Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1453: : Too lazy to bother


Lin Hanxing, who was too lazy to guess at others, raised his hand suddenly and landed on the pile of documents that had been placed on her hand since the beginning of the meeting.

"These things are very important. To be on the safe side, let Uncle Hai distribute to you one by one according to the above name!"

Lin Hanxing's voice was soft, but his bones contained unquestionable strength.

Uncle Hai distributed the documents to individuals according to her wishes.

The whole face expression.

The directors of the Yuan Group looked at each other, and for a while they couldn't figure out what she meant.

However, since Lin Hanxing exposed that hand before, no one dared to look down upon her anymore, just reaching out in doubt and flipping through the documents in front of him.

It didn't take long to watch, everyone had already straightened their backs.

He looked around with a look of horror and jealousy.

After realizing that other people did the same thing, they smiled embarrassedly and covertly, as if they were afraid that others would see the same.

"You can see it clearly, right?"

Lin Hanxing tapped the tabletop with his knuckles, his voice was elegant and cold.





No one said anything, each face was like a dish, and his eyes turned quickly.

In the documents, they all contained some extremely shameful things in their hands. No one had expected that it would be exposed in this way.

"It took me a lot of effort to collect these things. I originally wanted to give it to you earlier, but it doesn't seem to be too late now."

As he said, Lin Hanxing smiled faintly.

With elbows on the table, her posture must be as leisurely as she is at this moment.

"what do you mean?"

Yuan San's expression was ugly.

Everyone has it in front of them, and naturally there will be no exceptions here, and it seems to be even more serious than every problem sitting here.

Lin Xiaojiu knows the relationship between himself and the second princess?

Also listed a table for him in detail?

"Everyone is smart, and I don't bother to say something more."

Hearing Yuan San's questioning, Lin Hanxing raised his lips, at least on the surface he looked in a good mood.

"I am a very righteous person. I am too lazy to pay attention to what you have done in the past, but since today, if I know who I am to have two hearts with the Yuan Group..."

Lin Hanxing smiled, his expression was like a sudden frost, making people's heart tremble!

The following words, even if she hadn't finished speaking, everyone had already felt the threat and shock, and the sweat on each other's forehead appeared as if they had already said something.

——I wanted to give it to you sooner...

Yuan San's pupils trembled, and the words she had said just appeared in his mind.

So, she was holding these things in her hand long ago?

Even when the situation of the sugar king dispute was not clear at the time, and everyone was not optimistic about her or even wanted to impeach her, Lin Xiaojiu did not use these things in his hand to suppress them, but after all the dust settled and subsided. Just took it out?

How sure is she winning?

Is it possible to be so happy and angry?

And how many of the little moves they made in private can really avoid Lin Xiaojiu's eyeliner?

Thinking of this, Yuan San shuddered.

What Yuan San can think of, other people can obviously also think of, and the complexion of blue and white is as exciting as it is.

"How did you use a hundred methods to swallow these into your mouth, I have a thousand methods to make you spit it out several times!"

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