Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1178: : Common information received by the two

"I will contact Dr. Zhong to determine the time as soon as possible."

Lei Sheng's expression was extremely serious, because he found this kind of special double hint that he had only seen one person for so many years, but he still had to confirm it with Dr. Zhong in the end.

"Thank you."

Although Lin Hanxing noticed something strange from his eyebrows, he still didn't ask anything.

"Help me keep a secret from your elder brother!"

After saying this, Lin Hanxing got up and walked towards the door.

As soon as she opened the study door, she saw Dad Lei standing outside with a serious expression.


"A Sheng, go out first, I have something to say to Han Xing."

Dad Lei's eyes fell over Lin Hanxing's shoulders and fell on Lei Sheng.

Lei Sheng left the study room after a hum, but his eyebrows hadn't been released, and he seemed to be thinking about double hints.

When the door of the study was closed, Dad Lei turned and looked at Lin Hanxing.

"Han Boming called me and said that he wanted to meet, and sent this..."

Lei Kangnian's words made Lin Hanxing's eyes flashed darkly, and he reached out to take his mobile phone. When he saw the text message on the screen, the corner of his mouth slowly sneered.

As soon as I said this, there was a knock on the door again.

As soon as Lin Hanxing opened the door, she saw Lei Ma standing outside.

When he glanced at the phone in her hand, Lin Hanxing still didn't understand.

"Zhong Xueqing sent you a message?"

Lei Ma and Lei Dad looked at each other and handed out the mobile phone that received the text message.

It's the same content.

At this time, Lin Hanxing could not see any loss after hypnosis failed, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were indifferent to thinking.

It seems to be trying to figure out the other party's intentions.

Now that things have developed to the present stage, what else is necessary to meet?

But since Han Boming and Zhong Xueqing dared to say this, they must have his intentions, but...

What is it for?

As I was thinking, Lin Hanxing's cell phone rang suddenly.

Without any evasion, she answered the phone directly in front of Lei Dad and Lei Ma.

Just after hearing a few words, his indifferent eyes narrowed sharply in an instant.

Soon, Lin Hanxing hung up the phone.

"I think I know their intention to ask you out!"

Lin Hanxing sat down leaning on the desk.

The slender legs wrapped in the home trousers became visible due to this action.


"Mom, I once told you that the best way to heal a boil with blood pus is not when it does not exist, but to puncture it and squeeze out the pus and blood!"

Lin Hanxing raised her head and looked at Lei Ma, chuckled and slowly held her hand.

"It's Dad's birthday dinner soon."

When he said this, there was a sense of relief in Lin Hanxing's tone of'finally coming'.

"I promise, everything will end on that day."


In the end, it is Dad who is going out tonight.

Dad Lei wanted to drive himself, but Lei Xiao insisted on sending him there.

No one said anything along the way.

After half an hour, the agreed place arrived.

"Dad, if you show up, Zhong Xueqing will come."

Before getting out of the car, Lin Hanxing gave Lei Dad a vaccination, which was obviously clear about the other party's routine.

Dad Lei paused and nodded to indicate that he knew.

Lei Xiao's gaze followed Dad Lei all the time, the gloom in his eyes was obscured in the dim carriage, and Lin Hanxing sensitively caught him, reaching out to hold his big palm.

The palms that are hot on weekdays are not at all warm at this time.

Lei Xiao subconsciously held her hand back, clasping her fingers tightly.

"I am here."

Lin Hanxing spoke softly, knowing where his heart knot was.

"It should be me to protect you."

Those deep eyes immersed in the darkness were full of pain, and the palms tightened unconsciously.

"You have done enough for this family."

Lin Hanxing spoke softly.

"A Xiao, we are your family, and we also want to protect you."

Lei Yu once said that if it weren't for meeting her, perhaps Lei Xiao would still be like before, not even caring for his life, for them to run for Lei's, as if tirelessly.

In fact, there are many things that Lei Xiao has no way to deal with.

It's that he doesn't want to.

"You, don't think about anything, just leave it to me obediently, okay?"

Lin Hanxing stretched out his hand and leaned against his head.

Since the day this man appeared next to him, Lin Hanxing's world has been given another touch of color besides the blackness of revenge. Even Lei Xiao didn't know that his appearance...

How important to her.

"When Dad's birthday party, we will announce the marriage news, okay?"

Lin Hanxing tilted his head and gently kissed his ear, his eyes were gentle and soft.

"If Mom gets angry, you have to help me."

As he said, Lin Hanxing shook Lei Xiao's arm, soft and waxy, almost coquettish, sweet to the heart.

Lei Xiao reached out and hugged her tightly.

"If, I mean, if I can't remember how we met in my life, would you be angry?"

Lei Sheng's failed hypnosis tonight could not help appearing in his mind, and Lin Hanxing slightly tightened his eyelashes, like a casual opening.

——I don’t want Xiao Jiu to unlock that part of the memory.

——This is also what Yanyu and Ah Jin mean.

Lei Xiao's arm tightened suddenly, acting like a conditioned reflex.

"Do not!"

There was a little depression in his tone, and Lin Hanxing sensitively caught it.


Ah Xiao doesn't want to restore her memory, does she?

"Don't you regret it?"

After a while, Lin Hanxing spoke softly.

In the dimness, she could feel Lei Xiao's Adam's apple rolling up and down a few times, and the strength of her arm tightening was enough to make her feel the haze in his heart.

"You are in my heart and you are by my side. What is there to regret?"

Lei Xiao's low and hoarse voice sounded in the carriage.

Lin Hanxing's heart suddenly seemed to be gripped tightly by an invisible palm, sour, astringent and painful.

That's enough, don't think about it...

Lei Xiao repressed and thought in his heart over and over again.

On the other side, in the most high-end coffee shop in Jiangcheng, Zhong Xueqing had just taken a seat from the opposite side of Lei Kangnian.

She was still wearing the navy blue waisted cheongsam that she had just returned to Jiangcheng, matched with a Mulan shawl, and there was an indescribable style between her gestures.

"I didn't expect it to be me."

At the moment when Zhong Xueqing, who was originally nervous, saw Lei Kangnian, there seemed to be an indescribable bitterness and hatred in her heart. She worked so hard to do so much, this man is still like before...

See nothing!

She seemed to be an invisible person in his eyes!

What is so good about Zhong Nanyin?

Stupid and naive!


Lei Kangnian spoke in a low voice, his expression was majestic, even his eyes were sharp.

"Ha ha."

Zhong Xueqing ordered a cup of coffee for herself, seeming to be brewing and waiting for how to complete Han Boming's account of herself.

The more I think like this...

The expression became a little confused.

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