Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1303: :The whereabouts of snake head and sheep head

Night fell.

The soft crystal lights illuminate every corner of the restaurant. In sharp contrast, the steaming hot pot on the table. Because of the arrival of Dr. Zhong, Yan Beixiao took the opportunity to propose this celebration in the evening.

Obliged to order, the kitchen has been preparing ingredients since the afternoon.

The soup base alone has been simmered for nearly four hours.

Until it was served, the mandarin duck pot was divided into two.

The red oil is spicy and fragrant, and the bone broth is creamy and delicious. It can make you appetite no matter which side it is.

"Do you know how miserable I was in those three years!!!"

The atmosphere was so good, Yan Beixiao began to let go of the gall to complain, not forgetting to pick a piece of fat cow from the pot with his eyesight and hands.

"It feels like walking a hundred meters forward and being able to step on three different **** with different colors!!!"

As he said, Yan Beixiao looked at Lei Xiao bitterly.

On the other hand, the latter is an obedient and calm face helping his daughter-in-law to cook dishes, and ignores him.

"So later do you know what I learned?"

Yan Beixiao drooped his eyebrows and made a pitiful and unlucky look.

"Distinguishing shit..."

Jiang Xibao, who had been eating stuff all the time, said this very sincerely.

I am most afraid of the sudden condensation of the air...




With a burst of ‘embarrassing’ silence, there was a sudden burst of laughter, and even Lei Xiao smiled rarely.

Only Jiang Xibao was still looking around with ignorance.

"Did I say something wrong?"

She turned her head to look at Liang Yuran next to her, her white fat little face completely blank.

"That's right, eat meat."

Liang Yuran said as he slapped his chopsticks and slapped Yan Beixiao's hands away from the meat, and put the pile of freshly cooked beef into Jiang Xibao's bowl expressionlessly.


Yan Beixiao, with a face of ‘baby grievance’, watched the meat fly from under his eyelids into other people’s bowls.

"Who made you owe you back then!"

Lin Hanxing's voice couldn't hide his gloat.

Stand firmly on your husband's side.

The hair that had been spread out was wrapped around his head, and the air-conditioning in the villa was all on, but the face was still flushed with the heat.


Yan Beixiao just wanted to stand up to refute, but when he met Lei Xiao's pair of eagles and falcons, he suddenly died down.


Yuan Kang has been drinking iced drinks spicyly, and even so, he didn't forget to complain about Yan Beixiao.

"Youcanyouup, nocannoBB!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Yan Beixiao caught Lei Yu from the corner of his eyes.

He is still the look of the mountain and white snow that is beyond sight, even if he eats hot pot, he is still noble and elegant.

"By the way, what did you come for Lei Er this time?"

Hearing this, Lei Yu's chopsticks paused, and he glanced at Lei Xiao and Lin Hanxing.

"Let me do it."

Lin Hanxing took the conversation and explained Lei Yu's purpose this time concisely. Of course, she also finished the part that she couldn't say.

"I seem to have heard Mr. Yuan mention the snake head."

Uncle Hai, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly spoke, seeming to have touched his memory, and at the same time successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"If I remember correctly, the snake head should be in the royal family."

After a while, Uncle Hai increased his tone to make sure.

"And that sheep's head..."

When Uncle Hai said that, Yuan Kang also interrupted as if thinking of something.

"I seem to have heard it everywhere..."

Yuan Kang took a piece of meat and stuffed it slowly in his mouth, trying to make his memory clearer.


Suddenly, Yuan Kang slapped his thigh suddenly, he thought of it!

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