just like Nine Girls said, if you don't break or stand, if you don't experience this, how can He wash the dust and regain the light.

"Up to now, my personal recommendation is to file for bankruptcy protection."

He Chengyu's words caused an uproar.

Bankruptcy protection?

He actually wants to file for bankruptcy protection for He Shi?

"Master, you have to think about it clearly. Once you file for bankruptcy protection, we must withdraw from the Jiangcheng Sea-crossing Bridge project. We can't get back the money we invested in the early stage!"

Someone directly objected!

"Ha ha."

Lin Hanxing's voice seemed to float from a distance, reaching people's hearts.

"Do you think that after such a major incident, the above can rest assured that the project will be handed over to you?"

A question that couldn't be more simple, everyone asked was silent.

"Now, you still have a way to apply for bankruptcy protection, but if it's a few days later..."

Lin Hanxing's words didn't finish, but the significance was self-evident.

He Chengyu looked at her and knew that it was Nine Girls who had taken over the evil person that should have been done by him, and because of her presence, the group of people shifted the focus of the fire to her.

Little Girl Nine helped him pick up his dignity as a young master of the He family!

"Young Master, Second Young Master, he really..."

Suddenly, someone couldn't help but ask. The news didn't mention He Ershao's injury, but the gossip had spread, and now they all wanted to get the most prepared news!

Is it possible for the second young master to come back?

"I can only say that from now on, everything about the He Group will be determined by me!"


After half an hour.

The He Group briefly held a press conference in the lobby of the group. He Chengyu personally announced to the public that the He Group would formally submit an application for bankruptcy protection to the court.

This news detonated Jiang Cheng almost instantly.

But Lin Hanxing, who had left the underground parking lot, was sent directly to the Lei Shi Group by Bai Xi according to her wishes.

After swiping the card, he took the elevator directly to the president's office. Special assistant Anthony was handing the documents to Lei Xiao for signature. Seeing Lin Hanxing coming in, he was not surprised to see his boss's instant soft expression.

"There is food in it."

Lei Xiao glanced at Lin Hanxing and said in a deep voice.

The inside refers to the refrigerator in the lounge.

Lin Hanxing walked into the lounge, and saw a piece of strawberry cake in the refrigerator.

The sweetness of strawberry is oncoming.

"How do you know I will come?"

Eating some sweets after excessive fatigue can make people relax a lot, at least Lin Hanxing is like that.

"Where is the boss who knows that Miss Lin will come, he will ask people to prepare some food to put in it every day, if you don't come, let us take it all back, and serve it fresh the next day..."

Before he finished speaking, Lei Xiao looked up at him.

Anthony was honest right away.

I secured the signed document and hurriedly left.

"A Sheng will be back tomorrow."

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