"It smells so good!" Yue'er sniffed, inhaling the scent in the air, her eyes glowing and looking for the scent and left.

Under a tree in the small woods, an old beggar was drinking wine and cooking meat. The pot in front of him was steaming and smelling, and the fire under the pot was still burning. Obviously, the meat in the pot does not seem to be cooked yet.

"Old beggar?" When Yue'er saw the beggar, there was an accident in her beautiful eyes. She ran forward and inhaled the scent by the pot. After smelling the scent, she narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"That's it, old beggar, what kind of meat are you cooking? Why is it so fragrant?" She rubbed herself against the wood where the old beggar was sitting, craned her neck and looked at it. The boiled meat under the cover swallowed like a cat.

The old beggar glanced at her and said, "You didn't get food?"

"No, they let the dogs bite me, so I ran away, not near the village!" Yue'er shook her head and said, staring at the pot that smelled of fragrance, and asked: "Old beggar, can the meat in this pot be Give me some? I'm hungry too!"

The old beggar held a branch and drew the flame, his old voice was unhurried and indifferent: "You are a beggar, and I am also a beggar, why should I give you some food!"

"I can give you money!" Yue'er looked at him with a smile, and took out a gold coin: "I will give you money and you will share what I eat, and I will not take advantage of you."

The old beggar glanced at her, stretched out his thin hand to take the gold coin, and said, "Have you brought a bowl?"

"Take it!" Yue'er responded with a smile, her voice was loud, and she took out a bowl from her arms.

The old beggar opened the lid, and a smell of meat scented his nose. The fragrance was overflowing, and it was even more greedy, causing Yue'er to swallow the water involuntarily, and she moved closer with the bowl in her hand.

"Hand it over." The old beggar yelled, took a spoonful and poured it into Yue'er's bowl, took another spoonful for himself, covered the lid and took two small twigs that had been cut as chopsticks to eat the meat. .

Yue'er owns chopsticks, she sits back with the bowl of meat and eats it. A mouthful of the meat, the rich smell of meat also diffuses in her mouth. She opened her mouth slightly because of the hot meat, and then lowered her head to eat. .

While drinking wine and eating meat, the old beggar glanced at the little beggar next to him from time to time. Seeing that her bowl was empty, he added a large spoon to her.

Yue'er ate three full bowls of meat before she stopped. She hugged her belly and leaned on the tree to exhale, her little face full of satisfaction, and curiously asked: "Old beggar, what kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant? I have eaten a lot of meat, but I have never eaten this kind of stewed meat, it is really fragrant."

"This is dog meat." The old beggar sipped his wine and said unhurriedly.

Yue'er froze for a moment, and almost instinctively whispered: "Dog meat? This is dog meat? You, where's your dog from?" After the words fell, I didn't know what was thinking, and her eyes opened wide in astonishment.

The old beggar took another bite of meat and ate it, and said, "It's the big yellow dog at the entrance of the village. It happened to be a pot of stew." After speaking, he glanced at her, and a joking smile was drawn in his muddy eyes, and said: "Why? You don't eat dog meat? Just now you said it was delicious, and you also ate three bowls."

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