Gorgeous and enchanting supreme ghost doctor

Chapter 278: Please! Second more

Listening to the voice, there seemed to be another man's voice outside. The two guessed that it should be Na Yangyang's father.

Thinking of this, Feng Jiu lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until, the knock on the door came with a soft call.

"The son."

Hearing this sound, Leng Shuang moved forward vigilantly and guarded Feng Jiu.

"What's the matter?" Feng Jiu motioned for Leng Shuang to retreat.

"My son, please open the door and let the little lady go in and say."

Upon hearing this, she motioned to Leng Shuang to open the door.Leng Shuang paused for a moment, and then stepped forward to open the door. When she saw the woman outside, her palms were slightly cold.

This woman is not a person, but a ghost!Thinking of this, she swallowed and took a step back.

She is not afraid of people, but this ghost...

Feng Jiu looked around and saw that the pale woman walked in holding the sleeping Yangyang, and knelt in front of her with a plop.

"The son."

"What are you doing?" Feng Jiu twisted his brows slightly and looked at her with tears on her face.

"That old way is here again. He said that he would accept us, but in fact it came for Yangyang from my house. Yangyang was born with a spirit orb, but that spirit orb can't be taken out. This old way just said We really have no choice but to come and ask for the son in order to practice him as a pill for further training."

She wept softly, and said: "I know that the son is very human. I must have seen that we are ghosts and not humans. But although we are ghosts, we have never harmed anyone. Staying here is all for the sake of our children. Of the nine people, only the child Yangyang remains, son, son, please, please help us!"

She sobbed softly, her words cut sharply, showing helplessness and despair, making Feng Jiu's heart sink slightly. She wanted to stand on the sidelines, but could not resist the cry of pleading. If she does not help, let alone these ghosts. , Even this child has ill-fated fate.

Although she is cold-blooded by nature, she is innocent as a child, so how can she bear to stand by and watch her?

Her gaze fell on the sleeping child. It turned out to be a spiritual orb with her belly. No wonder, when she came in, she saw that the child was full of spiritual power. Although his face was pale and thin, she could get along with these ghosts and save her life. , It turned out, it was because of the spiritual protection.

After a slight pause, she looked at the woman and asked, "How do you think I can help you?"

Upon hearing this, the woman was overjoyed and said quickly: "I just ask the son to take my son away so that he can grow up safely."

"Leng Shuang, take the child." She whispered in a low voice, meaning she agreed.

"Thank you son, thank you son."

She hurriedly thanked her, and handed the child in her arms to Leng Shuang with tears and smiles. Looking at the sleeping son, she was full of reluctance. She took a deep look at the child and said to Feng Jiu: "My son, you guys. Hurry up from behind!" As soon as the voice fell, he ran out.

Leng Shuang, who was holding the child, was slightly startled, and asked, "Master, do we really take him back?" She didn't expect that the master would really help the ghost.

"Our family doesn't lack this meal. What's the big deal?" Feng Jiu said disapprovingly.

"It's pitiful that he has lost his parents and family at such a young age."

Leng Shuang looked at the sleeping Yang Yang with pity in his eyes.She and her younger brother are dependent on each other, and her younger brother has her to take care of, but this child, who is so small and without relatives, can't help but touch the compassion in his heart.


A screaming screamed into the night, causing the two people in the room to startle.

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