Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 369: :this is you

She couldn't believe that the woman who looked embarrassed in the reflection of the lake turned out to be herself!

The weight gained due to production hasn't dropped rapidly yet, and between the eyebrows are the most scornful harassment and market shrewdness of the past. There is no impression that half of the ladies look like!

She couldn't remember how long she hadn't put on makeup, and even the clothes were changed into cheap stalls under the brainwashing of her mother-in-law.

For this reason, her mother also had a big quarrel with her.

"No, it's not me!" Reason is slowly returning, and the bank leader's daughter subconsciously wants to cover her face!

"Did you see it clearly?"

Lin Hanxing's indifferent voice did not fluctuate halfway, and the reflection fell into the water at the same time.

Just like the exquisite cheeks crafted by skilled craftsmen in the old days, the eldest daughter of the same trade is compared, and the daughter of the bank leader subconsciously wants to go backwards, avoiding to look at herself!

Lin Hanxing then pulled her up from the ground, forcefully asking her to look into her eyes!

Then he slapped his face and slapped it on the opponent's face!

"You are immersed in the trivial life imagination, and your parents are worried about you, and want them to bear the pain of sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person at this age. It is a great unfilial piety!"

Another slap!

"You want to die, and even your daughter will not let go of your anger. You gave birth to her but she is not your property. You have no sympathy for other people's lives, and you are very unkind!"

Slap again!

"You are going to die. Have you ever thought about how your parents will suffer from the rumors? Have you ever thought about how much trouble your behavior will cause others, and your behavior is absurd and funny, making people laugh, and it is gross injustice!"

Lin Hanxing's voice was calm with awe-inspiring prestige.

Even though the whole body is drenched, even if the skirt is still ticking with water, it is difficult to hide the strong aura.

Let people be in awe from the heart!

There was silence around, no one was speaking, and even the breathing slowed down to the point where it seemed inaudible.

Even the leader who was blocked by Lei Xiao and stayed out of the storm circle stopped his struggling movements and stared at the two people not far away.

"this is you!"

"The thinking is naive and funny, and the behavior is ridiculous!"

The sonorous voice was even more embarrassing to the president's daughter than the slap on his face just now.

However, the woman with swollen cheeks in front of her just stared at Lin Hanxing in a daze, her eyes reddening.

She was full of her own reflection in the artificial lake, all the grievances she suffered after her mother-in-law came, and all her willfulness to marry in spite of everyone's opposition!

The more I think about it, the more negative emotions hidden in my heart are spewing out.

"I..." She wanted to say something, but when she reached her mouth, it turned into a whimper, and she couldn't control it for an instant.

Lin Hanxing released the imprisonment on the president's daughter.

She fell to the ground limply, unable to even stand.

Wow, crying sounded through the sky.

It's like venting all the sadness of these days.

Originally, Xin had already mentioned the president of the throat, but only felt a thud, and a big rock fell to the ground.

In the past few days after picking up her daughter, she didn't cry, laugh, eat or drink, and no one knew what she was thinking.

If you can cry, let it out and you won’t go to extremes anymore!

I was thinking about it in my heart, but saw the emotional daughter's voice abruptly stopped, pulling Lin Hanxing's skirt and fainting like this!

She was shocked and ran over in a hurry.

But Youdao Shadow ran towards Lin Hanxing faster than her!

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