She didn't speak, but after the pie, she lowered her head and nodded, as if to thank you.

"Hehe, old Shen, don't throw things like this, be careful to scare the little beggar." A man behind said, glanced at the little beggar and laughed.

Hearing this, Shen Shiqi, who had already looked away, looked back and saw the little beggar lowered his head, and he just nodded his head vigorously without saying a word. He raised his eyebrows and was about to speak. Just listen to the old beggar's voice of joy and gratitude.

"Thank you to the masters. My granddaughter is dumb and courageous. I thank the masters on her behalf." said the old beggar.

Dumb?Yue'er became stiff, but didn't say much, just shrank next to the old beggar and kept her head down, holding the two big cakes tightly in her hands.

"Okay, it's not a big deal. By the way, have you ever met a five-year-old girl? Wearing a little pink dress, she looks like an elf and very pleasant." Shen Shiqi asked.

"Yes, the little girl gave the little old man a gold coin." The old beggar said, taking out the gold coin that Yue'er gave last night and spread it out in his palm.

Seeing this, Shen Shiqi's eyes lit up, and they looked at each other and laughed: "Let's just say it! That little girl has no other way to go except this way. I guess she just wants to go back to the city."

"Old beggar, how long has the little girl been away?" another person asked.

"The little old man met her yesterday. Last night, the little old man and his granddaughter stayed in the woods all night, and the little girl didn't know." The old beggar said and shook his head.

"Let's go! Let's speed up a little bit, and maybe we can catch up." Shen Shiqi smiled and said, driving the contract beast forward.

A few people rode on the beast, and there was a splash of dust on the mountain road. After the few people left until they were out of sight, Yue'er raised her head and exhaled lightly, and patted her chest with one hand.

"so close."

She gasped, looked at the old beggar, handed him a big pie in her hand, and said with a smile: "Old beggar, you have a good reaction ability! Here it is."

The old beggar glanced at her and said, "You can save yourself to eat!" He said, holding a stick and a stick in one hand and stood up, while saying: "Those people are not ordinary casual cultivators, how did you provoke them? "

"You don't know, those few are just idle and bored, just looking for something to do." Yue'er glared, and said helplessly: "I didn't provoke them, they came to provoke me. , Have been following me and have been following me. I was so annoyed that I pretended to be a beggar and chased me all the time, not knowing what they wanted to do."

"Then you go ahead? Are you afraid of meeting them?" the old beggar asked.

"I have to go forward because I'm going to the front city." She laughed and said, "They didn't recognize me. Didn't they recognize me just now? However, I don't expect to be with you anymore. Go, if you are not in a hurry to go to the city by yourself, go slowly, I'm still rushing back!"

As she spoke, her figure flew out several meters, and waved to him: "Old beggar, goodbye, if I can still meet you next time, I will treat you to a big meal." The voice diminished and the figure drifted away. .

The old beggar watched her leave, a smile appeared on the old face, and he continued walking forward unhurriedly...

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