Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 647: : Spit out everything you eat

Han Mingmei felt a little embarrassed to sit here.

"Sorry, I have something to do, let's go now."

The following content is really not suitable for her to listen to.

Soon, Han Mingmei got up and left.

"Since it is for safekeeping, while Lu is always here, then simply clarify the words."

Lin Hanxing's voice was cold, but it was very meaningful in the ears of those with a heart.

"Otherwise, good intentions have changed into bad intentions, and good intentions have also changed deliberately!"

Lin Hanxing tapped his white fingers on the table top, Bai Xi immediately understood and cleared his throat.

"The term of the independent power of attorney that Ms. Lu Yuzhi asked her nephew to sign was ten years. It should expire on Lu Bingde’s birthday this year. According to the content of the independent power of attorney, there is no right to deal with it before Lu Bingde’s 27th birthday. Shares and dividends under the name."

Lu Lao's eyes slowly swept over the second daughter, Lu Yuzhi immediately felt his hands and feet numb.

"With a ten-year period, we have compared the amount of dividends received in all forms under Lu Bingde's name over the years for comparison, and the result of the calculation is..."

Bai Xi said as he looked to Lu Yuzhi and Lu Jiashu, his eyes were ironic.

"The amount that Ms. Lu Yuzhi and Mr. Lu Jiashu have helped Lu Bingde take care of over the years is..."

In the next second, Bai Xi said a number.

There are zeros and integers, directly to two decimal places.

But Lu Bingde opened his eyes in astonishment when he listened. Was he actually so rich?

Lin Hanxing picked up the tea cup again and drank it unhurriedly.

"Now that I've said that, please give me the money that I have worked so hard to keep for these years."

Bai Xi smiled.

It seemed that Lu Yu hadn't seen the deformed face at all.

Lin Hanxing covered the corners of her lips with the edge of the teacup.

Don’t worry about what you don’t lose to yourself, otherwise one day...

Spit out everything you eat!

With some hindsight, Lu Bingde turned to look at Lin Hanxing.

He knew she was helping himself.

But why did he treat his closest aunt and cousin since he was a child?

"Second, there are some things I don't want to say more. Within half an hour, I hope this money will appear in Bingde's account." Old man Lu had a stern face, and there was a chill in his bones, not angry. And Wei.

"In addition, there is this independent power of attorney."

Lin Hanxing spoke, the coldness in his voice unexpectedly neutralized the coldness of Old Man Lu.

"At that time, Lu Bingde was too young and ignorant to support it independently, so it is understandable that Ms. Lu Yuzhi asked him to sign this independent power of attorney. I think Mr. Lu can also understand it."

"But now, there is no need for this power of attorney."

In front of Lu Lao, first block the back road of Lu Yuzhi and Lu Jiashu, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Lu Yuzhi's fingers clenched tightly and plunged into his palm.

Even Lu Jiashu didn't expect that Lin Hanxing even thought about this!

"Lady Lin is right. There really is no need for that thing to exist."

Mr. Lu looked at his second daughter and spoke meaningfully.

Lu Yuzhi was so scared that layers of cold sweat broke out on the palm of his hand.

"I'm going... I'm going to transfer money."

Speaking tightly, Lu Yuzhi got up and went to call the bank, avoiding the storm temporarily.

A moment of silence fell.

Lin Hanxing looked up at the same old man.

For this loaned knife to kill, she cooperated with him seriously, and she did not disappoint his expectations even if she wanted to.

Lu Bingde stood there, his expression looked a little wilting.

Pulling his head.

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