Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1338: : After leaving Yanyu Li, here comes Lin Xiaojiu

Once ambitious to change the world, but the first lesson of the real church is to compromise.

"I promise that tomorrow here will be business as usual, and no one will ever dare to make trouble again."

Lin Hanxing seemed to be an understatement, but an invisible coercion spread from his bones.

People can't question it!

In the crowd, several figures disappeared silently...


Hong Bang.

The subordinates just finished reporting.

With a snap, a teacup was violently smashed to the ground.

The fragments burst apart!

The president of the Puci Chamber of Commerce was sitting next to Mr. Chai, and he didn't dare to get out of the air, for fear that he would be touched by him.

"Lao Chai, if Lin Xiaojiu wants to be a wealthy boy, let her go. Let's wait and see her joke at the end!"

Have a confidant please open up.

Lao Chai slowly turned his head to look at the speaker, his eyes gloomy.

"Do you think it's funny for Lin Xiaojiu to do this?"

Lao Chai squinted slightly, danger surging invisibly.

The confidant looked at each other, a little bit unable to understand what he meant by asking, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing their silence, Lao Chai became weak and disappointed.

These idiots! ! !

"Believe it or not, starting today, the name of the Li family will be circulated again!"



Seeing that his words had already reached this point, these people still didn't know the situation, Chai Lao's temple was faintly beating, and he just wished to drive all these people out.

"Tonight, Lin Xiaojiu used two stores in the district to easily dismantle the prestige that I and the Sananda family have worked so hard to manage over the years, effortlessly!!!"

This time, Lao Chai finally roared!

"Do you still think this is a trivial matter?"

It wasn't until this time that the other party began to realize the problem.

"is it so serious?"

One of them whispered.

"Is it so serious?"

Old Chai sneered, completely disappointed in his heart.

"Wait until the evening you go to inquire about it yourself, who else doesn't know the Li family, does not know that Lin Xiaojiu spent a lot of money today just to reward the surnamed Pu for fulfilling the contract?"

With such a master, who would put the Puci Chamber of Commerce in his eyes?

The Puci Chamber of Commerce is already dead in name! ! !

"Leaving Yanyu Li, here comes Lin Xiaojiu!"

The president of the Puci Chamber of Commerce, who recalled, slammed his fist on the handrail, his eyes became fierce!

Even if Li Yanyu is mentioned now, he still gritted his teeth!

"Li Family, is it really going to rise again?"

As long as the president of the Puci Chamber of Commerce remembers the fear of being dominated by Li Yanyu, the whole person is not good!


This Lin Xiaojiu's behavior is really exactly the same as Li Yanyu!


Suddenly, the president of the Puci Chamber of Commerce suddenly raised his head as if thinking of something!

"Lin Xiaojiu is obviously Yuan Shaojing's class. Why does he live in Li's family now? Take care of Li's affairs?"

When asked by the president of the Puci Chamber of Commerce, the others were stunned.

"From the very beginning, what she did was to pave the way for the Li family, and she would rather sacrifice the interests of the Yuan family!"

The eyes of the president of the Puci Chamber of Commerce turned quickly.

This time, even Lao Chai listened.

"At the beginning, Li Yanyu had so many resources and news in his hands, do you think Lin Xiaojiu would..."

Back then, Li Yanyu's sudden "disappearance" once made many people breathe a sigh of relief, and even clapped their hands and cheered!

It's just because she has too many things unfavorable to people in her hand.

But no one knows...

The source of her news!

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