"Ahem! Ahem... ahem..."

Inside the room, there were a few low, depressed coughing sounds. As soon as he heard the coughing sound, the man didn't care to drive the two people outside, but could not help but ran into the house nervously.

"What's wrong? Why did you cough again? Drink a glass of water slowly." The man quickly poured a glass of water for her, and gave her a drink carefully.

But, who knows that the old woman took a sip and coughed again, only feeling a puff of blood pouring up, and the water that hadn't swallowed spurted out together with the pouring blood.


"Yueniang!" The man exclaimed, his face changed drastically.

Outside, when Feng Jiu heard the man's exclamation, he immediately got up and walked inside. When he came inside, he saw the old woman spraying blood from the population, her face pale and fainted.

"Hurry up and take her to the bed!" Feng Jiu said.

After hearing Feng Jiu's words, the man in a panic and without a sense of mind quickly picked up the fainted person and strode onto the bed inside, shouting: "Yueniang, Yueniang, wake up, don't scare me, don't scare I……"

The dignified man, his eyes became red at this moment, tears rolled in his eyes, and even his voice became choked.

After putting someone on the bed, he still held her hand by the bed and shouted: "Yueniang, Yueniang, wake up!"

"Get out of the way, I'll help her take a look." Feng Jiu said, and was about to walk forward when he was pushed by the man with red eyes.

"Go away! Go away! Don't touch my Yueniang! Go away!" The man yelled, angry at the woman of unknown origin who wanted to get close to his most important person.

Seeing that this deep-rooted relationship is a seed of infatuation, Feng Jiu doesn't care about him, but looking at the old woman with a very weak aura on the bed, she finally can't bear to have a pair of people who love each other forever.

"I am proficient in medicine. She has an old illness and has been prolonged for many years. It is not easy to be able to hold on until now. Now she is vomiting bleeding and aggravating her condition. If you don't let me treat her, she will not survive today." Feng Jiu Speaking lightly, he didn't come forward, just standing three steps away from the bed and looking at the crazy man.

When the man heard it, there was a struggle in his eyes.He doesn't know the origins of these two people, but he knows what the physical condition of the person he loves is, so that he can heal his beloved person to someone he doesn't know. He...

The heart is struggling.

In the end, she was shocked by the sentence that she would not survive today if she was not allowed to heal.

He stood up and walked away silently, but his eyes were fixed on the woman's movements in red, for fear that she would do something bad to her.

Seeing him staring at Feng Jiu like a mad wolf, Song Mi'er said: "Uncle Tie, don't worry, we are not bad guys, and we will not do anything to harm you."

Of course, the man didn’t speak, as if he hadn’t heard him, he just stared at Feng Jiu, watching her take out the silver needle to help her treat her inferior veins. Seeing her proficient injection technique, he pressed his lips , Forced to endure the urge to step forward and take the silver needle.

Feng Jiu also ignored him, but concentrated on helping the old woman in bed with emergency first aid. As time passed, the old woman who had fainted gradually woke up, and at this time, Feng Jiu was also taking care of it. Collected the silver needles pierced in her acupuncture points one by one.

"Yueniang!" The man called in surprise, and hurried forward.

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