"It doesn't have to be so troublesome to boil water, I just go take a cold shower at that stream." He grinned and said.

Knowing that he usually takes a lot of cold water baths, so he didn't say anything, but smiled softly and said: "Then I will prepare some food for you. You will be able to eat it when you come back later."

"Okay." He nodded, then turned and left.

Because Yueniang's body was getting better and the knife Mi'er wanted was refined, Feng Jiu took them down the mountain and left after eating at noon that day.

"Sister, where are we going now?" Mi'er asked, looking at Feng Jiu beside her.

Feng Jiu walked casually, and said, "Go back first! I have some time to come out, so I have to go back and have a look, lest something happens."

The two following listened and couldn't help but glance at each other.So far, they don't know who she is?Where will you take them?However, since I have agreed, I will naturally not regret it, so I did not ask more.

It wasn't until Feng Jiu took them to the suspended fairy island with a spacecraft that Yueniang couldn't help but ask: "Miss, we still don't know her name, I don't know..."

"My name is Feng Jiu." She smiled while sitting on the bow drinking spirit wine.

Of course, it’s okay for them not to ask. This question, when they heard the name and name, they were shocked: "Feng surname? I have never heard of any family with the surname Feng. I don’t know where the lady’s family is. Where?"

Song Mi'er, who was eating fruit on the side, listened and said with a smile: "I didn't have it before, but I just had one! The Phoenix Master who soared a while ago is my sister!"


When the two heard this, they couldn't help exclaiming. They used to live on the mountain, and they didn't inquire and understand much about the outside. Naturally, they didn't know that there was such a newly ascended Phoenix Master.

So, Mi Er told them all the things that happened during this time, and they heard surprise in their eyes.

They didn't expect that the person they met in a muddle was actually a great emperor!And she is the only female emperor among the great emperors!

"Miss, we really don't know Taishan, so please don't be offended by Miss." The two of them quickly bowed and bowed.

"You don't have that much distance with me, get up!" Feng Jiu said, took a sip of the drink, looked at them, and said, "From now on, you will stay in my Spirit Island fairy mansion! No one is there now, but it will be lively in the future."

"Yes, thank you, Miss!" The two responded, and smiled at each other.

They really didn't expect this kind of situation. With such an opportunity, they would naturally cherish it.

The spacecraft was flying. Suddenly, Feng Jiu raised his brow and looked out of the spacecraft.

The man seemed to be aware of something, and quickly looked behind the spacecraft, and saw a group of people chasing them behind, some riding birds, and some holding flying swords.

"Miss, there is a team of about thirty or forty people chasing us, gradually forming an outflank shape." He turned around and said to Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu curled her lips and smiled: "Let's see what they want to do!" As her voice fell, the spacecraft that had been flying steadily flew down gradually, as if it was about to stop. Ground.

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