Even if none of them, the fairy monarchs and fairy wengs, have seen the newly ascended Phoenix Lord, they have also heard that she is a woman, a beautiful woman with a majestic face, and, She likes to wear red, as long as people who have seen her once, she will never forget her face in her life.

At this moment, even though they had never seen the Phoenix Master, but looking at the beautiful red-clothed woman standing in the sky, they also knew that this person must be the Phoenix Master!

"Why are you here?"

Feng Jiu's voice was cold and contained strong pressure, echoing in the air, and clearly reaching everyone's ears.

It was her cold voice that drew back their stunned sanity.They lowered their heads quickly, not daring to look directly at her face.One of the immortals knelt down to her as soon as he pulled up his robe.

"I will come to visit Lord Phoenix. From now on, I will be the subjects of Lord Phoenix. In this life, I will be honored by Lord Phoenix and will be sent by Phoenix Lord!"

As soon as the voice of the immortal was heard, everyone was relieved. There was originally a trace of hesitation. After seeing the immortal knelt down, he immediately followed him and bowed down and gave a big salute.

"I will come to visit Lord Phoenix. From now on, I will be the subjects of Lord Phoenix. In this life, I will be honored by Lord Phoenix and will be sent by Phoenix Lord!"

No matter what their thoughts, and no matter what shock they have, at this moment, the Great Emperor Beiyan has fallen, and the Lord Feng is in charge of their world, so they are honored, and they cannot tolerate them not surrender!

Even if she is only a woman, in the face of strength and status, they must respectfully kneel in front of her, without a trace of presumption and disrespect.

The voices of the people contained spiritual energy and gathered into one breath, resounding loudly and powerfully in the air.

Standing volley in the wind, Feng Jiu looked at the people who were kneeling down below. Countless strong men bowed down and bowed at her feet to respect her. At this moment, her mood was still calm as usual, unable to arouse any excitement. And rejoice.

It's as if all this is taken for granted, and all this is already so accustomed.

The crowd knelt and bowed their heads to their palms. There was no sound from above that made them get up. At this moment, they did not dare to raise their heads, or stand up, let alone a trace of dissatisfaction.

Because they knew that there was a huge disparity in strength, and if the Phoenix Lord wanted to kill them, even if they were the honorable princes of the immortal monarchs with extraordinary status, she could still take their lives with her fingers.

Another point is that these people, just a few days ago, just gave the order of the Great Northern Flame to cut off the goods and resources in the Phoenix Lord's territory. If she is guilty, I am afraid they...

Thinking of this, cold sweat oozes from the foreheads of the people kneeling on the ground, dripping down the sailor, feeling the whole body is cold, and the heart is overwhelming, very panicked.

Feng Jiu deliberately frustrated their vigor, so she kept letting them kneel and bowed, keeping that posture still. After a while, she spoke.

"Your past, I won't pursue it anymore, but from this moment on, if someone treats me violently, he will end up just like the North Flame Great Emperor who has no bones!"

The cold voice carried an intriguing chill, and the voice was not hurried or slow, but it made everyone's hearts tremble, like a stormy wave!

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