Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 657: : The cuteness of the dead does not pay for the life

It just happened to catch the smile from the corner of Lei Xiao's mouth before he could take it back.

Fool, what's so funny about this!

"First say yes, if I don't look good on me, you are not allowed to laugh at me after I come out."

Lin Hanxing thinks it is better to make three chapters first.

In the memory, she has never worn such cute hanging clothes, the effect is...

After speaking, he retracted his head and closed the door of the lounge!


Fifteen minutes later, the door of the lounge was opened and slit from the inside.

Lin Hanxing came out first.

At this time, Lei Xiao was sitting on the sofa looking at the documents that Anthony had put down before.

But the efficiency of not reading a page for more than ten minutes can be imagined whether he has put his thoughts on it.

Seeing her coming out, her eyes suddenly brightened.

"That's it, don't laugh at me!"

Lin Hanxing always felt something weird and didn't want to come out.

"I promise!"

Lei Xiao raised his hand and swore.

Lin Hanxing looked at him for a while, and finally walked out from behind the door.

The pink hooded rabbit ear sweater was loose, and it was loosely worn on her, and there were two hair **** hanging down from the neckline.

And the teddy shorts of the same color are above the knee.

The two slender legs are flawless, and they are more youthful when paired with knee-length contrast socks.

Lin Hanxing took off all the accessories except for the diamond bracelet and the watch. Her long hair was randomly tied to her head, making her look more immature. Standing with Lei Xiao, even his little daughter had someone. letter.

Since Lin Hanxing came out, Lei Xiao's gaze has been on her and never looked away.

The eyes are full of pets that can't be concealed.

So cute.

He knew she would look good on her.

Seeing Lei Xiao not speaking, Lin Hanxing awkwardly grabbed the two metre hair **** hanging down from the neckline.

She felt that this body...

It seems to be too fan!

Innocent blinked at Lei Xiao, only to see a suspicious smile on Lei Xiao's face.

"We Hanxing are so beautiful."

As he said, Lei Xiao put on her a hood with bunny ears.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of crit in her heart, and her eyes lingered on her face.

Pulling Lin Hanxing in front of him, Lei Xiao touched the rabbit ears and then touched her little face.

The slippery skin that came from his fingertips made him love it.

It's really cute and not worthy of life.

Lin Hanxing was fiddled with by him, Xu Shi Lei Xiao's eyes were so bright that Lin Hanxing no longer felt so awkward.

It was quiet here, when the door of the president's room suddenly knocked from outside.

Then Yan Beixiao's figure appeared.

"A Xiao, let me tell you... Fuck!"

Yan Beixiao lowered his head when he came in, and when he looked up at the sofa there was something standing there with rice noodles, he was immediately confused.

Almost at the same time he came in, Lin Hanxing turned his back.

Yan Beixiao was not asked to see his face.

"Who is this Xiaomi dividend??"

Yan Beixiao pointed at Lin Hanxing's back angrily, with a look of Lei Xiao accusing him of being a guilty man!

"How can you mess around with Xiao Hanxing?"



Lin Hanxing couldn't help rolling across the black line. Did he think he was singing?

"A sinner, Ergouzi, you weren't like this before..."

Yan Beixiao has a heartbroken expression!

"Now that I have learned to play Cosplay, this little fairy must have brought you badly!"

Lin Hanxing only felt that the forehead was throbbing, and Yan Beixiao was too noisy.

"Little Yanzi, shut up!"

Damn it?

Did he hear a hallucination?

Why do you hear Xiaohanxing's voice coming from that millet rabbit!

The next second, the other party turned around...

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