Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1312: : Some things, you and I know well

Inside the room.

The voice of the doctor who had been arguing stopped abruptly, and his eyes swept toward the people at the door.

"Let them all go out first."

Lin Hanxing spoke coldly, and then ignoring the **** aura that permeated the suite, and then languidly sat down.

"Absurd! Now the old sultan is in a critical time, so he can't delay it for a moment!"

The leading doctor arrogantly refuted.

"You have discussed it for so long and there is a result?"

With one hand on his cheek, Lin Hanxing's question was extremely rude, and it immediately made the faces of the elite group hard to look.


From the time the old Sudan became ill, they were helpless!

Even the reason has not been found. What's more, since three days ago, in order to prevent accidents from happening today, they closely monitored the old sultan's various physical indicators and reported them every day!

Unexpectedly, something happened today!

"All out!"

The Sultan of Selangor has a stern expression and his voice is beyond doubt.

Soon, the room was cleared and quiet.

"Miss Lin, you can now say what happened to the old sultan!"

Sultan took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.


Lin Hanxing casually nodded the direction of Shengshou Station.

"The Holy Hand."

"Old Sultan has no other problems."

The holy hand smiled and opened his mouth.


The old sultan's accompanying confidant gave a cold snort, with disappointment on his face.

"What's the hurry, he hasn't finished talking yet."

Lin Hanxing looked at the disappointment on the opponent's face, and remained silent.

"He was just poisoned."

As soon as the holy hand said this, the scene was quiet.

"This kind of poison originated in the Thai-Burmese region. At the beginning of the poisoning, there will be no changes in the body, but at most three days, it will vomit blood and fall into a deep coma. Then the medicine stone will not be solved, and it will die!"

The most important thing is that because there is an interval of several days from poisoning to onset, it may be even more difficult to look back and find who the poisoner is.

"Do you have a way to detoxify?"

The confidant of the old sultan's entourage suddenly stepped forward several steps, his expression excited.

The sacred hand does not speak.

But he looked sideways in the direction of Lin Hanxing.

The meaning is obvious.

"What is the sultan thinking?"

Lin Hanxing did not care about the confidants of the old Sultan of Johor for the time being, still maintaining the posture of one hand supporting his cheek, looking at the Sudan.

She could vaguely see the traces of Zhan Nanheng from this face.

"I'm thinking about your terms."

Sultan finally understood that from the time the three-day agreement was finalized, Lin Xiaojiu was in the next big game, and before he could react, he stepped into her game.

"Actually, my condition is very simple."

Lin Hanxing slowly stretched out his **** towards Sudan.

"First, I want my life."

"Second, I want something from your royal family."

She just said a few words lightly, but each sentence made Sudan's forehead violent.

He has to admit that it has been a long time since he took the high position to see such a bold young man. For a moment, Sudan even felt a little regretful...

This Lin Xiaojiu is a woman!

If you were born in a male body, if you were born in Selangor, you must be a talented person!

"Whose life? What do you want?"

The sultan's voice was gloomy and uncomprehending.

"Who shall I kill, can't the Sultan guess?"

The more senior people are, the more they know how to pretend to be confused with others.

"Can I understand that you are threatening me?"

"If I really want to threaten you, it should be another thing."

Lin Hanxing smiled.

"Of course, you can also disagree with me or not save it. After all, this kind of thing will happen, and they are more prepared than anyone else."

As she said, she pointed her finger at the confidant who was accompanying the old Sultan of Johor, and this action first stunned the other party, and then later realized that her face was stained with anger, and then broke out in the next second.

"You mean we poisoned?"

Lin Hanxing turned his head and looked at the person who was speaking, with a smile.

"What the **** do you mean!"

That confidant was already angry, but now he is even more furious.

"She meant that the old sultan swallowed the poison himself."

Lei Xiao's voice sounded when people were unprepared.

This time, the sultan slammed his eyes on the two of them, squinting his eyes slightly, as if he was trying to discern the truth of what he said.

"Why did he do this?"

The relationship between Selangor and Johor is complicated and complicated. Although the old Sultan has abdicated, there is absolutely no need to do such things that are detrimental to others.

"Because from the beginning, what they were looking for was someone who could detoxify."

The room was as quiet as death.

"You mean, the old sultan came to me and swallowed the poison in order to find someone who can detoxify. The risk is too big, right? I have to doubt it!"

Hearing these words, Lin Hanxing looked up and looked directly at Sudan.

"There are things that you and I know well."

Why did the old sultan choose Selangor?

Because there are two princesses here.

The second princess Shamakar and the second princess of Johor are sisters. Once the old sultan has an accident in Selangor, the entire Selangor will be implicated, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, Sudan will definitely devote all its resources to finding talents across Malaysia.

It would be okay if the poison could be cured, but if the old sultan died in Selangor...

Lin Hanxing slightly tightened his eyelashes.

Presumably the old sultan had already believed in his heart that the matter of the eldest prince was inseparable from that person, otherwise he would not use such a method to risk himself.

He lives, the eldest prince can live too.

Otherwise, simply leave together.

The relationship between the grandfather and grandson is so deep that it must have been unpredictable by those people.

But these words can't be said on the face.

"You can really..."

At this time, the old sultan's accompanying henchman had changed another cautious expression.

"I said, whether the old sultan lives or not is related to his decision."

Lin Hanxing's meaning has been put here completely.

"If something happens to the old sultan, do you really think you can leave alive?"

"You won't let me face this kind of choice."

Ru Mo's black hair poured down as she tilted her head, she couldn't discern any emotions in her lazy voice, but her eyes made people feel so clear.

"Why do you think I will agree?"

"Just rely on Eric."

One question and one answer is like an invisible push-pull game.

"In other words, it's not long because of your fate."

It seemed that a bomb exploded in place like this. This time even the old sultan’s accompanying henchmen couldn’t help but turn their heads to look at the Selangor Sultan. This incident...

is that true?

Everyone knows that the five-year term of the Supreme Head of State will arrive in half a year, and long ago, the Sultan of Selangor has been appointed as the next candidate by default, so this battle for the crown prince is so important!

But no one expected that the eldest prince of Selangor would die in this way, nor did he expect...

There are other secrets hidden behind!

If this matter is known to others...

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