As he was talking, there was a loud bang in the sky, and a flash of lightning struck half of the sky with a click, and was violently shot down with the thunder that day...


With a loud noise, Feng Jiu, who was a hundred meters away, saw that thunder and lightning fell precisely on Mo Ze's body. The powerful power contained in that thunder and lightning, even if she was standing a hundred meters away, was fine. I clearly felt the horror of the thunder and lightning.

After she watched the thunder and lightning hit Mo Ze, the naked eye could see the blue current flowing away on him, and his clothes were scorched, and the defensive vest inside was also shattered and scattered by the blow. Turned to ashes.

The smell of scorching skin and flesh came out, making her pale, and she couldn't help but lift her feet to move forward. At this moment, Tianjizi on the side reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Can't go."

Tianjizi said, looking at the front with a solemn expression, and said: "This thunder and lightning is no small thing, you can't help him."

Feng Jiu pursed her lips, looked forward, and silently retracted her feet, her hands under the sleeves tightly twisted into fists.

The two stood there, and no one spoke any more. As the days passed, Feng Jiu didn't move half a step like a nail in his feet.

She watched Xuanyuan Moze being struck by the thunder and lightning day by day, and watched that the wound he had been injured by the sky thunder the day before had not recovered, and the thunder and lightning struck down again the next day.

Watching his injuries worsen day by day, even vomiting blood, but there is nothing he can do.

On the other side, the floating island of the mortal world.

When Hao'er walked out of the room, they saw Mu Chen and Mu Yue sitting on the stone table in the courtyard. The two of them didn't know what they were thinking, and they were stunned. They didn't even notice him.

Seeing this, he was taken aback for a moment, and stepped forward and asked: "Chen'er, Yue'er, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing his voice, the two little guys came back to their senses. Before Mu Chen could speak, he saw that Yue'er's delicate little face was somewhat scared, and the soft and waxy voice was a little helpless: " Brother, Yue'er may be dying."

Hao'er mentioned it in her heart, and her face changed: "Don't talk nonsense, just say something dead."


Yue'er's eyes were a little red, and she lowered her head, covered her heart with one hand, and said: "Yue'er has been jumping here and jumping, jumping very fast, as if she is about to die. So is my brother, my eldest brother. Are we getting sick and dying? Yue'er is so scared."

Speaking of the end, her voice was already a bit choked, and the little person threw into Hao'er's arms and hugged him tightly.

Hearing this, Hao'er gently patted her back while comforting: "It's okay, Yue'er, don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

He looked at Mu Chen and asked, "Chen'er, are you the same as Yue'er?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Actually, I don't always do it, but occasionally my heart jumps very fast. I feel very panicked and scared. After a while, I will recover again, but..."

He paused for a moment and said: "This has been for several days, and it wasn't too serious a few days ago. It's just that if that feeling comes in these two days, the heartbeat will be very fierce, and the feeling will be very flustered. The more serious it is."

After listening to this, Hao'er thought for a while and helped them get their pulse.It's just that nothing can be detected.His medical skills only understand the fur, if there is a problem, he can't figure it out.

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