"Brother, can we wave a lot and ask when we will go home?" Yue'er held his elder brother's hand on the left and her brother's hand on the right, and asked with her head up.

"You'll shake it later, and then take it to cancel the signing, and see if you are sure." Hao'er smiled and said, leading her to walk slowly.

"Brother, we are immortals, why do we still worship Buddha?" Mu Chen asked in a puzzled way. It was obvious that they were immortal cultivators. His elder brother also said that their parents are very powerful, and they are the monarchs of heaven and earth. Why do you still worship Buddha?

Hao'er looked at the front hall and said, "We don’t worship or kneel. We only shake lots. Remember, in this world, no one except our parents and our elders are qualified to let us go. Kneel and bow down."

Hearing this, Mu Chen and Mu Yue nodded, secretly remembering.

"Brother, is that the Buddha is powerful? Or the immortal? Why do people here only worship Buddha but not immortals?" Yue'er asked curiously.

Hao'er had a meal, thought for a while, and said, "I don't know this. When we see parents and mothers, we will ask them again."

"Good." Yue'er asked with a smile.

The three people came to the main hall, perhaps because it was still too early. Apart from the three of them, only the host who I saw yesterday stood in front of the lamp and added oil, and a middle-aged monk standing behind the host.

Seeing them coming in, the host and the monk glanced at them. The middle-aged monk later saw the three of them for the first time, only to feel that these three children were born in the posture of a dragon and a phoenix. They were very outstanding. However, the next moment , The actions of the three children made him startled.

When the three of them came in, they only bowed to the golden Buddha above the main hall. Then, the little girl went to the front and picked up a swatch, took out another one to look at, and asked incomprehensibly: "Brother, How do I shake this? There are only numbers on this, and nothing else. Isn't it the one that I pulled out like this?"

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged monk secretly shook his head, walked over, and said, "Which children are you? Why are you not accompanied by an adult?" He came to the three children and said, "I saw my Buddha, How can such etiquette be possible? I have to kneel down and make a wish, so that I, Buddha, can hear your aspirations."

Upon hearing this, Yue'er blinked and asked curiously: "Can he hear us?"

If it is an adult who speaks like this, it is estimated that the middle-aged monk will be angry, but seeing that it is a three or four-year-old girl, blinking a pair of innocent and clear eyes and looking at him curiously, he carefully explained: " My Buddha is everywhere, so I can hear it naturally."

Yue'er was stunned and asked: "Then how do I draw the lot? I want to ask how to get home, will he tell me?"

"Ha ha ha, sign, kneel down, put your hands together to make a wish in your heart, bow three times, then grab the bamboo stick and turn it three times, hold your hands and gently shake it up and down until one of the signs falls." Monk Nian said with a smile, and when he saw this little girl who looked lovely and well-behaved and innocent, he taught her carefully.

"Yeah, it's going to happen."

She smiled sweetly, nodded, took the pick-up tube from the middle-aged monk, and walked forward, first put the pick-up tube on the ground, put her hands together to make a wish in her heart, and then, picked up the pick-up tube and learned Shaking like he just taught.

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