Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 397: :big eater

The young master of the Zhong family, who was held in mid-air by the butler, had never been treated like this since he was born, struggling fiercely.

"Bone, let go of me!"

Swearing in his mouth, he couldn't help spitting at Lin Hanxing.

Mother Lei frowned, she hadn't seen any other child with such a lack of education and rules.

Lin Hanxing gently held the teacup, listened to the childish language, and smiled.

He didn't care about it at all.

Just when he was talking, he suddenly opened his tiger's mouth and pinched his fat cheek.

With a little effort, the opponent silenced.

"After talking for so long, little guy, are you hungry?"

Although Lin Hanxing said this to the young master of the Zhong family, his pair of watery eyes fell on the old Zhong and the current Mrs. Zhong who were sitting on the ground in embarrassment not far away.

"Go to the kitchen and ask them to have buckets of rice."

The light and fluttering voice spoke in a cold tone, and the heart of the listener felt cold.

Soon someone walked in the direction of the kitchen!

After a while, he walked back with a big bucket of white rice.

There was sharp-pointed rice in the solid wood barrel, and the white heat was lingering in the air, and the grains were shining.

"Feed him bit by bit."

Lin Hanxing finished speaking and drank lightly while holding a teacup.

At the same time, his hand made a gesture to Mr. Zhong.

In an instant, Mr. Zhong and Mrs. Zhong who were sitting on the ground were picked up and slanted back on the three-legged wooden chair again.


As soon as Master Zhong Xiao opened his mouth, he was stuffed with rice.

Stopped the **** he was about to blurt out.

There were tears in Mrs. Zhong's eyes.

Originally, today Zhong Xueqing and Fang Mengran were embarrassed, and the idea of ​​using Master Zhong to teach Zhong Nanyin a little lesson disappeared, but she hated this woman who emerged out of thin air from nowhere!

Staring at Lin Hanxing bitterly, it seems that you can see her origin in this way.

Lin Hanxing smiled, holding a tea cup and drank slowly without being affected.

"You have to sit still, after all, I don't have any importance in my hands, in case there is a mistake..."

The long eyelashes were tightened slightly, and the threats hidden in the words made the backs of Mr. Zhong and Mrs. Zhong chill!

"Don't continue?"

Lin Hanxing glanced coldly, and those Zhong family's subordinates who had stopped because the young master of the Zhong family broke in, reorganized the villa courtyard in a panic, fearing this woman of unknown origin in his heart!

The yellow hair kneeling on the shards of the teacup spreads blood continuously from his knees, spreading along the cracks in the stone slabs.

His complexion was blue and white, and his sanity was no longer clear.

But he was forced to kneel on the ground.

Lin Hanxing's face was expressionless, and he controlled the field in an orderly manner.

The young master of Zhong's family was used to eating big fish and meat, how could he see white rice in his eyes, crying and refusing to open his mouth.

But Lin Hanxing's people didn't know what they were doing, even if the other party's mouth was like a clamshell, they still opened it forcefully!

Obviously, Lin Hanxing didn't give an order to stop...

Everything has to do what she wants!

"You are...not afraid of...getting into trouble!"

Mr. Zhong has been dignified over the past few years. Today, these few moments have almost lost his life. His legs squatting and bending but still looking for balance are already shaking like chaff, even when he speaks.

"What's the trouble?"

Lin Hanxing raised his eyebrows slightly, rubbing her greenish white jade fingers over the tea cup, her expression calm and calm.

"The executives here have some friendship with me. Do you believe that I can make you suffer with a single phone call?"

Mrs. Zhong's eyes lit up next to Mrs. Zhong's words.

"Hand him the phone and tell him to call!"

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