"I want a bottle." Yue'er said with a smile, took out ten gold coins and handed it to her.

"Okay, do you want this bottle? Or do you want to watch me squeeze another bottle?" the old woman asked.

"Just this bottle!" She watched her squeeze here just now, there is no problem.

"Okay, then you take it, go back and let your adult boil it for you, adding a little salt will taste better." The old woman suggested.

"Hmm, I know." She had it!

At the moment, holding the bottle of goat milk, spent a few gold coins, borrowed the restaurant’s kitchen to cook the goat’s milk, drank a bowl, and pretended to take away the rest.

When I came to the town and went around and bought some more things, when I was about to continue the journey, I saw a man holding an image and pasting it on a wall. After the person left, she leaned forward. Look, suddenly opened his eyes, and quickly jumped high and quickly tore off the image without people paying attention and put it into his arms.

"Those bastards actually want to catch me with a reward list." She wrinkled her nose, looked down at her dress, her eyes rolled, and a sly smile appeared on her small face. The next moment, He dodges and leaves.

At the same time, the surrounding cities and towns quickly posted a bounty list for missing people.And Mu Chen, who had just entered the town, frowned slightly when he saw the image on one of the walls where he entered the town. He stepped forward and looked at it carefully, his expression getting colder as he watched.

After entering the small town, he reached a resting place, and then he took out the summoning jade and asked to see if his sister encountered any problems.

After a while, the message came back from Yuzhong. After hearing the news from his sister, he let go of his heart. He just told her to be careful and told her where he is now. local.

Unsurprisingly, the two people walked on different roads. At this time, the town they were in was also far away. It was almost impossible to get together on the road at the same time. What's more, their masters were also It was clear that they would go back alone.

When Yueer went on the road again, she had already changed from a beautiful dress, but was wearing a beggar's clothes.She used to hear his father talk about things about her mother before, so she knew that her mother used to be very naughty and didn't like beautiful dresses, so she liked to pretend to be a beggar and walk around.

It is rare to have such an opportunity, and she also wants to be a little beggar when she learns her mother.Moreover, in this case, even if those people appeared in front of her, they probably wouldn't recognize her.

Shen Shiqi and others did not expect that this little girl would pretend to be a beggar and go on the road. At this moment, they were listening to the news that they had seen the little girl they were looking for, and some even said People have been caught, just waiting for them to pass.

Of course, after listening to the news coming from everywhere, a few of them couldn't help but glance at each other, and said: "Should we add one, should we teach some lessons from the fake?"

"No, it should be that the person who posted the reward list didn't do a good job. They passed the news without checking. It seems that they didn't care much about this matter." Shen Qiqi narrowed his eyes and showed a sneer. Come: "Maybe we are treated as ordinary casual cultivation. It seems that we have to do something to get results faster."

Hearing that, several people looked at each other, and they all showed a smile...

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