
"Little nine!"


Du Fan, Guan Xilin and others watched the scene with excitement tears in their eyes. They shouted loudly and waved at Feng Jiu who was standing in the wind.

The fear of more than twenty days was finally let go at this moment. At this moment, apart from excitement, everyone had joy.

She finally made it!

She is finally about to ascend to the Nine Heavens!From the moment that the last sky thunder fell, she had a whole body of fairy bones, and possessed the supreme lifespan with the same life as the world!

Looking at the red figure standing in the wind and shrouded in sacred light and joy, everyone's eyes were full of pride. It was their master and their relatives!

Feng Jiu slowly turned around after hearing their voices. The red dress drew a graceful arc as she turned around. After she turned around, the red skirt was also in the wind. There are circles of charming skirt flowers.

In that holy light, her figure gradually flew up, her feet left the ground, and she, just standing still, a softness appeared when her quiet eyes fell on the familiar ones, the allure of Wushuang As a result, there was a beautiful smile on his face.

"Take care of my family for me. I'm leaving, but I will come back!"

Her voice came from the air, the voice was soft, but it contained firm belief, and it was clear to everyone's ears.

"Master, rest assured! Subordinates and others will live up to the master's entrustment!"

Du Fan and others said in unison, they clasped their fists and bowed, knelt on one knee, and all raised their heads, watching their master gradually go away...

"Ajiu! We are waiting for you to come back! You have to take care of yourself! You must take good care of yourself!" Wan Yan Qianhua shouted loudly, waving at Feng Jiu.

"Xiao Jiu, you have to take care! There are us in the house, don't worry!" Guan Xilin also shouted loudly, waving at her, watching her figure gradually go towards the rainbow bridge in the holy light, until there. The colorful clouds above.

Until, the sound of the fairy music in the sky gradually dissipated, the fairy air in the air gradually disappeared, and the holy light gradually disappeared, the colorful fairy road in the sky also disappeared without a trace, together with the dazzling The red figure...

Seeing her soaring, Wanyan Qianhua, Guan Xilin and others looked back, and they glanced at each other.Guan Xilin grinned and laughed loudly: "I am going to go back to Feng's old house and tell grandpa the good news to them. They will be very happy to hear this news."

Hearing this, Wanyan Qianhua nodded: "Let’s go back with you. Speaking of it, I haven’t seen them for a long time. Now Xiao Jiu has successfully ascended, and there is nothing to worry about for her. Let’s go back with you and meet. they."

"Okay." Guan Xilin responded, looking at Du Fan and the others, wondering what kind of arrangements Xiao Jiu made for them before he left?

Du Fan and the others had already stood up at this time. After hearing what they said, Du Fan and the others discussed it, and then they came over.

When he came to them, Du Fan said: "Since you plan to go back, then we won't go back. Now the master is not here, but there are a lot of things on hand, except for the two who stayed here with the phoenix guards. Besides, the rest of us will make other arrangements to deal with other things."

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