Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1620: : Big trouble (1)

Da Bonno looked at the watch from time to time, but his wife didn't care about his nervousness.

"Look at what you are afraid of..."

Sally curled her lips, admiring the newly bought big diamond ring on her finger.

In the sun, the diamond ring reflects the dazzling light.

"How many times have I said it! Don't wear these things in public! Pick it up! Take it off immediately!"

When he saw the diamond ring, Dabangnuo was about to get down in cold sweat. He exhorted him to be low-key and then low-key in public, just to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Sally unwillingly lifted the ring from her finger, carefully wrapped it up and put it in her bag.

If you have money, you dare not spend it, and you dare not wear jewelry or watches. It's really boring to have a life like this!

"Why haven't you come yet!"

Dabangno looked at the watch again, and did not see his wife rolling his eyes one after another behind his back.

Since the royal family came back yesterday, he was restless and had a nail growing under his butt, which made her awake because of the noise.

She didn't understand, but she was just a disabled prince who was destined to be abolished. What if she had Lin Xiaojiu's support now? Could it be possible that she can help Najiriel to build momentum in a short time?

Is she so awesome?


Just as Sally was thinking about it, Da Bonno's exclamation sounded in her ears, and the probe swept over there casually. The conditioned scream was the first to blurt out, and Da Bonno jumped.

"what are you doing?"

Dabangnuo didn't complain.

"That car!"

Sally stared downstairs, her eyes burning with desire.

"There are only six Koenigsegg Ones in the world! There is no one in country G!"

You have to know how many people are holding a sports car that can't be bought with money. The price of a bicycle has exceeded 100 million yuan. Now, someone has come here with this car?

Sally is obviously not the only one who has the same doubts.

The media area downstairs has already begun to boil, turning their eyes to the luxurious supercar.

Soon, the silver-gray supercar arrogantly stopped in front of the media area at the event site with a drifting tail, and the warning was deliberate!

A man quickly came down from the driving seat.

The sunglasses on the bridge of Yuan Kang’s nose covered his excitement. When Lin Hanxing threw the sports car key to him in the morning, he was about to take off. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so honest to go to the royal family to accept Gillie. .

After two steps forward, Yuan Kang stopped abruptly.

He finally remembered what he had forgotten.

With a full sense of acting skills, he held his subordinate to himself, turned around to the other side of the car and opened the door, and looked at Najily the co-pilot.

The other party's face was ugly, and he had clearly seen the scene he had just forgotten in his eyes.

"Don't mind! Should I hold you out?"

Even if Najilie shook his face when he drove to his favorite sports car, Yuan Kang still had to talk as much as he could. The only thing was that he picked him up from the co-pilot and picked him up from the co-pilot.

"Me! The wheel! The chair!"

Najili gritted his teeth and spoke, and every word and every word was alive and well.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

Yuan Kang realized it later.

Fortunately, Uncle Dumb’s back car quickly followed, and the wheelchair was pushed over quietly, resolving the embarrassment.

Yuan Kang really bent down to hug him...


Najib's angry eyes were red.

"Tsk, treat it as a donkey liver and lungs!"

Yuan Kang leaned on the roof of the car with one hand grinning, his eyes filled with the words "Watching a good show".

Until the dumb uncle gave him a cold look.

Yuan Kang instantly became as honest as a quail.

Fortunately, until Najiri was back in the wheelchair, the scene media booth was not visible because of the angle, otherwise it would be another scribble.

"It's the prince!"

When Yuan Kang pushed Najily out from the back of the car, the media reporters after a brief silence pointed their long guns and short cannons at the direction of Najib's gale like crazy, and began to practice what is crazy.

The prince!

The living prince!

You must know that all the photos used by the media in the announcements were from when he hadn't had an accident more than ten years ago. As the first and possibly the last appearance more than ten years later, they shouldn't take this opportunity to seize this opportunity!


No one expected that the temperament of the prince would be so charming!

There is no way to rely on the depressed state in their minds, and even not lose the second prince Ihes at all, making the female reporters present to be a bit unable to move their eyes.

"take it easy."

Yuan Kang lowered his voice and spoke.

Since getting out of the car, he can obviously feel the tension of Najilie's whole body different from ordinary people, just like a stone. Yuan Kang is not incomprehensible when he thinks of his experience.

"What about the woman?"

She lied to herself, but she didn't plan to come?

"The secret is not to be revealed."

Yuan Kang replied mysteriously, would he tell Najiri that the couple went to the international airport early in the morning to wait for the private plane to land and pick up people?

Ha ha, absolutely not!

The bodyguards dispatched by Lei Xiao around guarded the road when the two got out of the car, let alone people, even a fly could not get in.

The bodyguards are all well-trained, not inferior to those sent by the royal family, but they can make people see some gaps, and such gaps make people more curious about the origin and identity of these people.

"You came."

Da Bonno hurried down from the stairs, and before approaching, the person was stopped by the bodyguard.

"What are you doing to stop me?"

Da Bonno frowned, his expression unhappy.

The bodyguard in black didn't even look at him, just as if he was air.


Najili said in a low voice.

"These are Mr. Lei's people."

No wonder it's so pretentious!

Da Bangnuo thought to himself, but it didn't show any signs on his face, an old fritters.

"Didn't you arrange VIP access? And what's the matter with that car?"

Da Bonno's gaze fell on the Koenigsegg One, the streamlined sports car body is more luxurious and noble under the sunlight, which is really hard to look away.

Of course, it wasn't just Da Bonno at the scene, many journalists who love cars are also reluctant to look away.

"Miss Lin borrowed it."

Regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, Najirih avoided the first question.

As the words were being said here, the supporters of the eldest prince started chanting slogans frantically after seeing him, and the supporters of the second prince were unwilling to yell at this, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Uncle Dumb glanced over and frowned.

Not to mention him, even Yuan Kang could see that this scene was a bit abnormal.

It stands to reason that the eldest prince has been in hiding for so long, even if someone has a good impression of him because of the charity activities these years, but such a crazy form gives people a strong sense of disobedience.

It seemed like he was going to push Najiri to the cusp of the storm.

"The event is about to begin, let's go in first."

Noting the look in the eyes of those people, Dabanuo slightly urged with some guilty conscience.

Najiri, who was in the wheelchair, gave him a deep look.


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