
A howl of a wolf came out with the coercion of the super-sacred beast. The powerful sound and coercion that seemed to come from ancient times almost rose straight into the sky, shocking everyone's eardrums, their legs softened, and they knelt directly. Go down.

If a big piece of the world was instantly covered by a powerful coercion, the bird that originally stopped on the branch fell to the ground with a plop, unable to move, and the surroundings followed the howling of the wolf. When it came out, there was no sound that became a bit messy in an instant, it was strangely quiet, and people were flustered.

The owner of Huichuntang, who was arrested by the two children, was shocked when he heard the howling of a wolf suddenly, and when he looked back, he moved in, the pressure also enveloped him, almost without escape. The opportunity to escape, the whole person fell on his knees with a plop.

It was not that he wanted to kneel, but that in front of the powerful pressure, in front of the terrifying beast, he was so frightened that his legs were weak and he couldn't stand up even if he wanted to.


In that weird silence, a screaming scream suddenly sounded. The sound was miserable and sharp, breaking the moment of silence, echoing in the sky, and also in everyone's ears.

Of course, no one made a sound, no one made a little movement, even the sound of breathing stopped, whether it was the old Jindan who was badly injured and repelled, or the old Yuan who stood there with eyes wide open. , Or the passing monks who were hiding in the grass and behind the trees watching the battle. At this time, they all watched the horrified scene in front of them in horror. They were so terrified that they almost stopped their heartbeat...

In front of that, a majestic giant silver wolf was stepping on the body of the Huichuntang owner, and he snapped an arm of the Huichuntang owner from his shoulder and pulled it out. After throwing it aside, the wolf's claw lifted. The sharp ray of wolf claws raised, and pulled out one of his left legs.

Blood seeped into the ground, the bloody and cruel scene made all those people frightened, and the atmosphere didn't dare to release one. Only the sad and tragic scream of the Huichuntang host reverberated in his ears.

The silver wolf licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and raised his sharp claws. This time, he pressed directly on the person under the claws, and a bloodthirsty voice came from its mouth: "Bite your neck directly, too It’s cheaper for you. If it’s not for fear of scaring my little owners, I would really like to hollow out your entrails, tear you into pieces and throw you into the wilderness to feed the wild animals.

Its voice was lowered, and he lowered his head to talk in the ear of the Huichuntang owner. Therefore, except for the nearby Hao'er, those in the distance could not hear it clearly.

The bloodthirsty voice and the cruel words frightened the Huichuntang owner so much that he couldn't say a word, and even the screams were gone. He looked at this huge one in horror and stepped him on its paws. The silver wolf under him had despair and regret in his eyes.

He had never thought that the child was not only a golden core monk, but there was actually such a powerful beast!As for whether it is a mythical beast or a super mythical beast, for him, there is no match...

Because he knows, he is dead!And will die miserably...

Hao'er walked over step by step and stood beside the silver wolf, staring at the man who was dying on the ground with his arms and legs full of bloodthirsty and cold eyes, and said every word: "Dare Hit the idea of ​​my brother and sister, die!"

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