Gorgeous and enchanting supreme ghost doctor

Chapter 268 Back to the Master!

Feng Jiu smiled and said, "The medicine should be alchemy from one family. I think it shouldn't be difficult to learn."

"Hahaha, with the talents and abilities of the old man, I believe I will definitely become an excellent alchemist. Don't worry, the book will be covered by me." He patted his chest and told the two guards. After putting things aside, Feng Jiu put them away first.

He said again: "A lot of people wanted to visit my brother in the evening after I came back yesterday, but they all let me block out. My brother picked the Liu family alone. I believe it will spread in a short time. The name adds color."

He looked at Feng Jiu, who was handsome and beautiful in red, and his eyes were full of admiration: "I didn't expect my brother not only to stand out in the direction of medicine, but also his cultivation level is excellent, but also his appearance is like this. Few people can reach it, it's a kindness from heaven!"

Listening to his series of admiration, Feng Jiu also smiled a little, and said, "Brother Ke, if someone comes to visit, you will help me get back. I don't want to see other people recently, it's troublesome." He bowed his hand, put the things away, and left first.

Back in the courtyard, she took out the luxurious spaceship and showed it to Leng Shuang in a happy mood: "Look, this is a flying magic weapon. After we go back, we can go back by ourselves. This small ship can actually be loaded with a hundred. People, I just saw it, there are everything in it, it's really a must-have for traveling!"

"Master plans to go back?"

Leng Shuang also came to the table and asked after looking at the little spaceship.

"This is not in a hurry, I still have work to do here. By the way, you can help me get a map of Zhang Qingtengguo." She said, glanced towards the courtyard and saw the little thing sitting at the door Looking at her, he couldn't help but smile.

"Ball, come here." She hooked her finger and called out.

Leng Shuang responded and went out to help her find a map of Qingteng Country.

A small group of fluffy white hair squatted and stared at her, and then slowly walked over to her feet.

"be good."

Feng Jiu hugged it up with a smile, put it on the table and rubbed the hair, and said, "It doesn't look like a puppy, but it's like a little beast pet."


The ball moved his mouth and snorted, glanced at her and then lay on the table and ignored her.

"Sample, are you still proud of it?"

She chuckled lightly, flicked its head, and couldn't help thinking, the Hell Lord gave her such a small thing and didn't hold her accountable for taking his thousand-year ginseng. Did she have to do something?

Thinking that the Hell Lord and the uncle were the same person, she couldn't help but sigh.Just say it!How come there are so many people in this world who have been suffering from cold poison for thousands of years?She had guessed that the two might be related, but she didn't expect to be the same person.

As for the other side, in a courtyard.

The Gray Wolf and Yingyi, who were watching their master eating breakfast, looked at each other, and quietly moved their steps out, and when they came outside, Yingyi asked in a low voice, "You say master. What's the situation? He went to the ghost doctor last night, why is his face black? Could it be that the ghost doctor didn't show him a good face?"

Gray Wolf glanced inside and said in a low voice: "It is estimated that something was not delivered right. You said that although Ghost Doctor is a young man, he is also a man! The master gave him a pet, isn't it just a funny head?"

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