"Okay, go back to take a bath!" Qingdi waved his hand, motioned the two to retreat, and said: "These days you practice by yourself, and wait for your senior brother to come back together to see you as a teacher."

"Yes." The two responded, and then they bowed back.

On the way back to their cave, Yue'er was telling her brother what she had encountered outside these days, and how she caught those crystal nuclei.

"Brother, did you encounter any funny things outside?" Yue'er asked curiously.

Hearing this, Mu Chen's expression took a halt and said: "When I met a lady, she looked very weak, but she was actually very strong and powerful. Meeting her made me understand one thing."

Yue'er blinked and asked curiously: "What do you understand?"

Mu Chen looked at her and said seriously: "You can't look at the surface in everything, and the weaker the woman, the more powerful, and the more deceptive it is.

"A lie?" Yue'er was startled, smiled a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked: "Brother, Yue'er doesn't deceive people often! Yue'er only deceives bad people occasionally."

The corners of Mu Chen's lips raised slightly, and his face softened. He stretched out his hand and rubbed her bird's nest-like hair, and said, "Well, brother knows that Yue'er has always been behaved and smart."

"Brother, I will go back to take a shower and change clothes first. When I came back, I bought a lot of delicious food. We will go down to the tree to eat." Yue'er said, waved at him and returned to his cave first.

On the other hand, Hao'er is in constant conditions here.

In an alley of a small town, he saw the drug dealers on the ground selling some rare and unknown seeds, so he squatted down to select some and prepared to go back to give them to Yue'er.

Unexpectedly, when he checked out and was about to stand up, he was suddenly knocked off by a stick, and the whole person fainted before he could even react.

At the moment before the coma, he had deep regret and self-blame in his heart.He was careless, thinking that nothing would happen in such a place, but he didn't want to put himself in danger because of his carelessness and slack.

When he woke up, he was already locked in a small dark room. There was nothing to see in the dark room, but he could hear the messy breathing and the depressive cry of low sobbing.

He tried to sit against the corner as much as possible, while checking whether the things on his body were still there. When he found that his universe bag had been taken away, but his space ring was still there, he was determined. .

Most of his things, but all valuable and useful things are put in the space ring, and his space ring is not an ordinary space ring. The only three of them are space bracelets, he and Mu Chen and It is the space ring, because after improvement and upgrade, the space ring of the three of them has hidden functions.

As for the things in Qiankun's bag, except for some daily food and some gold coins, there are no valuable things in it, and he is not nervous when they take it away.

But, where is this place right now?Who caught him again?What do they want to do?These questions turned back in his mind. Although he was anxious, he gradually calmed down after encountering many things.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He lowered his voice and asked a little boy next to him.

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