Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 340: : Wangjiang Hotel (1)

Wangjiang Hotel is the most famous five-star hotel in Jiangcheng.

Black Bugatti parked in the parking lot.

In the back seat, Lin Hanxing used his mobile phone to play the scene of Su Zhanlong and Luo Mingwei in the movie theater.

Although the picture was gloomy, Zhong Yifu still recognized the two!

The movement of the teeth rubbing against each other can be clearly heard in the carriage.

"Dog. Men and women!"

Zhong Yifu never expected that he would be given three by Luo Mingwei!

At the beginning, Luo Mingwei was introduced to her by his mother, which made Zhong Yifu involuntarily hate his mother as well!

She herself is used to the third, and now she still introduces others to her?

This bitch!

"Then do you want to write or martial arts now?"

A cold light flashed through Lin Hanxing's eyes, and the more angry Zhong Yifu was, the better it was for him.

Upon hearing this, Zhong Yifu was stunned.

What do you mean?

"If it's martial arts, I can tell you the room number now. After you go up, you will beat people up and vent your anger, but you can treat the symptoms and not the root cause. No one can say whether your husband will simply break the pot with you afterwards. fall."

"What about the text?"

Zhong Yifu thoughtfully asked again.

Looking sideways at this woman who is too much younger than her, she felt jealous and inexplicably trustworthy.

"If it's written..." Lin Hanxing seemed to be smiling but not smiling, very profound.

Seeing her expression, Zhong Yifu shuddered inexplicably.

"I have chosen the article!" Almost without thinking, he gave up the use of force to solve the problem.

These dog men, all of them remember what they eat or not, if they really break the jar with themselves...

Zhong Yifu's eyes were shrouded in haze.

"Then wait."

"Wait? When will you wait?" Zhong Yifu quit immediately.

But as soon as the voice fell, Lin Hanxing gave her a cold look.

Zhong Yifu was quiet immediately.

Lin Hanxing poked the front seat, Lei Xiao tilted his head, half of his face hidden in the darkness.

"Bring your phone here."

Before long, Lei Xiao handed her the private one.

Noting this scene, Zhong Yifu almost took a breath in his heart.

Although the relationship with Zhong Nanyin and Lei's family has not been very good over the years, he still knows a few nephews.

Especially Lei Xiao.

He is the character most difficult to figure out among the Lei family's four sons.

There are few words, and the territorial consciousness is extremely strong, so that no one can break through the blockade set by him.

Without changing his voice, he could burn all obstacles in front of him to ashes.

For things that belong to Lei Xiao, if others don't want to touch them without his permission, it would be idiotic dreams!

Lin Hanxing didn't care what Zhong Yifu was thinking, he reached out and clicked on Lei Xiao's phone. After confirming that the download was successful, he logged in his account and password.

"The game is ready for you, wait for you in the car and wait for me to come back."

Lin Hanxing handed the phone back to Lei Xiao, but he didn't answer it, just turned his head to look at her.

The atmosphere in the compartment has a sense of tension.

Zhong Yifu shrank aside, for fear of being affected.

Just because of the look in my nephew's eyes, it was a bit terrifying.

The cold air around Lei Xiao was freezing fast.

"It will be dealt with soon, and I promise that I won't get hurt, but you need to help me if I have something.

Lin Hanxing spoke coldly, only in the corner that Zhong Yifu couldn't notice, he secretly hooked the man's slender finger.

The cold air that was about to condense into frost slowly faded away.

Lei Xiao stretched out his hand, took the phone from her hand, and clicked on the game to start playing like this.

And a message came from Lin Hanxing's phone.

Looking down, Lin Hanxing's lips sneered.

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