In fact, she didn't know. Hell once said to it that if it can't stay with Feng Jiu to protect her, then it has no value in existence.

Thinking of it, a peak-level sacred beast was blatantly threatened, but it couldn't help it with the human being that threatened it.Thinking of the man whose strength was almost terrifying, the ball that had been quietly lying on the horse's back shuddered.

It's also unlucky. I thought that I could finally be free when I broke the stone, but who knew I would meet such a strong and perverted man?It was threatening to smoke it again, and if he didn't obey, he would lose his life at any time.

It glanced contemptuously at the red-clothed boy, but he didn't see what was so rare about this human boy, and it was so weak that he made it protect him with a pinnacle holy beast, he earned it.

As soon as Lao Bai heard that there was something to eat in front of him, his saliva was first-rate, and with full strength, he rushed forward, leaving only a burst of dust and smoke for the cold frost and the ball behind...

Originally, the ball was choked by the dust and smoke, so he sat upright and glared at the running figure in front of him.

This fat horse!Just know how to eat!Why don't it be fat?

Soon after, when she came to the hillside not far from the two families, Feng Jiu in front was a little surprised. She was sitting on Lao Bai’s back, strangling the rope, looking at this place in front of her, her eyes faintly flash.

Leng Shuang, who was catching up from behind, came to her. Seeing that she stopped moving, she glanced at the two lighted houses and said vigilantly: "The master is here for a while, I will go to visit first. Probe." He turned over and got off the horse, and was about to go over there.

"I will go with you."

Feng Jiu turned to the ground and walked down with Lao Bai. However, Lao Bai didn't seem willing to go in. He hissed a few times and his horse hoof kicked on the ground uneasy.

Feng Jiu smiled slightly, stroked its head, and said warmly, "It's okay, follow along!"

Seeing this, Lao Bai replied in a low voice and followed her honestly.

And the ball lying on horseback squinted at this time, looked at Feng Jiu's body, then looked at the two rooms, and followed without a word.

There are only two houses here, and the lights are all lit in the house. Perhaps it is rare to see outsiders come. Sitting by the door playing with stones, a boy of about four or five years old blinked his eyes and looked at Feng Jiu in red with curiosity. Lengshuang and Lengshuang in black lead the horse to come.

Suddenly got up and ran into the room, shouting, "Father, mother! Someone is here, two people are here."

"Chih! Chih!"

Lao Bai sprayed out two nostrils from his nostrils, kicked his hoof a little irritably, and tugged his head slightly, trying to pull Feng Jiu away.

Seeing the strangeness of Lao Bai, Feng Jiu's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at the room, then passed the other room that was not far away, and slowly closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. what.

Until, the little boy who ran in came out again, standing by the door curiously watching Feng Jiu, as well as Lao Bai she was holding and the ball lying on the horseback.

At this moment, a young woman leaned out half of her body at the half-hidden door, glanced at the person outside, and asked softly, "Where does the guest come from?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Jiu raised his eyes and looked at it. With this look, the pale and bloodless face of the young woman also reflected in her eyes, just a glance, and her heart was slightly shaken, and she felt incredible...

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