"You, you wait for us!" Zhao Ziming shouted, running desperately through gritted teeth.

Nangong Yuyan, who was a few steps behind, was frightened by the great apes, so she also used ten percent of the speed to escape.

A few of them ran all the way to the depths of the forest. After the giant ape behind chased for a long way, they didn’t know why, they all stopped gradually, just screaming in place, but No longer chasing.

The three of Hao'er looked back as they ran, until they no longer saw the great apes, they exhaled heavily and stopped to rest.

When Zhao Ziming and Nangong Yuyan came to them, they only saw the three of them leaning on their knees and half-bending over there panting. Because of the long distance, the three of them sweated a lot. His face was flushed from the heat.

"You, why are you running so fast?" Zhao Ziming panted slightly, with one hand on his hips, came to them and asked.

Nangong Yuyan was so tired that she didn't even want to say anything. She sat down directly under the tree beside her, panting heavily, taking out the water and drinking.

"The master said that the cultivation level can not be home, but the ability to escape must be practiced home, so we can't do anything else, but the effort to escape is definitely first-class." Yue'er blushed, blinking a pair of beautiful eyes. The face was talking nonsense seriously.

The three of them are not only good at fleeing their lives, they are also capable of self-defense, otherwise their master would not let them in here.

What's more, they have long been accustomed to those fierce beasts and the like. If they are not worried about releasing the ancient coercion in their bodies to make people aware, they only need to call out their contract beasts, or release them from their bodies. Under the pressure of the ancient mythical beasts, those great apes naturally did not dare to chase them anymore.

However, they also remembered the master's words, and they couldn't call out their contract beasts as a last resort, so as not to be found out by some people with ulterior motives.

Hearing what she said, the two stared at the three of them, unable to speak a word for a while.

The effort to escape is more than superb?Even if the two of them can't catch up with them, it's not the same, but what makes them stunned and unbelievable is that they are so young, how can they practice this ability to escape?

Nangong Yuyan looked at the three of them and said, "I didn't expect that you would only be able to practice such footwork in a year or so under the seat of the Qing Emperor. You are really clever and talented. No wonder Qing The emperor will accept you as disciples."

"Two, there is a lot of danger here, and there are many fierce beasts. I think we'd better go separately, lest there are too many people and it will easily attract the attention of the fierce beasts." Hao'er looked at them and said, not waiting for them. He said, he said, "Please, please."

After speaking, he looked at Mu Chen and Yue'er and said, "Follow me."

"Okay." The two responded.Yue'er looked at the two of them, raised her hand with a smile, and said: "Then we will go first, you take care."

"Hey, you guys..." As soon as Zhao Ziming spoke, he saw that the three of them had already lifted their energy and swept into the forest. They could not help but opened their mouths, and they couldn't say anything.

"Brother, these three people are not easy." Nangong Yuyan said, stood up and looked at the direction the three people were leaving, and said, "Their resilience is extremely fast."

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