After a while, Lin Yang, who had changed into a girl's clothes, walked out embarrassedly. He pulled the skirt on his body as he walked, his face flushed slightly, and he looked ashamed.

"Huh? You look pretty in women's clothing!" Yue'er's eyes lit up and she looked at him with a smile.

"But, but I think it seems weird." He tugged at the skirt on his body and looked at the beautiful sky blue dress again, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"No, no, very good. I will help you tie your hair." Yue'er walked towards him with a smile, took out a band of the same color to tie his hair, because it was tied for someone else. So instead of braiding him, she let his hair fall and half covered his face, making him look more and more girlish.

Yue'er took him down the trail, and the two of them spent most of the day out of the forest. When they got to the mountain road outside, Yue'er looked around, there was no one around, and said to him: "We Go ahead! See if you can find a place to stay before it gets dark."

"Okay." Lin Yang just responded when she saw her swiftly stepping up, and the speed was lifted up, so that he hurriedly picked up the skirt and ran after him.

At the same time, after Hao'er and Mu Chen in the forest received the summons from Yue'er, the two of them couldn't help but stunned, and then showed a smile.

They didn't expect that the fastest of the three was their sister, and they didn't know what method she used to gather the crystal cores so quickly?

Thinking that she was out of the forest, they also began to count their achievements these days. Mu Chen nodded, and saw that he was still short of thirteen to be enough for a hundred crystal nuclei. Seeing that the sky hadn't darkened yet, he After putting away the crystal nucleus, he walked into the forest, planning to see if he could hunt a few more before it got dark, and then hunt some more tomorrow, and it would be better to leave here the day after tomorrow.

Hao'er is far worse, because he has 300 crystal nuclei. Even if he worked hard these days, he still has 60 or 70 crystal nuclei. Similarly, he sees that the sky is not dark yet, so he has arrived. Go to the forest to continue hunting and killing fierce beasts, even thinking in my heart, you can try to kill some beasts that come out to prey at night.

The fierce beasts in the area where he is located are of higher rank, and most of the beasts that can be seen everywhere are of the sacred beast level. These days, the beasts in the large area in this area are becoming less and less, he thought, after hunting today, tomorrow You have to change place.

What he didn't know was that a group of sect disciples who had experienced in it, under the leadership of the elder of the sect, were also practicing around here, but when they walked through the forest, they were a little surprised.

"Strange, why do the beasts in this area seem to be missing a lot? Moreover, there seems to be traces of battles around here." A middle-aged man leading the team said, looking at the elders beside him, and said: "Three elders, Should we change places?"

"Let's walk around again, maybe a family with experience has been here." The elder said, he paused because he heard the faint roar of beasts in the forest.

"There is a roar of beasts, shall we go and see?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Originally, it was for the disciples to come and practice, let them go to explore." The elder turned around, looked at the two disciples behind him, and said: "You two should explore the situation in front of you. No matter what you see, don't be alarmed. Come back and report. ."

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