Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 663: : The sour smell of love

Just after speaking, Lin Hanxing buried his face in his arm with shame, and blocked his face with a hat.

His mouth moved and chewed on the pumpkin.

Lei Xiao kept holding the chopsticks, and did not move for a long time. He pressed his thin lips tightly but couldn't control his hook slightly.

Lin Hanxing looked up at him from time to time.

Tong Lei Xiao met his eyes and hurriedly buried his face in his arm.

Why is it so cute?

Did you grow up drinking cute?

My heart is about to melt, I can't wait to buy her all the good things in this world.

"Dont look at me!"

Lin Hanxing stretched out his hand to cover Lei Xiao's eyes.

Lei Xiao smiled and held her small hand in her big palm and put it to her thin lips and kissed him.

The air is full of the sour smell of love.

"Han Mingmei, what did I tell you?"

Obviously Lei Xiao hadn't forgotten, his voice was hoarse and low.

"She said that she grew up with you and was a childhood sweetheart."

Lin Hanxing swallowed the last mouthful of the pumpkin before speaking.

"I also said that I know you better than me."

Lei Xiao suddenly narrowed his eyes like an eagle when he heard the words, and the person who looked at him felt for a while.

The subconscious action is to hold her hand tighter.

For fear that she would run away.

"Also mentioned to me... you were kidnapped."

Lin Hanxing backhanded him abruptly, clasping his fingers tightly.

At this time, Lei Xiao's heart was like a bloodthirsty storm, but his face remained calm.

"At that time, were you afraid?"

Lin Hanxing raised his head, his eyes were gentle and bright.

Lei Xiao's tight-lined face gradually relaxed due to her gaze.

"not afraid."

He said, the voice was calm and did not cheat at all.

Lei Xiao looked down at her hand, which was even more white and small against the background of his big palm.

"The only thing I thought at the time was how to prevent Ah Yu from being discovered by those desperadoes, and I was very glad that I was with him that day." If it wasn't for his own presence, Ah Yu would have to endure the bad things.

Lin Hanxing's eyes moved slightly.

Han Mingmei said that when Lei Xiao was found a week later, his life was lost.

But even now, what he still cares about is Lei Yu's safety.

In this man's heart, he puts his family in a more important position than himself.


It's so stupid that it hurts.

"Is the injury serious?"

Lei Xiao just wanted to say that it was not serious, but Lin Hanxing seemed to see through him and added another sentence.

"Do not lie to me."

Lei Xiao was silent.

"It's in the past."

No complaints, nothing else, just four words that couldn't be more simple.

No matter what happened, it passed.

These four words made Lin Hanxing feel inexplicably sad.

He said, it's all over, but those shadows and scars are clearly still imprinted in his bones and blood.

Lei Xiao couldn't see her sad.

Even for yourself.

Rough fingers stroked her long hair, with unspeakable warmth in her eyes.

"Don't be sad, Han Xing."

He just wants to bring her happiness, he just wants to dedicate the best things in the world to her.

Others are not important.

He didn't want her to bear the painful things with him.

"I have you now."

Lei Xiao moved the two clasped hands.

With her, it's like owning the whole world.

For this, Lei Xiao was already very grateful for God's pity.

"When things are done, Lei Xiao, let's get married."

Lin Hanxing spoke softly.

Lei Xiao stopped abruptly and looked down at her like this, and huge ecstasy swept across in an instant.

Without the slightest precaution, he will break his strong disguise!

"what did you say?"

"I'm asking you to marry me, idiot!"

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