Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 640: : I laugh at you

Madam Liang was chilled by the look in her eyes.

"One thing, it seems that Mrs. Liang doesn't even know it."

As he said, Lin Hanxing stepped on Young Master Liang and sat beside the hospital bed.

Seeing her precious son being stepped on by the woman's feet, Mrs. Liang was furious in disregard of fear.

"If you know, you won't find me in this way today."

Lin Hanxing's high-heeled shoes stepped on Young Master Liang, and the painful opponent was sucking in cold breath desperately.

"What's the matter?" Madam Liang asked.

"Your son's two legs are my disuse."

When he said this, Lin Hanxing's voice did not fluctuate, as if he was discussing the weather outside today.

When Madam Liang heard it, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she screamed at her.

No matter how she struggled, Jiang Xibao remained motionless.

"You bitch! I want you to pay for my son!"

Seeing that Mrs. Liang couldn't escape, she cursed loudly.

Lin Hanxing turned a deaf ear, letting her scream, and it didn't hurt or itchy at all.

"What do you want me to pay to your son?"

Lin Hanxing chuckled and looked at her coldly. With a little force under his feet, Young Master Liang cried out in pain.

Indifferent eyes, without the slightest emotion.

It's like playing a game.

The temperament when facing Lei Xiao and Lei's family was completely reduced, and the strong aura made Lin Hanxing exist like a queen.

"I can tell you plainly..."

Lin Hanxing flicked the dark light under her eyes, looking at her as if she was looking at an ant.

"Your son will only be a useless person for the rest of his life."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang was taken aback first, and then cried loudly!

Lin Hanxing's expression disappeared.

As he was talking, there was a noise outside the door.

"Who made you stay here?"

"White Creek."

Lin Hanxing's voice sounded, and the noise outside the door was momentarily quiet, and then the door was opened from the outside.

Lin Hanxing smiled when he glanced at the visitor.

Liang Yuran was exactly the same as when she first met him, the arrogance between her eyebrows did not diminish at all, the high nose bridge and tight thin lips showed unsmiling estrangement, just standing there, the whole body reveals the evil prey that is not easy to provoke.

As if he didn't expect to see her here, Liang Yuran's expression was slightly startled.

"Ms. Liang sent someone to'please' me over."

Too lazy to repeat the process, just a simple one-sentence summary.

Upon hearing this, Liang Yuran's cold eyes fell on Mrs. Liang's face who was being controlled by Jiang Xibao.

"Lao Liang, kill her! She was the one who scrapped our son's leg!"

As soon as Mrs. Liang said this, President Liang's expression changed drastically, staring at Lin Hanxing, who was still sitting by the hospital bed and stepping on Young Master Liang!


President Liang seems to want to say something.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing Mrs. Liang's words, Liang Yuran's thin lips made a crack and smile.

"Why are you laughing?"

Madam Liang had hated Liang Yuran, and she was even more angry at this time!

"I laugh at you overpowering yourself."

Liang Yuran's voice was icy and shuddering.

Lin Hanxing didn't seem to have the slightest feeling, the thin ankles exposed under the fishtail skirt were white and moving.

"You provoke me, I can make you die happy, but if you provoke her..."

Liang Yuran's eyes met Lin Hanxing's eyes from the sky.

Lin Hanxing smiled lightly, but inexplicably coldness made people come out of his feet.

Glancing at the watch, it was calculated that Lu Bingde's time was almost there, and after all, she got up and walked towards the door.

Jiang Xibao let go of Mrs. Liang and followed.

"I have something to do. You will settle the rest slowly."

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